EWL News

News typewritter Latest news from the European Women’s Lobby in Brussels

  • EWL releases a study on migrant women’s integration in the labour market

    EWL releases a study on migrant women's integration in the labour market

    [Brussels, 05 April 2012] Targeted national and local policies make a difference in integrating migrant women in the labour market, reveals a new study by the European Women’s Lobby and the European Network of Migrant Women.
    These policies include, among other things, developing efficient systems for recognition of qualifications obtained by migrant women in third countries and the possibility of top-up training opportunities for those lacking certain competencies.
    The study points out (...) Read more

  • EWL unveils eight priorities for the Cypriot Presidency of the EU

    EWL unveils eight priorities for the Cypriot Presidency of the EU

    [Brussels, 04 April 2012] On 01 July 2012, the Presidency of the Council of the European Union (EU) will pass from Denmark to Cyprus. The European Women’s Lobby calls on the forthcoming Cypriot Presidency to be a driving force for women’s rights in Europe especially in the current financial, economic and social crisis.
    The EWL has listed eight priorities for the Cypriot Presidency in the area of gender equality. Ensure future EU funding for women’s rights and gender equality in the (...) Read more

  • Violence against women with disabilities - concrete EU action needed now!

    Violence against women with disabilities - concrete EU action needed now!

    [Brussels, 04 April 2012] On 28 March, the European Disability Forum (EDF) organised a conference in the European Parliament to raise political awareness on violence against women and girls with disabilities, and call for concrete and urgent EU action to end this unacceptable phenomenon.
    Hosted by Iratxe García Pérez, MEP, the event gathered decision-makers and representatives of NGOs, EU institutions and UN agencies, who all highlighted the need to address violence against women with (...) Read more

  • Malta: Public dialogue raises awareness on domestic violence

    Malta: Public dialogue raises awareness on domestic violence

    [Malta Star, Valetta, 01 April 2012] The European Parliament Information Office in Malta and the Malta Confederation of Women’s Organisation (MCWO - EWL national coordination in Malta) organised a public dialogue entitled ’Empowering Women against Violence’ on Friday 30 March. The aim of this dialogue was to raise awareness on domestic violence, which is a long-standing threat that is persisting across Europe.
    The President of European Women’s Lobby, Brigitte Triems, the keynote speaker of the (...) Read more

  • EWL: Gender equality must be at the heart of the European Commission’s forthcoming employment policy proposals

    EWL: Gender equality must be at the heart of the European Commission's forthcoming employment policy proposals

    [Brussels, 30 March 2012] The European Commission’s upcoming ’Employment package’ provides an opportunity to focus on women’s role in moving towards ’job-rich’ economic recovery. This week, European Women’s Lobby wrote a letter to European Commission President Barroso, pointing out why focused gender equality measures are indispensable to reaching this goal.
    The European Commission is expected to adopt the ’Employment package,’ a set of employment policy proposals that will make concrete (...) Read more

  • EWL list elements of an efficient EU awareness-raising campaign to end violence against women

    EWL list elements of an efficient EU awareness-raising campaign to end violence against women

    [Brussels, 29 March 2012] As the European Commission is reflecting on a possible European-wide awareness-raising campaign to end violence against women in Europe, the European Women’s Lobby has identified the key conditions for an effective campaign.
    The EWL wants to see a long-term and well-funded campaign, which is based on a comprehensive definition of violence against women, targets various groups, includes the Member States, involves and supports women’s NGOs and is coordinated by an EU (...) Read more

  • Hungary: Women’s organisations comment on a high-profile rape case verdict

    Hungary: Women's organisations comment on a high-profile rape case verdict

    [KERET Coalition, Budapest, 27 March 2012] KERET Coalition (“Coalition against Sexual Violence, for Survivors”) welcomes the final ruling of the Budapest Metropolitan Court of 20 March 2012, which finds Hungarian actor Roland Damu guilty of rape, attempted bodily harm and two instances of violation of personal freedom.
    As with all court cases which involve intimate partner violence and which receive a lot of public attention, this case will have a significant effect on attitudes towards (...) Read more

  • EWL runs the 20 km of Brussels with a team of 75 supporters

    EWL runs the 20 km of Brussels with a team of 75 supporters

    [Brussels, 23 March 2012] The 20 km of Brussels is approaching, and the European Women’s Lobby is proud to announce that the EWL will take part with a team of 75 runners! The EWL team will run on 27 May under the motto “Run for women’s rights - Be part of HER story!”
    The EWL team is composed of women and men from 15 to 59 years old, from 19 different countries! You can find out more about the members of the team and their motivations here.
    You are not running but you would like to (...) Read more

  • EWL organises a successful exchange between women’s organisations around the Mediterranean region

    EWL organises a successful exchange between women's organisations around the Mediterranean region

    [Brussels, 23 March] Today was the concluding day of the European Women’s Lobby’s “Exchange Project for Women’s Organisations around the Mediterranean Region.” The four-day event took place in Brussels 20-23 March 2012.
    The project brought together 10 Tunisian women from different backgrounds (a journalist, teachers, a film-maker, activists…) and European women activists. The aim was to facilitate the exchange on objectives, strategies and experiences in order to ensure that women’s rights will (...) Read more

  • EWL calls for a gender perspective in the EU Directive for minimum standards for victims

    EWL calls for a gender perspective in the EU Directive for minimum standards for victims

    [Brussels, 16 March 2012] In May 2011, the European Commission presented a package of measures to ensure rights, support and protection for victims across the EU, including a Directive on minimum standards for victims. While the Directive is discussed in the European Parliament, the EWL stresses women should be its major target group and violence against women its key element.
    The European Women’s Lobby (EWL) welcomed the much needed focus on victims in the Directive: this legally-binding (...) Read more



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