EWL press coverage

Press coverage newspapers icon Copies of some of the press coverage our work has received.

  • Gender equality initiatives have been worringly absent from the policies of the Barroso II commission, writes Myria Vassiliadou

    Stakeholder comment
    On the occasion of international women’s day earlier this year, European commission president José Manuel Barroso announced with great fanfare a women’s charter, a political document reiterating the strong committment of his new team to promoting women’s rights and making gender equality a reality in the EU. Simoultaneously, Barroso presented the comission’s proposal for the EU 2020 strategy, perhaps the most important framework instrument by which medium-term societal and (...) Read more

  • A leap forward for women’s rights

    Your article "Spain faces uphill struggle for EU-wide protection order" (3-9 June) struck a pessimistic note. The next day, 4 June, justice and home affairs ministers agreed to move ahead with the creation of a European protection order (EPO).
    This is an important step forward in ensuring the protection of women. The Spanish EU Presidency estimates that some 100,000 EPOs will be issued every year, most of them for female victims of male violence. Some 45% of women suffer at some point from (...) Read more

  • Dialogue on social security entitlements for women

    As part of the activities organised during the Focus Week to mark the European Year for Combating Poverty and Social Exclusion, the National Council of Women organised a public dialogue at the Museum of Archaeology in Valletta on the theme of social security entitlements for women.
    Earlier this month, Leanda Barrington-Leach of the European Women’s Lobby said: “Women tend to live longer than men, but they don’t have as much savings and security backup as men, so they are often poorer.”
    Joe (...) Read more

  • Treba li Europa "žensku kvotu"?

    Europska unija je prema svojim propisima dužna poštivati ravnopravnost žena i muškaraca. Unato? tome, u Europi je na važnim dužnostima još uvijek daleko manje politi?arki. To vrijedi i za Europski parlament.
    Europska unija je prema svojim propisima dužna poštivati ravnopravnost žena i muškaraca. Unato? tome, u Europi je na važnim dužnostima još uvijek daleko manje politi?arki. To vrijedi i za Europski parlament.
    Broj zastupnica u Europskom parlamentu je od prošlih izbora 2009. godine dostigao rekord: u (...) Read more

  • Las inmigrantes: no “victimizarlas”, pero reconocer sus derechos

    Reconocer que las inmigrantes no son iguales a los inmigrantes y apoyar sus asociaciones sería avanzar en la integración, dicen asociaciones de mujeres inmigrantes con miras a la Conferencia de Zaragoza.
    El 15 y 16 de abril de 2010 se reúnen en Zaragoza, de los 27 países que forman la Unión Europea, los ministros que tienen que ver con inmigrantes, su regulación y su integración a las sociedades en las que han llegado a vivir. Bajo el lema “la integración como motor de desarrollo y cohesión (...) Read more

  • Frauenquote im EU-Parlament?

    Die EU ist laut ihrer Grundrechte-Charta der Gleichstellung von Mann und Frau verpflichtet. Doch im Europäischen Parlament gibt es deutlich weniger Frauen als Männer und keine Quotenregelung.
    "Wir sollten uns nicht zufrieden geben, ehe nicht die Hälfte der Abgeordneten Frauen sind", fordert Eva-Britt Svensson. Die Linksgrüne ist Vorsitzende des Ausschusses für die Rechte der Frau und Gleichstellung der Geschlechter (FEMM). Dass eine Frau Ausschussvorsitzende ist, bleibt in der (...) Read more

  • Up to the challenge

    Myria Vassiliadou calls on MEPs to show progressive leadership when it comes to gender equality
    Over the last 100 years, much progress has been made for women’s rights in Europe, and over the last half century the EU has played a significant role in this regard. At both the European and international level, strong legal instruments are in place to face up to the remaining challenges to real equality between women and men, including the UN treaty eliminating discrimination against women, the (...) Read more

  • Flawed Roadmap for Gender Equality criticised by European Women’s Lobby

    The success of the Roadmap for gender equality has been marred by a lack of comparable data across the EU, a lack of targeted financial resources, and difficulties of coordination at national and EU level with gender mainstreaming.
    This is the hard-hitting conclusion of a report entitled, ‘From Beijing to Brussels: An Unfinished Journey’, which evaluates the progress made at European level towards the full implementation of the Beijing Platform for Action (BPfA). It is the third Alternative (...) Read more

  • Women seek fairer deal

    Women across Europe are more likely than men to experience poverty, and single mothers, older women and immigrant women are particularly vulnerable. Fifteen years after the signing of the Beijing Declaration on the right of women, there is still a long way to go.
    Women are more likely than men to have poor housing, to neglect their health and struggle to find child-care services. Financial precariousness can cause women to stay with violent men and force others into prostitution and human (...) Read more



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