EWL News

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  • Young migrant women invisible in secondary education policy, according to international research published by EWL members in Cyprus

    Young migrant women invisible in secondary education policy, according to international research published by EWL members in Cyprus

    [Brussels, 13 October 2011] A new book has revealed that young migrant women are excluded from policies aimed at the integration of migrant children in schools. The book is the result of an 18-month research project entitled “Integration of Young Migrant Women in the Secondary Education: Promoting Integration and Mutual Understanding through Dialogue and Exchange”, and compiles the results of the qualitative research implemented in five European partner countries – the UK, Germany, Spain, (...) Read more

  • Lithuania - EWL members march against violence

    Lithuania - EWL members march against violence

    [Brussels, 12 October 2011] On 10 October, the Women’s issues information center (WIIC) and their members organised a march against violence against women in Vilnius’s streets (Lithuania). The successful march took place after the Conference on the new law against violence in the private space. The conference was organised by the US Embassy and the Committee of human rights in the Parliament, together with the WIIC and the Ministry of Justice. The march got the attention of media and (...) Read more

  • EWL delighted at award of Nobel Peace Prize to 3 women’s rights and peace activists

    EWL delighted at award of Nobel Peace Prize to 3 women's rights and peace activists

    [Brussels, 07 October 2011] The EWL is delighted at the announcement that this year’s Nobel Peace Prize will, for the first time ever, be awarded to three women for ’their non-violent struggle for the safety of women and for women’s rights to full participation in peace-building work’. The winners are Ellen Johnson Sirleaf and Leymah Gbowee of Liberia and Tawakul Karman of Yemen.
    This award is a welcome recognition of the importance of the work of women’s associations worldwide, and also a rare (...) Read more

  • Upcoming EWL seminar to address "The other half of gender - Masculinities and men’s role towards equality"

    Upcoming EWL seminar to address "The other half of gender - Masculinities and men's role towards equality"

    [Brussels, 07 October 2011] Recent developments have shown that policies and work towards gender equality face new challenges related to men’s role and demands. Reflecting on men, masculinities and men’s movements is therefore of crucial need for women’s organisations. The European Women’s Lobby is delighted to organise a European debate on how to work with men and involve them in the struggle for gender equality.
    The other half of gender – Masculinities and men’s role towards equality (...) Read more

  • EWL prepares debate on trafficking in women and girls and screening of documentary "Not For Sale"

    EWL prepares debate on trafficking in women and girls and screening of documentary "Not For Sale"

    [Brussels, 06 October 2011] To celebrate the EU Anti-Trafficking Day, the EWL will on 27 October co-host with UNRIC and UN Women a presentation of the engaging documentary Not for Sale and a welcomes EU Anti-trafficking Coordinator Myria Vassiliadou to discuss trafficking in women for sexual exploitation.
    This event takes place around the exhibition of the finalists of the United Nations ad competition “No to Violence Against Women”.
    The film challenges the traditional views and myths on (...) Read more

  • EWL joins Asylum Aid’s call for a strong gender perspective in the work of the UK Border Agency

    EWL joins Asylum Aid's call for a strong gender perspective in the work of the UK Border Agency

    [Brussels, 05 October 2011] The European Women’s Lobby has given its support to a letter addressed to the new Chief Executive of the UK Border Agency calling for implementation of commitments made in the Charter of Rights of Women Seeking Asylum. The letter, drafted by Asylum Aid, has the backing of 160 other organisations.
    In the letter, Asylum Aid appeals for commitments made by Ministers and Senior Officials to be reflected in a change of culture throughout the UK Border Agency. The (...) Read more

  • EWL welcomes election of first man to Chair of the EP’s Women’s Rights Committee and calls for continuity in strong and progressive leadership

    EWL welcomes election of first man to Chair of the EP's Women's Rights Committee and calls for continuity in strong and progressive leadership

    [Brussels, 04 October 2011] The European Women’s Lobby (EWL), the largest association of women’s rights organisations in the European Union (EU), yesterday welcomed the election of Swedish MEP Mikael Gustafsson (GUE/NGL) to the Chair of the Women’s Rights and Gender Equality (FEMM) Committee of the European Parliament. Mr. Gustafsson takes over from Ms. Eva-Britt Svensson, with whom he ran for election in 2009 on a shared platform calling for a strengthened gender equality perspective in (...) Read more

  • EWL issues Statement calling for the highest standards for health professionals in the EU

    EWL issues Statement calling for the highest standards for health professionals in the EU

    [Brussels, 30 September 2011] “Health Professionals’ education must not be compromised in name of the Single Market”, states the EWL in a Joint Statement issued on 30 September 2011 with the European Public Health Alliance (EPHA), the European Patients’ Forum and the European Consumers’ Organisation (BEUC) in the context of the public consultation on the Green Paper on Modernising the Professional Qualifications Directive, adjacent to the Single Market Reform (for more information see: (...) Read more

  • Hungary - Conference addresses national and international dimensions of prostitution and trafficking

    Hungary - Conference addresses national and international dimensions of prostitution and trafficking

    [Brussels, 30 September 2011] On 23 September 2011 in Budapest, MONA – Foundation for the Women of Hungary organised a full day conference in Budapest on Prostitution and trafficking for the purpose of sexual exploitation. The conference considered international and Hungarian experiences, challenges and opportunities for action.
    With this conference, MONA Foundation for the Women of Hungary, member of the Hungarian Women’s Lobby, wanted to raise awareness on the growing scale of sexual (...) Read more

  • EWL addresses prostitution and NGO Observatories on violence against women at 11th International Women’s Health Meeting

    EWL addresses prostitution and NGO Observatories on violence against women at 11th International Women's Health Meeting

    [Brussels, 30 September 2011] The European Women’s Lobby (EWL) was a partner of the 11th International Women’s Health Meeting (IWHM), which took place in Brussels from 13 to 17 September 2011. The IWHM targets the advocates of women’s health, the activists in the field, feminists, academics, financial institutions and other networks working on women’s health. It aims to provide a platform for exchange as well as to inform, to question and to act on policies and practices regarding women’s (...) Read more



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