EWL press coverage

Press coverage newspapers icon Copies of some of the press coverage our work has received.

  • March 8: A day for women

    100 years from the first women’s day, a look at progress made for gender equality, by Cristina Barbetta
    To celebrate the 100th anniversary of International Women’s Day, European Women’s Lobby experts will be online on Facebook today from 10:00 to 12:00 and from 16.00 to 18.00 to discuss questions related to women’s rights and gender equality in Europe. It is a great opportunity to share ideas, ask questions and engage in a dynamic and transnational discussion.
    The European Women’s Lobby is (...) Read more

  • EU ruling is a victory for women’s rights

    by Leanda Barrington-Leach
    EUOBSERVER / COMMENT - Tuesday’s (1 March) ruling by the European Court of Justice (ECJ) concerning sex discrimination in insurance premiums has caused a lot of confusion, with attention being particularly focused on potential rises in car insurance premiums for women.
    It might therefore come as a surprise that the European Women’s Lobby (EWL), representing more than 2,500 women’s associations from across the EU, supported the legal challenge to the ’opt out’ (...) Read more

  • EU court rules in favour of ’unisex’ insurance

    Starting from 2012, insurance companies will no longer be able to charge different premiums for men and women, after the European Court of Justice ruled against using gender-based criteria to set prices.
    European Union law (Directive 2004/113) and the Charter of Fundamental Rights prohibits discrimination on gender grounds in accessing and supplying goods and services.
    A derogation in the Directive, however, allows EU member states to use sex-specific differences in the (...) Read more

  • E.U. Court to Insurers: Stop Making Men Pay More

    By Leo Cendrowicz
    Call it biology, evolution or just testosterone, but chances are that the driver of the mangled vehicle wrapped around a lamppost is — or maybe was — male. Men drive more recklessly and cause more accidents than women. They also tend to live shorter, less healthy lives than women. These aren’t just broad gender generalizations but measurable statistics that insurers take into account when they draw up their policies. Which is why men tend to pay more than women to insure (...) Read more

  • Gender equality - European pact could remain limited to basic principles

    By Sophie Petitjean
    The European Pact for Gender Equality, currently being developed by the Hungarian Presidency of the EU, contains neither legislative measures nor definite objectives, according to information obtained by Europolitics.
    The document, intended to accompany the European Commission’s gender equality strategy for 2010-2015, will not elicit great hopes among the organisations working to promote gender equality in the light of the “limited impact of its predecessors,” as the (...) Read more

  • N?ket védene az EU, ha...

    Mi köze a n?k elleni er?szaknak az EU-intézmények közötti villongásokhoz? Ezt a magyar elnökség a saját b?rén tapasztalhatja meg.
    Pócs Balázs| | 2011. január 24.
    REUTERS - Michaela Rehle „A n?k elleni er?szakot semmilyen EU-jogszabály nem tiltja. Így viszont a n?k és férfiak közötti esélyegyenl?ségr?l is hiába beszél az unió” – mondta lapunknak Colette De Troy, az Európai N?i Lobbi szakért?je. „Nagyon számítunk arra, hogy a magyar elnökség folytatja a harcot, amelyet a spanyol és a belga elnökség már elkezdett” – (...) Read more

  • The European Parliament has approved the EU Directive against Trafficking

    The European Parliament has now formally approved a new Directive to strengthen the fight against human trafficking and sexual exploitation and provide victims of trafficking with more substantial rights and protection. As the European Council, composed of member states’ governments, has already expressed agreement to the text the Directive is likely to be adopted early in 2011. The UK will then have a second chance to decide whether to opt-into the Directive. In this regard, it is (...) Read more

  • Gender Equity in Politics

    By David Shreck
    An editorial in that bastion of social democracy, the National Post, claimed that publicity around the NDP’s gender equity provisions makes the party look ridiculous. The editorial appeared to have reflected the views of some New Democrats. Ruth Fane, president of the Kamloops-South Thompson NDP riding, was quoted in the Kamloops News saying: "It’s quite ridiculous. A lot of our gender rules are."
    The Post’s editorial concluded:
    "Equality cannot be engineered by fiat. If the (...) Read more

  • European Women’s Lobby issues a paper to end domestic violence

    Posted by Imran Ali
    The European Women’s Lobby (EWL), the largest alliance of women’s non-governmental associations in the European Union (EU), has published a paper setting out the position and recommendations of its membership on domestic abuse.
    Entitled ’Towards a Europe free from all forms of male violence against women’, the position paper gives a strong analysis of male violence against women as the main structural expression of gender inequality.
    It denounces its persistence in the (...) Read more

  • EU launches new website to help fight human trafficking

    By Martin Banks
    The commission has launched a new website designed to help provide additional support for victims of human trafficking.
    The site, launched on Tuesday by home affairs commissioner Cecilia Malmström, is described as a "one-stop shop" for victims and those wishing to obtain information about trafficking.
    The move comes a week after parliament formally endorsed a commission proposal for a directive on trafficking in human beings.
    The website – (...) Read more



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