EWL News

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  • EWL launches report on Women on Boards in Europe and calls for EU Directive

    EWL launches report on Women on Boards in Europe and calls for EU Directive

    [Brussels, 29 February 2012] The EWL published on 29 February its report on progress, gaps and good practice as regards to women in the boardrooms of European companies. The report, entitled ‘Women on Boards in Europe – From a Snail’s Pace to a Giant Leap?’ was launched in a panel debate which brought together stakeholders across the board – European Parliament, EU member states, the business world and women’s rights associations – to discuss the state of play and outline their expectations for (...) Read more

  • European Equal Pay Day: EWL highlights the life-long consequences of the gender pay gap

    European Equal Pay Day: EWL highlights the life-long consequences of the gender pay gap

    [Brussels, 02 March 2012] On the second European Equal Pay Day, the European Women’s Lobby (EWL) stresses that the slow progress towards equal pay in Europe has life-long consequences for the girls and women of today. The gender gap in pay produces an even greater gender gap in pensions and means poverty for many women in the later stages of their lives. The EWL calls on the European Commission to complement its welcomed efforts to close the gender pay gap by developing an EU-indicator for (...) Read more

  • EWL and EDF call for a gender perspective in the European Accessibility Act

    EWL and EDF call for a gender perspective in the European Accessibility Act

    [Brussels, 29 February 2012] The European Women’s Lobby and European Disability Forum call for a European European Accessibility Act that guarantees equality and provides equal opportunities to women and men.
    In their joint contribution to the public consultation on the European Accessibility Act, the EWL and the EDF stress that it is necessary to ensure that women and girls with disabilities are able to live independently and participate fully in all areas of life on an equal basis with (...) Read more

  • EWL appears on two Belgian TV shows on prostitution

    EWL appears on two Belgian TV shows on prostitution

    [Brussels, 29 February 2012] The Belgian TV channel RTBF - La Une dedicated the evening of 29 February to the issue of prostitution. The EWL and its campaign ’Together for a Europe Free from Prostitution’ had a visible role in two TV shows that raised the issue of the system of prostitution and helped to create debate in Belgium.
    On n’est pas des pigeons: "For or against?"
    In the show ’On n’est pas des pigeons’, the EWL got the opportunity to express its position, complemented by extracts from (...) Read more

  • EWL and ENOMW call for gender-sensitive implementation of EU family reunification legislation

    EWL and ENOMW call for gender-sensitive implementation of EU family reunification legislation

    [Brussels, 01 March 2012] The European Women’s Lobby and the European Network of Migrant Women (ENoMW) have submitted a joint submission to the European Commission’s public consultation on the EU family reunification procedures.
    The EWL and the ENoMW are calling on the EU to focus on the enforcement of the current family reunification provisions rather than reopen legislative negotiations, which, given the current political climate, could be detrimental to migrant families, and could further (...) Read more

  • EWL launches 10 Days of Action with Facts and Figures on women in the EU and video greeting

    EWL launches 10 Days of Action with Facts and Figures on women in the EU and video greeting

    [Brussels, 29 February 2012] The EWL launched on 29 February its 10 Days of Action for HER Future with new facts and figures on women in the EU and a video greeting from the EWL Secretary General Cécile Gréboval. With the 10 Days of Action, the EWL contributes to the celebration of the International Women’s Day 2012 in Brussels.
    The EWL’s new facts and figures on women in the EU cover women in decision-making, women’s economic independence, violence against women and multiple discrimination. (...) Read more

  • EWL launches 10 Days of Action ahead of the International Women’s Day 2012

    EWL launches 10 Days of Action ahead of the International Women's Day 2012

    [Brussels, 23 February 2012] While women’s organisations across Europe are preparing for the International Women’s Day 2012, the European Women’s Lobby contributes to the celebrations in Brussels by launching 10 Days of Action for women’s rights in Europe. During the 10 days, the EWL takes action for HER Future and invites you to be part of it, too!
    The aim of the EWL 10 Days of Action is to shed light on the inequalities that women of all ages and backgrounds face in Europe and make concrete (...) Read more

  • EWL meets with European Commission Vice-President Viviane Reding

    EWL meets with European Commission Vice-President Viviane Reding

    [Brussels, 24 February 2012] On 22 February, representatives of the EWL Secretariat met with Vice-President of the European Commission Viviane Reding, who is also the Commissioner for Justice, Fundamental Rights and Citizenship and in charge of gender equality issues in the EC. Carrying out the voices of 2000 women’s organizations in Europe, the EWL also brought to the attention of the Vice-President the hope that women have in Europe.
    As stated on her website, one of Vice-President (...) Read more

  • European equality networks join forces to ensure future EU funding for equality

    European equality networks join forces to ensure future EU funding for equality

    [Brussels, 24 February 2012] 12 European equality networks, including the EWL, express their great concern as regards the future EU funding for equality between women and men and equality for all and non-discrimination. The networks have drafted joint amendments to the European Commission’s proposal for the Rights and Citizenship Programme 2014-2020 that will be the EU’s main source of funding for activities in these fields.
    The networks are concerned about the focus, annual predictability (...) Read more

  • Welcome to the EWL - The Centre event on Women on Boards, 29 February 2012

    Welcome to the EWL - The Centre event on Women on Boards, 29 February 2012

    [Brussels, 23 February 2012] The Centre and the European Women Lobby (EWL) invite you to the presentation of the EWL report ‘Women on Boards in Europe – From a snail’s pace to a giant leap?’ and to discuss state of play and expectations that stakeholders across the board have on Vice-President Reding’s upcoming proposal for EU measures to push for greater parity in the business world.
    ‘Women on Boards in Europe – From a snail’s pace to a giant leap with EU measures?’
    29 February 2012 from 18:00 (...) Read more



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