European & International News

International news globe All the latest news from the European Union, its member states, and beyond.

  • Precarious workers - MEPs say more legislative measures needed

    Precarious workers - MEPs say more legislative measures needed

    Having been disappointed with the EU employment law package and the directives on fixed-term, part-time and temporary agency work not adequately addressing the precarious nature of employment, Parliament urged Commission and Member States, in its report adopted on Tuesday, to take further specific legislative measures, such as introducing binding minimum social standards for employees and granting all employees equal access to social services and benefits regardless of their employment (...) Read more

  • Older Women’s - CEDAW adopts Recommendation

    Older Women's - CEDAW adopts Recommendation

    Adoption of CEDAW General Recommendation No. 27 on Older Women and Protection of Their Human Rights BY THE UN CEDAW COMMITTEE 19th 0ctober, 2010
    Distinguished members of the Press and Media representatives, colleagues and friends,
    On behalf of the Working Group , I am Ferdous Ara Begum as Chair of the Working Group of the” General Recommendation on the Protection of the human rights of Older Women” have the pleasure to announce that the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination (...) Read more

  • UN agrees on mechanism for eliminating discrimination against women in law and practice

    UN agrees on mechanism for eliminating discrimination against women in law and practice

    The UN Human Rights Council adopted on 1 October 2010 a resolution in which it established for a period of three years a Working Group on the issue of discrimination against women in law and practice. In the resolution on discrimination against women, the Council called upon States to fulfil their obligations and commitments to revoke any remaining laws that discriminate on the basis of sex and remove gender bias in the administration of justice, taking into account that those laws violate (...) Read more

  • Women on Boards of private companies

    Women on Boards of private companies

    Pioneer Norwegian quota legislation helped reaching a share of 44% women in boards of public joint companies in 2008. The picture however looks gloomier for the rest of Europe: according to a Egon Zehnder study, the top 300 European companies had 9.7% of women on their boards in 2008, a painstakingly slow progress compared to 8% in 2004. Excluding Norway, women held only 9.1% of total board seats in 2008 and a quarter of European companies still have an entirely male board! (...) Read more

  • European Court of Justice likely to rule discrimination in insurances illegal

    European Court of Justice likely to rule discrimination in insurances illegal

    [Strasbourg, 30 September 2010] The Advocate General of the European Court of Justice has declared that that insurance companies shouldn’t be able to charge men and women different rates for products – Article 5 of the European directive on gender equality in goods and services (2004/113) is declared incompatible with the principle of equality!
    This opinion is in line with the constant position of the EWL since the adoption process of the directive, saying that basing the pricing of (...) Read more

  • European Parliament to vote on report on the role of minimum income in combating poverty and promoting an inclusive society in Europe

    European Parliament to vote on report on the role of minimum income in combating poverty and promoting an inclusive society in Europe

    Following approvals in the Employment and Social Affairs Committee, the Members of the European Parliament are now set to vote on Ilda Figueiredo’s report on the role of minimum income in combating poverty and promoting an inclusive society in Europe (2010/2039(INI)). The vote is scheduled for the Plenary Session in Strasbourg of 6-7 October, ahead of the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty on 17 October 2010.
    Download the full report (...) Read more

  • Gender Pay Gap is holding Europe Back

    Gender Pay Gap is holding Europe Back

    Summary By: Elizabeth Cox, Regional Program Director, UNIFEM, Part of UN WOMEN in the Pacific
    Women across Europe continue to earn less than their male counterparts, despite legislation at the EU and member-state levels that makes it illegal to pay women less than men for equal work. Research shows that this is likely remain the case for at least several decades. Yet by failing to close the gender pay gap, European businesses and countries are exposing themselves to serious (...) Read more

  • EC releases new data on women and men in decision-making

    EC releases new data on women and men in decision-making

    Women and men in decision-making: highlights (third quarter 2010) 23/08/2010
    An update of the European Commission’s database on women and men in decision-making has recently been completed and includes: A quarterly update of data on political decision-making at European and national level and also at regional level for those regions where there have been elections. Data were collected in the first three weeks of July 2010 and reflect changes since the last update in mid-May. An annual (...) Read more

  • European Parliament FEMM Committee passes Resolution on the role of women in an ageing society

    European Parliament FEMM Committee passes Resolution on the role of women in an ageing society

    MOTION FOR A EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT RESOLUTION on the role of women in an ageing society
    Committee on Women’s Rights and Gender Equality Rapporteur: Sirpa Pietikäinen
    The European Parliament,
    – having regard to the Commission Communication of 29 April 2009 on ‘Dealing with the impact of an ageing population in the EU (2009 Ageing Report)’ (COM(2009)0180),
    – having regard to the Commission staff working document of 11 May 2007 on ‘Europe’s demographic future: facts and (...) Read more

  • EU diplomay: An Old Boys Club?

    EU diplomay: An Old Boys Club?

    EUObserver today published an article on how the new EU External Action Service is struggling against gender and nationality biases.
    EUOBSERVER / BRUSSELS - Belgian, Dutch, Italian, French and German men make up the lion’s share of EU ambassadors abroad, a new study timed to coincide with a major recruitment round for the European External Action Service (EEAS), has said.
    The five founding members of the EU together have 66 heads of delegation out of the EU’s 115 foreign missions which are (...) Read more



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