EWL News

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  • Second edition of EWL’s magazine European Women’s Voice on feminism and men’s role towards equality

    Second edition of EWL's magazine European Women's Voice on feminism and men's role towards equality

    [Brussels, 23 December 2011, updated 06 January 2012] In October 2011, the European Women’s Lobby (EWL) organised an inaugural seminar on the topic of men and feminism, which provided a forum for reflection on masculinities, anti-feminism, initiatives of feminist men and equality policies involving men. The aim of the seminar was to update ourselves on current thinking and action concerning men’s role in the struggle for gender equality, and to consider how we can work together to bring about (...) Read more

  • EWL review: Women’s representation in European national parliaments increased in 2011

    EWL review: Women's representation in European national parliaments increased in 2011

    [Brussels, 22 December 2011] In the end of 2011 there are more women in the national parliaments of EU member states than ever before, thanks to the progress made in most parliamentary elections organised in 2011.
    Women and men in seven EU member states elected new national parliaments in 2011.
    The greatest progress was made in Slovenia, where the representation of women in the national parliament tripled to 32% (+18.7). Clear progress was also made in Poland (+3.5), where the new quota (...) Read more

  • Presidents Barroso, Buzek & Van Rompuy with EDF: the first State of the Union on Disability

    Presidents Barroso, Buzek & Van Rompuy with EDF: the first State of the Union on Disability

    [Brussels, 19 December 2011] On 06 December, the first State of the Union on Disability was organised in Brussels. This historic meeting hosted by President José Manuel Barroso gathered Jerzy Buzek, President of the European Parliament, Herman Van Rompuy President of the European Council, and Yannis Vardakastanis President of the European Disability Forum, the representative organisation of disabled people in Europe and member organisation of the EWL. Together, they discussed how to improve (...) Read more

  • EWL publishes 8 priorities for the Danish Presidency of the EU

    EWL publishes 8 priorities for the Danish Presidency of the EU

    [Brussels, 16 December 2011] On 01 January 2012, the Presidency of the Council of the European Union (EU) will pass from Poland to Denmark. The European Women’s Lobby (EWL) is the largest association of women’s organisations in Europe with more than 2000 member organisations. The EWL calls on the Danish Presidency to be a driving force for women’s rights in Europe despite the current financial, economic and social crisis. Both at the European and the national level, we witness how the crisis (...) Read more

  • As MEPs elect new Group leaders, EWL calls for more attention to gender balance

    As MEPs elect new Group leaders, EWL calls for more attention to gender balance

    [Brussels, 16 December 2011] The Political Groups in the European Parliament, with the exception of the socialists, have this week reappointed their leaders for another two and a half years. Although the EWL in September wrote to all the Groups calling for more attention to be paid to gender balance in the highest political leadership positions, the maintenance of the status quo thus far leaves only one woman co-chair of a Group, with 5.5% of the voting weight in the highest political body (...) Read more

  • Social Platform calls upon the European Council to support a cohesive and social Europe

    Social Platform calls upon the European Council to support a cohesive and social Europe

    [Brussels, 08 December] In view of the European Council meeting of 09 December, the Social Platform - of which the EWL is a member - wrote a letter to the European Heads of State and Government, calling on them to ensure the cohesiveness of a sustainable European society in the European Economic Governance.
    During this meeting, the Heads of State and Government will review the overall economic situation in Europe. Furthermore, they will address the strengthening of economic convergence (...) Read more

  • EU High Representative/Vice President Catherine Ashton selects another five male new Heads of EU Delegations

    EU High Representative/Vice President Catherine Ashton selects another five male new Heads of EU Delegations

    [Brussels, 02 December 2011] The EWL is disappointed at the annoucement today of another all male selection for new Heads of EU Delegations worldwide. This further skews the gender balance in high-level decision-making within the EU institutions and goes against the commitments of UN Security Council Resolutions on Women, Peace and Security. The EWL has been pressing for a higher representation of women in the EU External Action Service, headed by Ms. Ashton. In August 2011, the EWL (...) Read more

  • YWCA - “Get to Zero" - zero new HIV infections, zero discrimination and zero AIDS related deaths

    YWCA - “Get to Zero" - zero new HIV infections, zero discrimination and zero AIDS related deaths

    [Brussels, 01 December 2011] EWL member organisation, the European Young Women’s Christian Association, has on the ocasion of World Aids Day released a Statement calling for action to ‘Get to Zero’. Read the Statement below.
    World YWCA Statement
    Although there are encouraging signs regarding progress in the response to HIV with the rate of new HIV infections declining globally UNAIDS World AIDS Day Report, 2011, the total number of HIV infections remains high at about 7,000 per day. The (...) Read more

  • EWL calls on the European Parliament to ensure no cuts in EU funding for gender equality

    EWL calls on the European Parliament to ensure no cuts in EU funding for gender equality

    [Brussels, 25 November 2011] The EWL has called on the European Parliament to ensure that EU funding for promoting equality between women and men and combating violence agaist women will not be cut in the future.
    Last week, the European Commission adopted its proposal for the new funding programme called ’Rights and Citizenship’ that will finance the EU’s activities on gender equality, non-discrimination, fundamental rights and combating violence from 2014 to 2020. The EWL is concerned that (...) Read more

  • EP seminar sees MEPs committed to end violence against women, but no concrete answer from the Commission and EU Presidencies. NGOs continue to mobilise for an EU Year and action.

    EP seminar sees MEPs committed to end violence against women, but no concrete answer from the Commission and EU Presidencies. NGOs continue to mobilise for an EU Year and action.

    [Brussels, 24 November 2011] Three political groups within the European Parliament (GUE/NGL, Greens and S&D) came together on Wednesday 23 November in order to organise the public seminar ‘Ending violence against women. The EU must act now’. MEP Mikael Gustafsson, Chair of the EP Committee on Women’s rights and gender equality opened the seminar by emphasising the demands for EU action that were established in the report adopted on April 5 2011 (Svensson 2011/0127) including: An (...) Read more



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