EWL News

News typewritter Latest news from the European Women’s Lobby in Brussels

  • Spain: “Deciding makes us free” Campaign for Women’s Sexual and Reproductive Rights

    Spain: “Deciding makes us free” Campaign for Women's Sexual and Reproductive Rights

    Campaña de la Plataforma decidir nos hace libres, a favor de los derechos sexuales y reproductivos de las mujeres (leer en español abajo)
    [Madrid, 27 May 2013] CELEM is one of the 270 Spanish organizations members of the “Deciding makes us free” Platform, which include a wide variety of associations: women’s organizations, trade unions, professional, social and health organizations, etc. This platform defends sexual and reproductive Rights of Spanish women, currently in danger of disappearing (...) Read more

  • The EWL team at the 20km run of Brussels - Some impressions of the courageous women and men running for Gender Equality

    The EWL team at the 20km run of Brussels - Some impressions of the courageous women and men running for Gender Equality

    (Brussels 27 May 2013) The European Women’s Lobby (EWL) team again accomplished its mission at the 20km run of Brussels as it did the previous year.
    We’d like to say thanks a million again to all runners on the EWL team and their commitment to take the challenge of running 20km for the cause of gender equality and HERstory!
    This encourages the EWL tremendously in its work for a gender equal world.
    Thank you, merci, danke, dank u - again to all runners and friends of the EWL.
    Click here (...) Read more

  • EWL team runs 20kms of Brussels

    (Brussels 27 May) The limbs are resting, the bodies tired, but the EWL running team have completed the 2013 20kms of Brussels [1] "Despite the cold and the sickness, our great team did very well at the 20km yesterday!" said Cecile Greboval, EWL Secretary General speaking from Brussels this morning.
    Special thanks go to you, the supporters, runners and friends of the EWL who have helped us on our way - it wouldn’t have happened without you! Thank (...) Read more

  • Croatian President to meet EWL Members

    Croatian President to meet EWL Members

    (Brussels 24 May) The EWL Vice-president, Rada Boric and the Croatian coordination for the EWL have arranged for the President of Croatia, Ivo Josipovic to receive representatives (Board members) of the European Women’s Lobby during their stay in Zagreb, for the EWL general assembly next week.
    President Ivo Josipovi?, professor of law and modern music composer, is a well known advocate for human rights.
    He marked International Women’s Day on 8 March 2012 by convening a national network of (...) Read more

  • Colette De Troy, Director of the EWL Observatory to co-chair Equality Now board of Directors

    Colette De Troy, Director of the EWL Observatory to co-chair Equality Now board of Directors

    (Brussels 24 May) We are happy to learn that Colette De Troy, Director of the EWL Observatory on violence against women, has been nominated co-chair of the Board of Directors of Equality Now, a worldwide-recognised and effective women’s rights organization. Founded in 1992, Equality Now advocates for the human rights of women and girls around the world by raising international visibility of individual cases of abuse, by mobilising public support through a global membership, and wielding (...) Read more

  • Running for HERstory!

    Running for HERstory!

    (24 May 2013) The carbohydrate loading time has begun in the three days prior to the 20kms of Brussels, but we’re still not finished supporting and encouraging our team of runners in their endeavours this weekend!
    We’ve taken a few tips from the 20kms website with tips for the best food for optimum performance this weekend.
    What about during the race? One basic rule: water, water and more water. Dehydration is the runner’s number one enemy. Never run more than five kilometers without (...) Read more

  • Women beyond borders: East-West Women against Poverty- LEF Italia study tour

    Women beyond borders: East-West Women against Poverty- LEF Italia study tour

    (Brussels, 24/05/13) The EWL Italian co-ordination – LEF Italia - together with the Chamber of Commerce of Milan, organised a one week study visit in Milan and Rome with women’s associations from the Russian Federation of Irkutsk, China, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. A one-day seminar to exchange good practice, took place at the offices of the European Parliament in Rome on 16 May which was attended by the head of the European Parliament Information Office in Italy, the Press officer of the (...) Read more

  • EWL to address trafficking and prostitution in ARETUSA seminar on Women’s citizenship rights

    EWL to address trafficking and prostitution in ARETUSA seminar on Women's citizenship rights

    (Brussels, 21 May 2013) Next Tuesday 2013, the European Women’s Lobby will speak at the Aretusa event about women’s citizenship rights. The seminar, entitled "Addressing women’s rights within the 2013 European Year of Citizens context" will focus on the issues of violence against women, trafficking in women, and sexual exploitation, in the framework of the debates on citizenship and human rights.
    ARETUSAis a platform that aims to develop the capacity of NGOs to translate the principle of (...) Read more

  • Croatia: ‘Who will represent women’s interests in the EU?’

    Croatia: ‘Who will represent women's interests in the EU?'

    (Zagreb, 16 May 2013) The Centre for Women’s Studies, member of Women’s Network Croatia, and the EWL Coordination in Croatia organized a one-day conference on the 9th of April entitled ‘Who will represent women’s interests in the EU?’. The aim of the conference was to gather the representatives of political parties, civil society and academia in order to present their views on gender equality policies in Croatian society in the framework of joining the EU. The speakers were Nadežda ?a?inovi? (...) Read more

  • Vacancy at the EWL Secretariat - Administrative Assistant (deadline extended - 27 May)

    (Brussels 16 May) The EWL Secretariat is looking for a full time administrative assistant to join our team based in Brussels. The person will work under the direction of the Secretary General and will be responsible for general administrative duties. The ideal candidate that EWL is looking for a highly organised, dynamic, independent and very attentive to detail. The ideal candidate will be able to work both in English and in French, and will have previous experience in secretarial work. (...) Read more



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