EWL News

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  • Cyprus - EWL Members challenge the media framing of the debate on prostitution

    Cyprus - EWL Members challenge the media framing of the debate on prostitution

    [MIGS - Niscosia, 08 May 2012] The emerging debate in Cyprus following the recent arrest of prostitutes in Athens that were found to be HIV positive on charges of threatening public health, and the disclosure of their photographs and other personal details, brings to the fore shocking realities in relation to women in prostitution.
    The Cyprus media did not miss the opportunity to cover the story, but did so by framing the issue solely in terms of public health with the intent to protect (...) Read more

  • London 2012 Olympics: Justice for Women calls for concrete equality between women and men in sport

    London 2012 Olympics: Justice for Women calls for concrete equality between women and men in sport

    [Bruxelles, 04 May 2012] The collective of NGOs Justice for Women will organise a protest during the Olympic Games in London in order to raise awareness on the lack of concrete equality between women and men at various levels of the Olympics. EWL’s French members are active members of this collective. Please read below their press release and the seven demands of Justice for Women.
    London 2012: Justice for Women organises protest against the Olympics Committee’s failure to implement (...) Read more

  • EWL prepares for Annual Conference on theme of intergenerational solidarity and General Assembly

    EWL prepares for Annual Conference on theme of intergenerational solidarity and General Assembly

    [Brussels, 02 May 2012] The European Year for Active Ageing and Solidarity between generations 2012 provides an excellent opportunity for the European Women’s Lobby to look at women’s rights and gender equality from a life-cycle perspective. Under the headline “Her Future – Intergenerational solidarity from a gender equality perspective” EWL’s Annual Conference on 11 May in Budapest brings a much needed gender equality perspective to the European debate on active ageing and solidarity between (...) Read more

  • Binding quotas should be extended to media boards, argue EWL members from the Confederation of Independent Trade Unions

    Binding quotas should be extended to media boards, argue EWL members from the Confederation of Independent Trade Unions

    [Brussels, 03 May 2012] As the European Union considers imposing binding quotas for women on companies’ boards, similar instruments should also be envisaged for media boards, argues Klaus Heeger in an article published on 02 May on EurActiv. Klaus Heeger is secretary-general of the European Confederation of Independent Trade Unions (CESI), a European umbrella organisation representing approximately 8 million employees. CESI is a European member organisation of the EWL and CESI’s FEMM (...) Read more

  • Croatia - EWL members join forces with Eve Ensler to condemn sexual violence

    Croatia - EWL members join forces with Eve Ensler to condemn sexual violence

    [Brussels, 03 May 2012] EWL members in Croatia in April hosted the celebrated activist and author of The Vagina Monologues, Eve Ensler, as part of their activities to draw attention to the issue of rape as a weapon of war. During her stay in Croatia and Serbia Eve announced a campaign to end violence against women: One Billion Rising.
    Rape in time of war is an important issue of great concern to the EWL. In 2011 we wrote to the US president Obama to take action against the routine denial (...) Read more

  • EWL part of delegation of European NGOs in a networking visit to Cyprus

    EWL part of delegation of European NGOs in a networking visit to Cyprus

    [Brussels, 27 April 2012] On 19 and 20 April, the EWL took part in the networking visit to Cyprus organised by the Social Platform, aiming at presenting European and Cypriot social priorities to the forthcoming Cyprus Presidency of the EU.
    On Thursday 20 April, the Social Platform - of which the EWL is a member - organised a conference “How the Cyprus EU Presidency will respond to the social consequences of the EU crisis", where the Cypriot Minister of Labour and Social Insurance, Sotiroula (...) Read more

  • Third edition of the EWL magazine European Women’s Voice on solidarity between generations

    Third edition of the EWL magazine European Women's Voice on solidarity between generations

    [Brussels, 26 April 2012] We are proud to share with you the Spring 2012 edition of the European Women’s Lobby’s magazine European Women’s Voice! This issue is dedicated to discussing intergenerational solidarity from a gender equality perspective, and it is the EWL’s contribution to the European Year 2012 on Active Ageing and Solidarity between Generations.
    Until now, gender equality issues have not been at the core of the European debate on active ageing and solidarity between generations. (...) Read more

  • Women on boards: EWL recommends a 50% binding EU target for 2020

    Women on boards: EWL recommends a 50% binding EU target for 2020

    [Brussels, 23 April 2012] Moving towards equal representation of women on corporate boards requires EU-level binding legislation, stresses European Women’s Lobby in its reply to the European Commission public consultation on ’Gender imbalance on corporate boards in the EU.’
    The EWL recommends EU-level binding measures to reach 50% of women by 2020. This measure should allow a gradual implementation with a mid-term target of 40%, and apply to listed and non-listed companies with more than 50 (...) Read more

  • Be among the first ’Friends’ of the European Women’s Lobby

    Be among the first 'Friends' of the European Women's Lobby

    [Brussels, 12 April 2012] Do you believe that women’s rights are human rights and that it is high time equality between women and men was made a reality? You can do your part! By becoming a Friend of the European Women’s Lobby (EWL), you invest in a brighter future of each and every girl and woman in Europe. Every day, the EWL is campaigning for a gender equal Europe. The regular financial support of the Friends of the EWL can ensure the existence of an independent voice for women’s rights in (...) Read more

  • NGOs react to threats in the negotiations on the future of the EU cohesion policy

    NGOs react to threats in the negotiations on the future of the EU cohesion policy

    [Brussels, 20 April 2012] Important provisions for social cohesion, employment, equality and poverty reduction are under threat in Council discussions on the Structural Funds legislative package for 2014-2020. The European Disability Forum, European Women’s Lobby, European Network against Poverty and European Foundation Center have issued a the following joint statement. Representing a coalition of European NGOs, we call upon the Council of the European Union to uphold the general ex-ante (...) Read more



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