EWL press coverage

Press coverage newspapers icon Copies of some of the press coverage our work has received.

  • EU wants women in the boardroom

    EWL Secretary General Myria Vassiliadou speaks on Euranet radio about the controversy surrounding the EU’s talk of quotas and action RE the Roma expulsions in FR.
    The European Commissioner for Justice Viviane Reding has unveiled plans to boost the number of women in top corporate jobs.
    During the presentation of her five-year gender equality strategy on Tuesday (21 September) she said she would address the issue at a meeting next spring with CEOs from several European companies.
    At a (...) Read more

  • Gender equality strategy: Commission encourages wide participation

    by Sophie Petitjean
    The idea of establishing an annual tripartite meeting of the EU institutions to ensure progress on gender equality, defended by the European Parliament in its resolution of 17 June, has made its mark. The European Commission endorses it in the new strategy for gender equality 2010-2015, presented by Commissioner Viviane Reding (justice and fundamental rights), on 21 September.
    According to the EU executive, this annual high-level dialogue, in which the European (...) Read more

  • Equality advocates pleased

    New EU Strategy for gender equality has potential to deliver results, says European Women’s Lobby
    The European Women’s Lobby (EWL), the largest umbrella organisation of women’s associations in the European Union, today welcomed the launch of the EU’s much anticipated new five year strategy for equality between women and men. ‘A number of crucial issues are dealt with in this new document and some concrete actions are outlined’, said Myria Vassiliadou, Secretary General of the EWL; ‘what is less (...) Read more

  • WOMEN. No quotas? No equality

    The EC’s gender equality strategy starts today. But will equality in the workplace happen without quotas?
    Today the European Commission has adopted a five-year strategy for promoting equality between women and men in Europe.
    The strategy translates the principles set out by the Commission in its Women’s Charter, which was adopted in March 2010, into specific actions to ensure that women and men are treated equally at work and at home. Key issues are considered to be equal pay, getting women (...) Read more

  • Reding to unveil plans to push gender equality

    By Jennifer Rankin 16.09.2010 / 05:19 CET
    Commission wants more women back into work and close the pay gap.
    Viviane Reding, the European commissioner for justice, fundamental rights and citizenship, will on Tuesday (21 September) outline the European Commission’s ideas for getting more women into work and closing the pay gap, as she unveils a five-year strategy to promote gender equality.
    The 2010-15 plan will cover six areas: more and better-quality work for women; equal pay; women in (...) Read more

  • Gender Equality and Discrimination in Europe

    As part of the lunchtime debate series, on 8 June Dr. Myria Vassiliadou, Secretary General of the European Women’s Lobby, gave an insightful and inspiring talk on gender equality and discrimination in Europe to staff in Brussels as well as through live video link up to Geel, Ispra, Petten and Seville. The objective was to raise awareness among staff about the current issues surrounding gender equality legislation in the EU.
    Despite making up three-fifths of all graduates, women in Europe (...) Read more

  • El Lobby Europeo de Mujeres elogia que España haya incluido la igualdad en la agenda de la UE

    Madrid, 11 jun (EFE).- El Lobby Europeo de Mujeres ha valorado hoy de manera positiva el "papel fundamental" desempeñado por la presidencia española de la UE a la hora de introducir en la agenda política el problema de la igualdad y han destacado el "ejemplo" seguido por el Gobierno español en este asunto.
    La directora del Instituto de la Mujer, Laura Seara; la presidenta de la Coordinadora Española para el Lobby Europeo de Mujeres (CELEM), Rosa María Fernández, así como la presidenta del Lobby (...) Read more

  • El estereotipo de belleza, una esclavitud

    Feministas como Susie Orbach identifican el culto al cuerpo como una forma de violencia contra las mujeres
    Un vagón de metro lleno de mujeres. Entra alguien. A todas les hace la misma pregunta: ¿Qué te gustaría cambiar de tu cuerpo? Todas enumeran, al menos, cinco partes: ojos, tripa, piernas, pechos. ¿Y qué te gusta de tu cuerpo? Entonces las mujeres se vuelven silenciosas, se angustian, no saben qué contestar. Este ejercicio lo propuso la semana pasada en Madrid la psicóloga británica Susie (...) Read more

  • En los tiempos del Photoshop: ¿te sientes feliz con tu propio cuerpo?

    Las chicas viven bombardeadas con imágenes de mujeres de belleza irreal y luego no están muy contentas con lo que ven en el espejo.
    Susie Orbach se ha pasado años diciéndoles a las mujeres que acepten sus cuerpos. Ella es una terapeuta y feminista –y tiene una columna en el diario británico The Guardian- que estuvo presente en una conferencia organizada por el Lobby Europeo de Mujeres en Madrid la semana pasada, según el Diario Público en España.
    En esta actividad, la especialista propuso un (...) Read more



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