EWL News

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  • ‘France: For genuine equality between women and men’

    ‘France: For genuine equality between women and men'

    [By Annie Sugier and Françoise Morvan, French Coordination for the EWL, Paris, 18 July 2013]
    On the 3rd of July draft legislation on equality between women and men was presented to the French Council of Ministers by Najat Vallaud-Belkacem, Minister for Women’s Rights. It is the first complex legislative proposal for women’s rights in French history. It is composed of 25 articles that not only propose changes on the legislative level but provides for measures that complement the initiatives (...) Read more

  • Hungary: All nation-wide women NGOs support parity in political decision-making

    Hungary: All nation-wide women NGOs support parity in political decision-making

    [Hungary, 29 July 2013] Following an initiative of the Hungarian Women’s Lobby all three Hungarian women’s NGO umbrella groups signed a common statement called "Women’s political participation is a democratic value” for increasing women’s political participation, with regard to the elections in 2014.
    Since the transition to democracy, representation of women in the Hungarian Parliament has hovered around 10%. Women’s parliamentary representation is 9.35% at the moment, a number which makes it (...) Read more

  • Northern Ireland: EWL welcomes new Bill proposing to make paying for sexual services illegal

    Northern Ireland: EWL welcomes new Bill proposing to make paying for sexual services illegal

    [Brussels, 24 July 2013] The European Women’s Lobby (EWL) strongly welcomes the Bill tabled by Lord Morrow on 24 June 2013, at the Northern Ireland Assembly. The goal of the Bill is to make provision about human trafficking offences and exploitation, measures to prevent and combat human trafficking and slavery and provision of support for human trafficking victims. In particular, the EWL welcomes the proposal of Lord Morrow to address the demand for sexual services, as a key action to tackle (...) Read more

  • Paid For: My Journey Through Prostitution, by Rachel Moran

    Paid For: My Journey Through Prostitution, by Rachel Moran

    [Brussels, 23 July 2013] The European Women’s Lobby (EWL) is pleased to share this article with you, which presents the book of Rachel Moran "Paid For: My Journey Through Prostitution". Rachel Moran is a survivor of prostitution and has been a speaker at the EWL’s side event on "Prostitution and violence against women: protection women’s rights in Europe and worldwide", on 6 March 2013 in New York, during the 57th session of the Commission on the Status of Women. Rachel Moran works closely (...) Read more

  • Cyprus: Stop Institutional Violence against Migrant Women

    Cyprus: Stop Institutional Violence against Migrant Women

    [Brussels, 24 July, 2013] Members of the European Women’s Lobby and other Civil Society actors take action to react against the augmenting violence against migrant women in Cyprus. As the Association of Women’s Rights in Development informs us, an illegal deportation of a victim of trafficking, a deportation of a Romanian woman in violation of a Supreme Court order and physical violence by the police against a pregnant Romanian woman that led to the woman miscarrying, represent violations (...) Read more

  • Maternity – A Man’s World?

    Maternity – A Man's World?

    [Brussels, 18 July 2013] Yesterday (17/07/2013), BBC News published an article on experiences related to maternity leave, and represented the perfect opportunity to, once again, address the issue. As the Lithuanian Presidency took over, the European Women’s Lobby (EWL) wants to draw attention to the European Parliament’s position adopted in October 2010 (over almost three years ago) on the amended Maternity Directive and the Council’s position in relation to the matter. A year after the “Two (...) Read more

  • EWL hosts successful Roundtable event, ’More Than Lip Service’

    EWL hosts successful Roundtable event, 'More Than Lip Service'

    [Brussels 11 July] The European Women’s Lobby (EWL) would like to inform you about the successful Roundtable event held on the 10th of July at the European Parliament under the title "More than Lip Service? Practicing Gender Parity and Diversity in the EU Institutions", with the aim of discussing the tools that can be used to move to more concrete actions to promote gender parity in the decision-making sphere of the EU. At the same time, the official launch of the 50/50 Campaign “No Modern (...) Read more

  • EWL pushes for strong condemnation of sexual violence against women in Egypt and calls for steps to be taken by the EU to ensure that women’s rights and dignity are protected

    EWL pushes for strong condemnation of sexual violence against women in Egypt and calls for steps to be taken by the EU to ensure that women's rights and dignity are protected

    [Brussels 05 July] Watching as the numbers of women attacked and violated in the centre of Egyptian public space increased, the European Women’s Lobby wrote to Commissioner Reading and High Representative Catherine Ashton to urge the European Union, as an international actor, to support us in condemning this extremely serious matter.
    “RE: Strong condemnation of sexual violence against women in Egypt and steps to be taken by the EU
    Brussels, 5 July 2013
    Your Excellences,
    We are writing to (...) Read more

  • The European Women’s Lobby calls for gender equality as a stand-alone goal in the new International Development Agenda

    The European Women's Lobby calls for gender equality as a stand-alone goal in the new International Development Agenda

    [Brussels, 9 July 2013] The European Women’s Lobby (EWL) has today sent a letter to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, Mr Ban Ki-moon, to ask him to set women’s rights as a key priority of the forthcoming new International Development Agenda, the so called post-2015 agenda, which will follow the current Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) when they expire in 2015. The EWL pointed to the many reports and discussions throughout this current process which acknowledge that women’s (...) Read more

  • EWL to host second mentoring session of the European Political Mentoring Network

    EWL to host second mentoring session of the European Political Mentoring Network

    [Friday 05 July] Preparations are well underway for the Sunday kick-off of the second session of the European Political Mentoring Network capacity building session, to be held in Brussels. The four day gathering will bring together the 11 members of the program with their MEP mentors in Brussels, where they will attend our roundtable discussion on Wednesday in the European Parliament, launch their campaigning blog, increase their campaigning, communication and other skill sets and meet to (...) Read more



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