EWL News

News typewritter Latest news from the European Women’s Lobby in Brussels

  • EWL prostitution campaign presented in international conference on trafficking

    EWL prostitution campaign presented in international conference on trafficking

    [Brussels, 25 January 2012] The EWL campaing ’Together for a Europe free from prostitution’ will be presented in an international conference on trafficking in women, to be organised in Portugal next week.
    The conference, entitled ’Tráfico de Mulheres - Romper Silêncios’ (Trafficking in women - Break the silence), is organised by Movimento democratico de mulheres (Democratic Movement of Women), and it will take place in Lisbon on 03 February. The conference will address trafficking in women in (...) Read more

  • Hungary – EWL members reveal the untold story about the attack on gender equality

    Hungary – EWL members reveal the untold story about the attack on gender equality

    [Brussels/Budapest, 20 January 2012] While the European Commission and mainstream media focus their criticisms of Orban’s government in Hungary on the tretment of the central bank, judiciary, data protection and media, the continuing attacks on gender equality and LGBTI rights give us several more reasons to be alerted by the Hungarian situation.
    The EWL and its national coordination in Hungary, the Hungarian Women’s Lobby, are concerned that the EU and public debate focus on rather (...) Read more

  • EWL and ENoMW launch lobbying campaign for gender-sensitive family reunification policies

    EWL and ENoMW launch lobbying campaign for gender-sensitive family reunification policies

    [Brussels, 18 January 2012] In the context of the European Commission public consultation on the right to family reunification, the European Network of Migrant Women and the European Women’s Lobby have launched a lobbying campaign that calls for gender-sensitive EU policies on family reunification.
    We are calling on the European Commission to enforce the current EU Directive on the right to family reunification, rather than reopen legislative negotiations, which, given the current political (...) Read more

  • Let’s all commit to age-friendly European Union, says NGO coalition

    Let's all commit to age-friendly European Union, says NGO coalition

    [Brussels, 18 January 2012] On the eve of the launch of the European Year on Active Ageing and Solidarity between Generations, the EY2012 Coalition of which the European Women’s Lobby is an active member, presents its joint Manifesto and Road Map.
    The Coalition urges all relevant actors at local, national and European level to seize the momentum of the European Year 2012 to commit to creating an age-friendly European Union that will allow everyone to live, learn, work and age with dignity. (...) Read more

  • Video clips highlight discrimination against migrant women in family reunification policies

    Video clips highlight discrimination against migrant women in family reunification policies

    [Brussels, 13 January 2012] The European Network of Migrant Women (ENoMW) and the European Women’s Lobby (EWL) have produced three video clips in order to make visible the discrimination against migrant women in family reunification provisions.
    The clips tell the stories of three migrant women, Liz, Saheli and Claudia. Their stories highlight the main challenges that migrant women face due to the lack of gender sensitivity of migration policies, in particular family reunification policies. (...) Read more

  • New EWL project: Women’s organisations cooperating for change around the Mediterranean region

    New EWL project: Women's organisations cooperating for change around the Mediterranean region

    [Brussels, 12 January 2012] This spring, the European Women’s Lobby will organise a pilot phase for an exchange project with women’s organisations from the Mediterranean region. This project follows from the EWL members’ willingness to support women’s organisation in the democratisation process in Arab countries, and it will be supported by the Heinrich Böll Foundation.
    The objective of this project is to facilitate the first exchange between women’s organisations from (South) Eastern European (...) Read more

  • EU leaders must protect discriminated groups in all walks of life, say European equality NGOs

    EU leaders must protect discriminated groups in all walks of life, say European equality NGOs

    [Brussels, 12 January 2012] The EU has thrown in the towel about protecting discriminated groups, including lesbian, gay and bisexual people, persons with disabilities, religious minorities, youth and older people. A coalition of European equality and anti-discrimination NGOs, including the European Women’s Lobby, now calls on the European Commission and the Danish Presidency of the EU to urgently take up this issue.
    The European Commission proposed a progressive EU anti-discrimination law (...) Read more

  • EWL looks at active ageing and intergenerational solidarity through a feminist lens

    EWL looks at active ageing and intergenerational solidarity through a feminist lens

    [Brussels, 06 January 2012] 2012 is the European Year for Active Ageing and Solidarity between Generations, and the themes of the Year will be visible also in the work of the European Women’s Lobby (EWL). This year, the EWL will look at intergenerational solidarity from a feminist perspective and apply a life-cycle perspective to its work on various gender equality issues.
    The EWL annual conference on 12 May and the next issue of the EWL thematic publication European Women’s Voice will focus (...) Read more

  • EWL review: Measures to reach gender balance on boards in 2011

    EWL review: Measures to reach gender balance on boards in 2011

    [Brussels, 03 January 2012] Will 2012 go down in history as the year of EU legislation for gender balance in the corporate boardrooms? Two months before the European Commission is due to announce what measures it will take to increase women’s representation on the boards of European companies, the European Women’s Lobby (EWL) takes stock of the measures adopted in EU Member States in 2011.
    The EWL has strongly supported European Commission Vice-President Viviane Reding’s initiative to (...) Read more

  • European Commission must take the lead in ensuring gender equality in pensions, says EWL

    European Commission must take the lead in ensuring gender equality in pensions, says EWL

    [Brussels, 02 January 2012] The European Commission will soon adopt the much anticipated White Paper on pensions, which will set out a vision for affordable and sustainable pensions in the EU. The European Women’s Lobby (EWL) has written a letter to the Commission President José Manuel Barroso, making concrete proposals on how the European Commission can ensure gender equality in pensions.
    The outcomes of current pension systems are gendered and unequal. The gender pension gap, the (...) Read more



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