EWL News

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  • Reviewing the past - preparing for the future

    Reviewing the past - preparing for the future

    [Brussels, 22 October 2019] On September 30, 2019 the current Presidency of the Council of the European Union, Finland, organised a conference to analyse the challenges, priorities and operational policies of EU gender policy for the next five years based on the UN’s review of the implementation of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action (Beijing +25).
    As political leaders gathered under the auspices of the Finnish Presidency to push forward the agenda on equality between women and (...) Read more

  • WomenObject! Week of Action to End Sexual Exploitation

    WomenObject! Week of Action to End Sexual Exploitation

    [Brussels, 9 October 2019] We have witnessed much progress on many aspects of equality between women and men, something that is inspired by women’s resilience and their fight to push for more equality all over the world. However, we are also witnessing a very general backlash in many parts of the world, including Europe, on various issues such as women’s sexual and reproductive health rights, and violence against women. There is still not a single country in the world where women are (...) Read more

  • Solidarity with EWL’s UK National Coordination

    Solidarity with EWL's UK National Coordination

    [Brussels, 18 September 2019] In June 2019, European Women’s Lobby (EWL) members came together in Brussels for our annual European Women’s Forum (EWF), which is included our General Assembly. The event gathered more than 100 feminist activists forfour days of strategising, sharing and mobilising for women’s rights.This year, at our General Assembly, EWL members approved a motion to make some additions to EWL’s Internal Rules – one of these additions guaranteed continued full membership for (...) Read more

  • Violence against Women Politicians: A reflection on the #HerNetHerRights training for the EWL 50/50 European election campaign

    Violence against Women Politicians: A reflection on the #HerNetHerRights training for the EWL 50/50 European election campaign

    [Brussels, 6 August 2019] With the European parliamentary elections concluded, the European Women’s Lobby (EWL) is conducting a reflection on the various activities women all across Europe engaged in, in order to campaign for true, fair parity democracy in the European institutions.
    For women across Europe, the elections were a welcome sign of progress as the results clearly show that many citizens are striving for a feminist, sustainable Europe, with now 41% of MEP’s being women. The EWL (...) Read more

  • No means No: The modification of article 336 of the Greek penal code

    No means No: The modification of article 336 of the Greek penal code

    *Pictures from Alexia “Tsouni [Athens 08 June 2019] The European Women’s Lobby (EWL) and the Coordination of Greek Women’s NGOs for the EWL express their satisfaction about the historical decision made by the Greek Government to modify the penal code to introduce a consent-based definition of rape. “This a landmark decision that will help to protect and give access to justice and reparation to women and girls in Greece. The government proposal responds to the longstanding demand and lobbying (...) Read more

  • Our 2019 European Women’s Forum

    Our 2019 European Women's Forum

    [Brussels, 26 June 2018] From 6 to 9 June, EWL members came together in Brussels for our annual European Women’s Forum, which gathers over 100 feminist activists and members for four days of strategising, learning and mobilising for women’s rights. The timing of the Forum was particularly crucial this year as it took place less than two weeks after the European Elections, giving us an important opportunity to work together to advocate and campaign for a feminist Europe.
    The flagship event of (...) Read more

  • Five emergency motions adopted by EWL’s General Assembly in 2019

    Five emergency motions adopted by EWL's General Assembly in 2019

    [Brussels, 26 June 2019] On 7-8 June 2019, EWL members adopted five Emergency Motions during our annual General Assembly. These motions, put forward to the General Assembly by EWL’s National Coordinations or European Wide Members, call on EWL to take actions and position on emerging or urgent issues impacting on women’s rights nationally or internationally. Our General Assembly this year adopted five emergency motions on different questions, including on the Istanbul Convention, a green (...) Read more

  • OPEN LETTER to the European Heads of States ahead of the European Council on June 20-21

    OPEN LETTER to the European Heads of States ahead of the European Council on June 20-21

    [Brussels, 18 June 2019] As the European Council meets on 20-21 June where they will notably discuss the EU “top jobs”, we believe it is urgent that they listen to the voices of women’s organisations and commit to ensuring a truly feminist, inclusive and equal leadership. It is time for the European Union to guarantee a robust political strategy for equality between women and men as well as parity among commissioners and the top positions. #WomenforEurope
    [*Our OPEN LETTER to the European (...) Read more

  • EWL calls on the adoption of the international standards to end violence against women in the world of work

    EWL calls on the adoption of the international standards to end violence against women in the world of work

    [Brussels, 10 June 2019] The European Women’s Lobby calls on governments and employers to support the International Convention on ending violence and harassment in the world of work with a strong women and intersectional perspective.
    This June governments, employers and trade unions are negotiating an international law that aims at creating a consistent international approach to addressing violence and harassment in the world of work with a strong gender perspective that acknowledges that (...) Read more

  • Workshop on young women’s engagement at EWL - now closed!

    Workshop on young women's engagement at EWL - now closed!

    [Brussels , 13 June 2019] Until 8 July, the European Women’s Lobby (EWL) was looking for candidates to participate in a workshop on EWL’s young women’s engagement strategy taking place in Brussels from 8 to 11 November 2019.
    The applications are now closed. Candidates will hear from EWL about their applications by 23 July 2019. Unfortunately, we will not be able to provide feedback on applications to unsuccessful candidates.
    Over the last four years, EWL has been hosting a yearly summer (...) Read more



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