EWL News

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  • EWL meets journalists to present a women’s rights perspective on human trafficking

    EWL meets journalists to present a women's rights perspective on human trafficking

    [Brussels, 26 September 2012] EWL Communications & Media Officer, Leanda Barrington-Leach, on Monday addressed a group of journalists invited to Brussels by the European Commission and the European Journalism Centre to investigate the realities of human trafficking in Europe and the EU policies in place to tackle this phenomenon. Following interventions by Commissioner Cecilia Malmstrom, EU Anti-Trafficking Coordinator, Myria Vassiliadou, and a variety of EU officials, the EWL presented (...) Read more

  • EWL and MEPs join forces to increase representation of women in next European legislature

    EWL and MEPs join forces to increase representation of women in next European legislature

    [Brussels, 25 September 2012] Members of the European Parliament alliance for women in decision-making last week reaffirmed their commitment to the EWL’s 50/50 Campaign for Democracy and called on their MEP colleagues to join the coalition ahead of the 2014 European Elections. At their second meeting this year, the members of the cross-party alliance also agreed on further actions to make parity democracy a reality in the context of the upcoming European Parliament Elections and related (...) Read more

  • Women on Boards: EWL calls for end to anachronistic and economically incapacitating 85% ‘male quota’

    Women on Boards: EWL calls for end to anachronistic and economically incapacitating 85% ‘male quota'

    [Brussels, 19 September 2012] The EWL has written to the European Commission and Member States in response to a letter signed by 9 countries against a proposed EU Directive to increase the number of women on boards across Europe. Although well below our expectations, the EWL is giving its full backing to Commissioner Reding’s proposal, and calling on all parties to do the same. You can find the full letter below.
    Dear EU leaders,
    We, members of the European Women’s Lobby and representing (...) Read more

  • EWL celebrates success of "This is my home now" film Premiere

    EWL celebrates success of "This is my home now" film Premiere

    [Brussels, 19 September 2012] The EWL on 13 September held in Brussels the Premiere of the documentary jointly produced with the European Network of Migrant Women "This is my home now". More than 200 people turned out for the event held in the Galeries Cinema in Brussels. The films aims at breaking stereotypes of migrant women in Europe and is available on DVD for purchase (10 euros + shipping costs depending on your location; please e-mail ewl@womenlobby.org) and for distribution (if you (...) Read more

  • EWL and partners call on MEPs to support funding programme for gender equality

    EWL and partners call on MEPs to support funding programme for gender equality

    [Brussels, 18 September 2012] On the occasion of the current discussions in the LIBE Committee of the European Parliament, the European Disability Forum (EDF), the European Women’s Lobby (EWL), The European Network Against Racism (ENAR), ILGA-Europe and AGE Platform Europe highlighted their comments on the proposal for a Rights and Citizenship Programme under the future EU budget for 2014-2020.
    The proposal for a Regulation establishing for the period 2014-2020 the Rights and Citizenship (...) Read more

  • EWL Board member Ana Peláez Narváez elected in UN high level Committee on disability

    EWL Board member Ana Peláez Narváez elected in UN high level Committee on disability

    [Brussels, 12 September 2012] The European Disability Forum (EDF) and the European Women’s Lobby (EWL) are delighted to see that Ms Ana Peláez Narváez has been elected as member in the Committee of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRDP).
    EDF has issued a press release congratulating the new members of the CRDP Committee, amongst them EWL Board Member Ana Peláez Narváez and EDF President Yannis Vardakastanis.
    The fifth session of the Conference of States Parties to the (...) Read more

  • Sex trade without borders – How can the Swedish sex purchase law be strengthened? - EWL members’ Conference in Stockholm on 26 September 2012

    Sex trade without borders – How can the Swedish sex purchase law be strengthened? - EWL members' Conference in Stockholm on 26 September 2012

    [Brussels, 12 September 2012] In the framework of EWL’s campaign ‘Together for a Europe free from prostitution’, the Swedish Women’s Lobby organises on 26 September 2012 a European conference aiming at discussing how to strengthen the Swedish sex purchase law.
    The Swedish sex purchase law has proved great success in the work against prostitution and towards increased equality between women and men. However, increased globalisation and tourism brings new challenges as the sex trade transcends (...) Read more

  • ETUC Women’s Commitee survey results about the gender impact of the crisis (2011)

    ETUC Women's Commitee survey results about the gender impact of the crisis (2011)

    [Brussels, 12 September 2012] As part of the follow up to the 11th ETUC Congress held in Seville (Spain) in May 2007, ETUC carried out the fourth of what has become an annual 8th March survey. The aim of this survey is to assess progress in reducing the gender representation gap in trade unions and to highlight successful gender mainstreaming activities that are taking place within our affiliated organisations. Every year the survey also focuses on a topic that is crucial for trade unions (...) Read more

  • Join us in Brussels for the Premiere of the documentary "This is my home now" by Saddie Choua produced by EWL and the European Network of Migrant Women !

    Join us in Brussels for the Premiere of the documentary "This is my home now" by Saddie Choua produced by EWL and the European Network of Migrant Women !

    [Brussels, 7 September 2012] The European Women’s Lobby, the European Network of Migrant Women, the Conseil des Femmes Francophones de Belgique and the Nederlandstalige Vrouwenraad are pleased to invite you to the European Premiere of the documentary film This is My Home Now by Saddie Choua on Thursday 13 September at 19.30 at the Galeries Cinema, Brussels.
    Saddie Choua’s latest film follows the stories of three women of migrant background living in the Europe. While struggling for their (...) Read more

  • Draft of EU Directive on women on boards is not going far enough, says the EWL

    Draft of EU Directive on women on boards is not going far enough, says the EWL

    [Brussels 4 September 2012] The EWL welcomes the efforts that are being made by DG Justice, and especially, Commissioner Ms. Viviane Reding, leading a legislative process aiming at introducing binding measures at European level to achieve the equal representation of women and men on corporate boards. The EWL pledges for parity on corporate boards and is alerted by the announcement of several newspaper articles that Ms. Viviane Reding would apply quota only to supervisory boards as it is (...) Read more



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