EWL News

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  • EWL discusses gender pension gap with member states

    EWL discusses gender pension gap with member states

    [Brussels, 10 November 2011] Women’s pensions are lower than those of men, owing to different life-courses and gender inequalities. On 3 and 4 November, the EWL participated in a so-called "peer review" where twelve EU Member States discussed solutions for this problem.
    Germany, the host of the meeting, presented the shocking results of recent study about the gender pension gap: in Germany, women’s individual pension income is almost 60% lower than those of their male counterparts.
    Germany (...) Read more

  • EWL endorses Manifesto for a Secular Middle East and North Africa

    EWL endorses Manifesto for a Secular Middle East and North Africa

    [Brussels, 08 November 2011] The EWL supports the Manifesto for a Secular Middle East and North Africa, which reads as follows:
    The 2009 protests in Iran followed by the Arab Spring have the potential to herald a new dawn for the people of the region and the world. The protests have clearly shown that people in the region, like people everywhere, want to live 21st century lives.
    We, the undersigned, emphasise their modern and human dimension and wholeheartedly welcome this immense and (...) Read more

  • EWL co-organises Public Hearing at European Parliament on “Family Reunification Legislation in Europe: Is it Discriminatory for Migrant Women?”

    EWL co-organises Public Hearing at European Parliament on “Family Reunification Legislation in Europe: Is it Discriminatory for Migrant Women?”

    [Brussels, 04 November 2011] The European Women’s Lobby (EWL), the International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD) and the European Network of Migrant Women (ENoMW) are delighted to invite you to a Hearing at the European Parliament entitled “Family Reunification legislation in Europe: is it discriminatory for migrant women?”, on 10 November 2011. Family reunification has been one of the major sources of legal immigration to the European Union over the last decades. According to (...) Read more

  • European Network of Migrant Women website launched

    European Network of Migrant Women website launched

    [Brussels, 02 November 2011] The EWL is delighted to announce the launch of the website of the European Network of Migrant Women (ENoMW), the first network for migrant women at the European level: www.migrantwomennetwork.org. The ENoMW was founded in 2010 in the framework of the EWL project "Equal Rights. Equal Voices. Migrant Women in the European Union" and is currently coordinated by the EWL Secretariat.
    The website will provide visibility for the network and serve as a networking tool. (...) Read more

  • Turkey - EWL members concerned at arrest of feminist academic, Professor Bü?ra Ersanl?

    Turkey - EWL members concerned at arrest of feminist academic, Professor Bü?ra Ersanl?

    [Istanbul, 02 November 2011] The national coordination of the EWL in Turkey is concerned with the recent arrest of Professor Bü?ra Ersanl?, an esteemed feminist academic with a pro-peace perspective who has been involved with the women’s movement, and calls for international awareness of the detrimental impact of authoritarian policies on gender equality in Turkey.
    The Association for Training and Supporting Women Candidates (KA-DER) encourages women’s rights advocates in Turkey to stand (...) Read more

  • Croatia - Gender policies in the context of the forthcoming elections and EU membership

    Croatia - Gender policies in the context of the forthcoming elections and EU membership

    [Zagreb, 25 October 2011] In light of the approaching Election Day as well as EU accession referendum, EWL member organisation in Croatia, the Centre for Women’s Studies in Zagreb, organised a round table on the topic of gender policies.
    The logic behind the event was to present and evaluate gender policies in preelection programmes of the two most powerful partiers on Croatian political scene – Croatian democratic Community and Socialist Democrat Party. The other point that the organisers (...) Read more

  • EWL-UN event raises awareness on trafficking for sexual exploitation

    EWL-UN event raises awareness on trafficking for sexual exploitation

    [Brussels, 28 October 2011] On Thursday 27 October, the EWL, in partnership with UNRIC and UN WOMEN Brussels Office, hosted an event on violence against women and trafficking in the Harlan Levey Projects Gallery in Brussels. The event took place in the context of the exhibition of the finalists of the United Nations ad competition “Say NO to Violence Against Women” and the 5th EU Anti-Trafficking Day (18 October 2011).
    EWL Secretary General Cécile Gréboval highlighted the intrinsic links (...) Read more

  • The EP supports the new equality legislation blocked by member states since 2009

    The EP supports the new equality legislation blocked by member states since 2009

    [Social Platform, Brussels, 26 October 2011] On October 25 the EP voted on the Kósa report on Mobility and inclusion of people with disabilities and the European Disability Strategy 2010-2020. The MEPs voted according to Social Platform’s call against Amendment 1 which endangered the right to equality for all in the EU because it contradicted paragraph 53 supporting the directive for legal protection against discrimination on the grounds of age, disability, religion or belief and sexual (...) Read more

  • EWL and partners announce a European Parliament hearing on family reunification legislation

    EWL and partners announce a European Parliament hearing on family reunification legislation

    [Brussels, 27 October 2011] The European Women’s Lobby (EWL), the International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD) and the European Network of Migrant Women (ENoMW) are delighted to announce a Hearing at the European Parliament entitled “Family Reunification legislation in Europe: is it discriminatory for migrant women?”, on 10 November 2011. The Hearing will be open for anybody who wishes to attend, and promises to provide a lively debate on the current situation of how family (...) Read more

  • Vacancy: Internship in Communications for Women’s Rights at the EWL Secretariat (deadline: 13 November 2011)

    Vacancy: Internship in Communications for Women's Rights at the EWL Secretariat (deadline: 13 November 2011)

    [Brussels, 27 October 2011] The Brussels-based EWL Secretariat is seeking to recruit a full time paid intern with expertise in Communications for Women’s Rights for the first half of 2012, starting 9 January 2012.
    To apply, please complete the application form and return it by e-mail to: ewl@womenlobby.org, mentioning in the subject line ‘Application for paid internship’.
    NB: CVs and applications sent by post will not be considered. The deadline for applications is 13 November 2011. (...) Read more



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