European & International News

International news globe All the latest news from the European Union, its member states, and beyond.

  • UN Civil Society Advisory Group on Women, Peace, and Security

    In March 2010, the United Nations established the Civil Society Advisory Group on Women, Peace, and Security (CSAG) to advise the Secretary-General and the High-Level Steering Committee of UN agencies and entities on ensuring a coherent and coordinated approach to protecting women’s rights during armed conflict and ensuring their full participation in all conflict prevention, peacebuilding, and post-conflict reconstruction processes.
    In addition to recommending concrete, time-bound and (...) Read more

  • Petition on womens’ pensions in France

    The French organisation Le Laboratoire de l’Egalité, co-founded by Olga Trostiansky who is the president of the French coordination of the European Women’s Lobby, has launched a petition on women’s pensions as a law on pensions reform will be discussed in the French parliament in September. Read more

  • Report on 10 years of Swedish ban on buying sex

    Report on 10 years of Swedish ban on buying sex

    Sweden has released an evaluation of its 10-year old ban on the purchase of sexual service. Sweden became the first country in the world to introduce legislation criminalising the purchase of sexual services but not the sale in 2008. The remit was to evaluate the application of the ban and the effects that the prohibition has had. One starting point was that the purchase of sexual services was to remain criminalized. There is a clear link between the existence of prostitution and human (...) Read more

  • Former UN Under-Secretary-General launches appeal for doable, fast-track indicators" for the implementation of UNSCR 1325

    Former UN Under-Secretary-General launches appeal for doable, fast-track indicators" for the implementation of UNSCR 1325

    Ambassador Anwarul K. Chowdhury, Former Under-Secretary-General and High Representative of the UN, calls
    In March 2000, during Anwarul K. Chowdhury’s first Presidency of the Security Council and at his initiative, the concept of a United Nations Security Council Resolution (UNSCR) emphasizing women’s equal participation in the peace processes was accepted by the Council with the agreement of all members. This was the first time in the UN’s 55 year history such action was taken by the Security (...) Read more

  • Council of Europe passes Resolution on Combating sexist stereotypes in the media

    Council of Europe passes Resolution on Combating sexist stereotypes in the media

    [Strasbourg, 25 June 2010] In a resolution adopted today, the Parliamentary Assembly recommends a series of measures designed to combat sexist stereotypes in the media. It invites in particular the member states to set up regulatory and self-regulatory media authorities to reduce gender-based discrimination and to devise codes of good practice with partners in the profession to promote the balanced presence of women and men in the media.
    At the same time, the Assembly encourages national (...) Read more

  • Council of Europe passes Resolution on Decent pensions for women

    Council of Europe passes Resolution on Decent pensions for women

    [Strasbourg, 26 June 2010] Many elderly women are poor because they have no pension or their pension is insufficient, PACE warned today. Also, traditional pension systems favour the linear career paths of men and are disconnected from the realities of present-day society. Following the proposals by Anna Curdová (Czech Republic, SOC), the Assembly called for "fair and equitable pensions offering every man and woman a reasonable standard of living". The adopted text urges European states to (...) Read more

  • Genderace research findings outlines the significant impact of gender on racialised/ethnicised discrimination

    [Brussels, June 2010] Based on a study of 914 case law and complaint files, 120 interviews of foreign nationals and embers of ethnic minorities and over 60 interviews of stakeholders, NGOS and social partners, including lawyers dealing with complaints, the Genderace research project demonstrates the significant impact that gender has on racialised/ethnicised discrimination despite a frequent lack of perception by those affected by and dealing with racial discrimination. Gender makes a (...) Read more



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