EWL News

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  • EWL exhibition in Brussels: Opening reception on 08 March

    EWL exhibition in Brussels: Opening reception on 08 March

    [Brussels, 20 February 2012] From 08 March until 30 March, the EWL exhibition ’My World: Visions of Feminism in the 21st Century’ will be exhibited in the Hôtel communal d’Etterbeek in Brussels. The exhibition brings together the prize-winning works of young photographers from across Europe in a study of the meaning of feminism today.
    An opening reception will take place on the International Women’s Day Thursday 08 March at 18:30. Welcome!
    The exhibition is organised by the services of (...) Read more

  • Take action with the us to ensure future EU funding for women’s rights!

    Take action with the us to ensure future EU funding for women's rights!

    [Brussels, 17 February 2012] The level and predictability of European Union funding for gender equality, combating violence against women (VAW), and equality for all is at risk. EU and national decision-makers are at the moment debating the EU budget for 2014-2020 and the future EU funding programmes. Help the European Women’s Lobby to ensure that gender equality, VAW, equality of all and fundamental rights will be a priority and that the EU will allocate predictable and specific funding for (...) Read more

  • EWL initial analysis of the proposed EU pension agenda: Close the gender pension gap!

    EWL initial analysis of the proposed EU pension agenda: Close the gender pension gap!

    [Brussels, 17 February 2012] The long-awaited European Commission’s white paper on pensions, entitled ’Agenda for adequate, safe and sustainable pensions,’ was released on Thursday 16 February. The European Women’s Lobby welcomes that the Commission has taken many of the EWL’s recommendations into account. The white paper acknowledges the need to close the gender pension gap between women and men, and is a starting point for addressing the gender dimension of pensions across Europe.
    A specific (...) Read more

  • Finland: EWL members organise European seminar on preventing and combating sex trade

    Finland: EWL members organise European seminar on preventing and combating sex trade

    (Brussels, 15 February 2012) A coalition of Finnish NGOs and decision-makers, including the EWL national coordination Nytkis (Coalition of Finnish Women’s Associations), organises a seminar on sex trade in Finland and Europe. Entitled ’How to Prevent and Combat Sex Trade in Finland - In the Light of Practical Experiences from Other European Countries’, the event aims at assessing Finland’s existing legislation in preventing and combating prostitution-related trafficking in human beings, and (...) Read more

  • EWL sends eight key messages on the Annual Growth Survey 2012

    EWL sends eight key messages on the Annual Growth Survey 2012

    [Brussels, 16 February 2012] Ahead of the meeting of the Employment and Social Affairs Ministers of EU member states (EPSCO Council) of 17 February, the EWL sends eight key messages on Annual Growth Survey 2012 and makes concrete recommendations for integrating the missing gender dimension in the implementation of the Europe 2020 Strategy.
    In March 2011, the minister adopted the European Pact for Gender Equality 2011-2020, inviting all parties to integrate a gender perspective to the (...) Read more

  • Run for women’s rights - Join the EWL team for the 20km of Brussels!

    Run for women's rights - Join the EWL team for the 20km of Brussels!

    [Brussels, 10 February 2012, updated 17 February] 20 km of Brussels is one of the most awaited events in Brussels of which everyone wants to be part of, and this year the European Women’s Lobby will be there! We would love you to join the EWL team and run the 20 kilometers for women’s rights with us on 27 May. No need to be an athlete to have fun and support a good cause!
    Run for women’s rights! Be part of HER story!
    By running and raising awareness and funds for us, you will help us to (...) Read more

  • Denmark: EWL members organise conference on trafficking and prostitution for Danish EU Presidency

    Denmark: EWL members organise conference on trafficking and prostitution for Danish EU Presidency

    [Brussels, 09 February 2012] The EWL campaign ’Together for a Europe free from prostitution’ will be presented in an international conference on trafficking and prostitution, organised by EWL members in Denmark on 23 March.
    The conference, entitled Trafficking and Prostitution: Global Problems, Local and Regional Solutions is organised Women’s Council in Denmark, EWL national coordination. In relation to the Danish Presidency of the EU, Women’s Council in Denmark wants to underline the (...) Read more

  • Does the EU have zero vision on ending female genital mutilation, ask EWL and Amnesty International

    Does the EU have zero vision on ending female genital mutilation, ask EWL and Amnesty International

    [Brussels, 03 February 2012] Ahead of the International Day of Zero Tolerance to Female Genital Mutilation (FGM), Amnesty International and the European Women’s Lobby challenged the European Union to lay out its vision and commitment for ending female genital mutilation and other forms of violence against women. Since 2010, when the European Commission committed to adopt a strategy on violence against women, including FGM, there has been no coherent, structured attempt to address this human (...) Read more

  • European Parliment joins EWL’s call for adequate EU funding to combat VAW

    European Parliment joins EWL's call for adequate EU funding to combat VAW

    [Brussels, 02 February 2012] EU funding for combating violence against women must not be decreased in the EU long term budget 2014-2020, requires European Parliament in a resolution adopted on Thursday.
    The European Women’s Lobby welcomes the resolution, drafted by Regina Bastos (EPP), as an important contribution to the on-going debate about the future EU budget. The EWL is concerned that in the Commission’s proposals for future EU funding programmes there is no earmarked funding for gender (...) Read more

  • EP mid-term elections backlash against gender balance, says EWL

    EP mid-term elections backlash against gender balance, says EWL

    [Brussels, 26 January 2012] The disappointing results of the European Parliament mid-term elections reveal that this institution still has a long way to go for gender parity. In the aftermath of the reallocation of the internal leading posts of the EP that takes place in the middle of every parliamentary term, the EWL calls on political leaders to do more to ensure gender parity.
    The backlash against gender parity within the European Parliament means that it is necessary to reopen the (...) Read more



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