EWL News

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  • Member States must support investment in a strong European Social Fund (ESF) if they are serious about poverty target

    Member States must support investment in a strong European Social Fund (ESF) if they are serious about poverty target

    [Brussels, 21 June 2012] Today, 18 social NGOs have sent a joint letter to Prime Ministers ahead of their General Affairs Council meeting on 26th June, urging them to back the European Commission’s proposal on the Cohesion policy budget and on the European Social Fund (ESF) for social inclusion and fighting poverty. This proposal is vital as nearly 1 in 4 persons are already experiencing poverty and social exclusion in the EU, a situation that demands urgent social investment. Still, a vast (...) Read more

  • Progress on gender equality needed if EU is to meet 2020 economic and financial goals

    Progress on gender equality needed if EU is to meet 2020 economic and financial goals

    [Brussels, 20 June 2012] The EWL this week addressed the European Conference ‘Gendering the Flagships’ which gave a clear message to Europe’s economic decision-makers: Reaching the Europe 2020 objectives is unrealistic without a strenghened commitment to gender equality in all economic and financial decisions.
    The conference - an initiative of the European Commission (DG Employment) and the European Community of Practice on Gender Mainstreaming (GenderCop.eu) - was on the need to promote a (...) Read more

  • ‘Due diligence’ and violence against women - States’ responsibilities in the spotlight with new international project

    ‘Due diligence' and violence against women - States' responsibilities in the spotlight with new international project

    [Brussels, 20 June 2012] On 15-16 June, the EWL participated in the experts’ meeting of the international project examining the requirement of ‘Due Diligence’ of States in relation to violence against women, highlighting the problematic diversity of engagement between EU Member States in combating the phenomenon. The aim of the project is to examine States’ responsibility and the due diligence principle in relation to violence against women. Public international law mandates that States take (...) Read more

  • EWL welcomes strong focus on women’s rights in new EU approach to human trafficking

    EWL welcomes strong focus on women's rights in new EU approach to human trafficking

    [Brussels, 19 June 2012] The European Women’s Lobby (EWL), the largest coalition of women’s NGOs in Europe, has welcomed the launch today of the new EU Strategy to combat human trafficking, which has a strong focus on women’s rights and gender equality.
    The Strategy, which aims to provide an integrated, coherent, and outcome-oriented strategy towards the eradication of trafficking in human beings, was presented today by EU Commissioner for Home Affairs, Cecilia Malmström.
    The EWL has long (...) Read more

  • EWL calls on European decision-makers to support gender-sensitive family reunification policies

    EWL calls on European decision-makers to support gender-sensitive family reunification policies

    [Brussels, 15 June 2012] The EWL spoke at a Public Hearing on the right to family Reunification of Third Country Nationals living in the EU on 01 June in Brussels. This Public Hearing, held in the European Economic and Social Committee, was organised in the framework of the 7th European Integration Forum.
    The EWL used this key opportunity to highlight the main demands of EWL joint campaign with the European Network of Migrant Women (ENoMW) for gender-sensitive family reunification (...) Read more

  • Promoting gender equality in economic policies

    Promoting gender equality in economic policies

    EWL adds a gender perspective to the Country Specific Recommendations in relation to stability, growth and jobs
    [Brussels, 14 June 2012] In the framework of the EWL’s work to gender the economic policy coordination in Europe, the organisation has joined forces with the European Greens/EFA Group, trade unions and other NGO’s to advocate a strong gender perspective in this year’s Country Specific Recommendations.
    As a key part of the so-called European Semester process, the Recommendations are (...) Read more

  • EWL conference in Bulgaria set to study links between trafficking in women and prostitution

    EWL conference in Bulgaria set to study links between trafficking in women and prostitution

    [Brussels, 14 June 2012] The Bulgarian Women’s Lobby (BWL) and the European Women’s Lobby (EWL) will in July host an international conference on “Trafficking in women and prostitution: Bulgarian and European perspectives”. The conference will take place on 13 July 2012 in Sofia in the framework of EWL campaign ‘Together for a Europe free from prostitution’.
    The event is foreseen as a key opportunity for Bulgarian stakeholders, politicians, professionals and NGOs, to get in-depth knowledge on the (...) Read more

  • Tunisian Association of Democratic Women to be honoured in European Parliament

    Tunisian Association of Democratic Women to be honoured in European Parliament

    [Brussels, 07 June 2012] On the occasion of the Alexander Langer award 2012 granted to the Association of Democratic Women (ATFD), the European Women’s Lobby (EWL) joins the Heinrich Böll Stiftung initiative, together with Actions in the Mediterranean (AIM), the Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Network (EMHRN) and the International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) to celebrate the long standing engagement and commitment of ATFD. ATFD was the first feminist organisation in Tunisia working on (...) Read more

  • EWL launches exhibition at Amazone

    EWL launches exhibition at Amazone

    [Brussels, 05 June 2012] The EWL today launched a three-month photographic exhibition at Amazone in Brussels. Amazone is a ressource centre hosting Belgian women’s organisations.
    The outcome of a Europe-wide competition in 2010, the EWL exhibition ‘My World: Visions of Feminism in the 21st Century’ explores the meaning young women atribute today to feminism.
    Out of many hundreds of images making creative and powerful statements on the theme of ‘21st Century Feminism’, a high-level jury (...) Read more

  • MEPs give prostitution at sporting events the red card in support of EWL campaign

    MEPs give prostitution at sporting events the red card in support of EWL campaign

    [Brussels, 01 June 2012] On 30 May, 17 Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) from nine countries and all political groups gathered together in Brussels in support of the European Women’s Lobby’s action against prostitution around sporting events. In a message to athletes, officials, fans, journalists and decision-makers ahead of the London Olympics and the UEFA European Football Championships in Poland and Ukraine, the MEPs held up red cards which read ‘Be a sport. Keep it fair… Say NO to (...) Read more



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