EWL News

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  • Civil society organisations call on MEPs to reject Tonio Borg’s nomination as EU Commissioner for Health

    Civil society organisations call on MEPs to reject Tonio Borg's nomination as EU Commissioner for Health

    [Brussels, 15 November 2012] The EWL and its civl-society partners at EU-level have come together to issued a joint call to Members of the European Parliament to reject the nomination of Tonio Borg as EU Commissioner for Health. Mr Borg’s positions on abortion, divorce, equal rights for LGBT couples and migrants are incompatible with the fundamental values of the European Union. Read the Joint Statement below.
    “We call for the rejection of Tonio Borg’s nomination at plenary vote at the (...) Read more

  • EWL bags TWO top awards for European Public Affairs professionals!

    EWL bags TWO top awards for European Public Affairs professionals!

    [Brussels, 15 November 2012] The EWL was last night delighted to see its work recognised by fellow EU public affairs professionals with the award of not one but two prizes for its recent work on prostitution and women on boards, out of a total of 11 presented. EWL Secretary General Cécile Gréboval collected the European Public Affairs (EPA) awards on behalf of the organisation, and expressed her sincere gratitude for all the support received from the EWL’s partners and colleagues at the EU (...) Read more

  • Women on boards: a first step towards meritocracy

    Women on boards: a first step towards meritocracy

    European Women’s Lobby welcomes Commission’s legislative proposal for greater gender balance on boards of administration and calls on EU legislators to strengthen text
    [Brussels, 15 November 2012] At present, more than 85% of corporate board seats are effectively reserved for men. Judging by the reactions to the announcement today of draft EU legislation to tackle this cosy state of affairs for the privileged few, ensuring women candidates with equal qualifications and experience are given a (...) Read more

  • EWL publishes report on impact of the austerity measures on women’s rights and gender equality

    EWL publishes report on impact of the austerity measures on women's rights and gender equality

    [Brussels, 15 November 2012] The findings of the EWL study, The price of austerity – the impact on women’s rights and gender equality in Europe , reveal that while austerity measures are hurting women, men, girls and boys across the European Union (EU), women are particularly hit the hardest. Because public sector employment and public services concern women to a far greater extent than men, any change in the public sector will impact on women more. Austerity measures that seek to reduce (...) Read more

  • Save the date: EWL invites you to celebrate la ‘Ste Nicolette’ on 06 December!

    Save the date: EWL invites you to celebrate la ‘Ste Nicolette' on 06 December!

    [Brussels, 15 November 2012] The staff of the EWL Secretariat are delighted to invite you to the second edition of our yearly ‘Ste Nicolette’ party, a friendly gathering to drink a toast to the end of another busy year. Please save the date to join us on the evening of 06 December in Brussels for some music and fun. Invitation with venue to follow soon! document 2014 Read more

  • EWL campaign for EU Year to end violence against women gains ground

    EWL campaign for EU Year to end violence against women gains ground

    [Brussels, 15 November 2012] The EWL’s e-petition for the EU to focus a Year on combatting violence against women has gained almost 1500 signatures and increasing high-level support in the month since it was launched. The EWL believes that an EU Year to End Violence against Women and Girls would be instrumental to put this issue on the political agenda of the EU, and therefore of the Member States. Such a Year would send a strong signal that violence against women and girls cannot be (...) Read more

  • EWL submits its statement to the UN on violence against women

    EWL submits its statement to the UN on violence against women

    [Brussels, 15 November 2012] The EWL on 15 November submitted its statement for the 57th session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW). The CSW has set violence against women and girls (VAWG) as its priority theme for 2013.
    In a global context of economic and social crisis, where women and girls are at greater risk of experiencing male violence, the EWL calls on the CSW to be the moment for reiterating the global commitment to put an end to all forms of VAWG. Women’s organisations (...) Read more

  • EU Anti-Trafficking Coordinator to speak at EWL European conference on prostitution on 04 December

    EU Anti-Trafficking Coordinator to speak at EWL European conference on prostitution on 04 December

    [Brussels, 14 November 2012] The EWL will on 04 December host a European conference entitled “10 years of policies on prostitution: outcomes of the Swedish and Dutch options, and ways forward”. The goal of the event, to take place in the European Parliament, is to raise awareness on the issue of prostitution and engage a dialogue at EU level.
    A first session will address the outcomes of the Swedish and Dutch models, referred to as the two main legislative options to deal with prostitution, (...) Read more

  • Les femmes dans les conseils d’administration: un premier pas vers la méritocratie

    Les femmes dans les conseils d'administration: un premier pas vers la méritocratie

    [Bruxelles, le 14 Novembre 2012] Le Lobby Européen des Femmes accueille favorablement la proposition législative de la Commission Européenne pour plus d’équilibre de genre dans les Conseils d’administration et fait appel aux législateurs Européens pour renforcer le texte.
    A présent, plus de 85% des sièges dans les conseils d’administration sont effectivement réservés à des hommes. La proposition de législation Européenne adresse une situation très favorable pour une minorité privilégiée. En jugeant par (...) Read more

  • EWL delivers training to NGOs from Western Balkans, Turkey and EU on lobbying for women’s rights

    EWL delivers training to NGOs from Western Balkans, Turkey and EU on lobbying for women's rights

    [Istanbul, 11 November 2012] On 11 November, EWL Policy Officer and Project Coordinator Pierrette Pape gave a training session about lobbying and advocacy in the framework of the first Freja Academy, inaugurated in Istanbul in the framework of the 2012 Freja Forum.
    Freja Forum is a platform for networking and co-operation within the non-profit sector for the Western Balkans, Turkey and the EU. The second weekend in November every year, the event Freja Forum takes place in the Western (...) Read more



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