EWL News

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  • The EWL gathers key players to discuss violence against women at EU and international level

    The EWL gathers key players to discuss violence against women at EU and international level

    [Brussels, 12 October 2012] The EWL organised on Monday 08 October a strategic seminar gathering key high-level decision-makers and representatives of women’s organisations to discuss the issue of violence against women at the European and international level. Entitled ‘From the local to the global level: Moving forward to end violence against women’, and supported by MEP Raül Romeva and the Heinrich Böll Foundation, the seminar was a unique time for representatives of EU institutions, the (...) Read more

  • EWL Observatory on violence against women meets in Brussels

    EWL Observatory on violence against women meets in Brussels

    [Brussels, 12 October 2012] “It is time to act! Even if we can see some progress here and there, we are still facing too many challenges, and new ones are being added” was the conclusion drawn last weekend by the experts of the EWL Observatory on Violence against Women. Coming from all over Europe, the experts held their yearly meeting in Brussels on 06-07 October.
    At this working meeting, the experts shared their experience and analysis of the most striking issues they are facing: while (...) Read more

  • Le LEF réunit expertes et acteurs européens pour discuter des violences faites aux femmes

    Le LEF réunit expertes et acteurs européens pour discuter des violences faites aux femmes

    [Bruxelles, le 12 Octobre 2012] Le lundi 8 octobre, le LEF a organisé un séminaire stratégique, en rassemblant d’importants décideurs et représentants d’organisations des femmes, pour discuter la question des violences faites aux femmes aux niveaux européen et international. Intitulé « From the local to the global level : Moving forward to end violence against women » (“Du local au global: progresser pour éradiquer les violences faites aux femmes”) et supporté par le Parlementaire Européen Raül Romeva (...) Read more

  • Vacancy: Paid internship at the EWL Secretariat

    Vacancy: Paid internship at the EWL Secretariat

    [Brussels, 11 October 2012] The EWL is seeking to recruit a full time paid intern for the first half of 2013, starting 07 January 2013. To apply, please complete the application form hereunder and return it by e-mail to: ewl@womenlobby.org, mentioning in the subject line ‘Application for paid internship’.
    NB: Applications, which do not respect the instructions for filling the form, CVs and applications sent by post will not be considered.
    The deadline for applications is 08 November (...) Read more

  • Czech Republic - EWL members launch the 50/50 campaign with the motto ‘Time to Change’

    Czech Republic - EWL members launch the 50/50 campaign with the motto ‘Time to Change'

    [Brussels, 11 October 2012] The Czech member organisation of EWL is running its quota campaigns for preferential votes for women called ‘Time to Change’ and ‘Chicken tour’, as the regional elections for the senate take place the 12 and the 19 of October. The goal of the Forum 50% is to support women in politics and to raise awareness of the lack of women in decision making in the Czech Republic.
    For the EWL, the under-representation of women constitutes a serious democratic deficit, which (...) Read more

  • Ireland - Lone parents and low paid target of cuts, say EWL members

    Ireland - Lone parents and low paid target of cuts, say EWL members

    [Brussels, 10 October 2012] EWL members in Ireland last week organised a conference bringing to light the gender-skewed impact of national austerity measures. The conference ‘Bearing The Brunt? Women and the Recession’ was covered in the Irish Times newspaper:
    [The Irish Times, 09 October 2012] Sectors of the population dominated by women have become “special targets” in [Irish] Government efforts to cut costs, a foremost expert on social policy has said.
    Dr Pauline Conroy, speaking at a (...) Read more

  • EWL addresses French cosmetics companies on representation of women in advertising

    EWL addresses French cosmetics companies on representation of women in advertising

    [Brussels, 09 October 2012] EWL Communications and Media Officer, Leanda Barrington-Leach, yesterday addressed approximately 80 representatives of the cosmetics industry in France on the subject of the representation of women in advertising and the impact on women’s rights and gender equality.
    The Fédération des Entreprises de la Beauté (FEBEA) on 02 October adopted the Charter and Guiding Principles on Responsible Advertising and Marketing Communication published by their EU-level trade body, (...) Read more

  • EWL participates in last meeting of European Network of Women in Decision-making

    EWL participates in last meeting of European Network of Women in Decision-making

    [Brussels, 05 October 2012] EWL Secretary General Cécile Gréboval participated on 28 September in the final meeting of the European Network of Women in Decision-making. The EWL regrets the decision of the European Commission to close this platform for the advancement of equality between women and men.
    At the last meeting, discussions included the European Commission future legislative initiative for more equality on Board, which is supported by the majority of the Network members.
    The (...) Read more

  • Luxembourg - Les membres du LEF présentent l’Observatoire des élections communales 2011

    Luxembourg - Les membres du LEF présentent l'Observatoire des élections communales 2011

    [Luxembourg, 04 octobre 2012] Le Conseil National des Femmes au Luxembourg a publié un « Observatoire de la participation politique des femmes aux élections communales de 2011 » au Grand-Duché de Luxembourg.
    Depuis 1999, les travaux de l’Observatoire contribuent à compléter une importante base de données sur les femmes qui ont participé aux élections depuis 1919 au Luxembourg ainsi qu’à la publication de la brochure avec des statistiques détaillées et les conclusions qui s’en dégagent.
    Le CNFL diffuse (...) Read more

  • Sweden - Prostitution put back on the agenda

    Sweden - Prostitution put back on the agenda

    [Brussels, 28 September 2012] Women’s organisations, including the EWL, met this week in Stockholm to discuss strengthening the legislation which has already made Sweden a model in Europe for its approach to the system of prostitution. In the struggle for equality between women and men, Sweden has been at the forefront of working towards abolishing prostitution. Its 1999 law on violence against women was the first one in Europe to qualify prostitution as a form of male violence and address (...) Read more



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