EWL press coverage

Press coverage newspapers icon Copies of some of the press coverage our work has received.

  • Barroso´s female revolution

    President designate, José Manuel Barroso, sent a letter to all heads of state and government earlier this week. In polite diplomatic words Barroso gave the EU leaders a very clear hint of what he expects when they nominate candidates to the next Commission: “To allow me to propose a properly balanced team to the Council and the European Parliament, I would therefore ask you all to see gender balance as a common goal and as a shared responsibility. I would therefore urge you to pay particular (...) Read more

  • Women’s Rights Must be Implemented in Daily Life

    The EU Progress Report emphasizes the necessary reinforcement of women’s political presence and women’s labor power. Serious problems such as domestic violence, "honor killilngs" and early and forced marriage still leave room for improvement.
    The section on women’s rights of the 11th Progress Report of the European Council starts with the positive reference to the Committee on Equal Opportunities for Men and Women enforced in the beginning of this year: "As regards women’s rights, a (...) Read more

  • Why are working mothers blamed?

    Representing thousands of women’s organisations from throughout Europe, we write to you in response to your article "Working mums raise the most unhealthy children" (Irish Independent, September 29).
    The European Women’s Lobby (EWL) does not wish to question the findings of the researchers at the Institute of Child Health in London, but insists that all scientific research must be viewed in its proper context. In this case, the terms of reference of the research, which only examines the (...) Read more



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