At the EU level

  • EU Anti-trafficking Day 2020

    EU Anti-trafficking Day 2020

    [Brussels, October 2020] For this year’s EU Anti-Trafficking Day, at the European Women’s Lobby we wish to focus on what the European Institutions can do to improve the situation towards ending trafficking for sexual exploitation across Europe.
    Trafficking is a sad reality in every European city and town - an international crime that occurs locally, a highly gendered issue mainly impacting women and girls. The sex trade thrives only due to trafficking - there would never be enough "supply" (...) Read more

  • Dynamic and impactful contribution of EWL at CSW59

    Dynamic and impactful contribution of EWL at CSW59

    [New York, 15 March 2015] The European Women’s Lobby (EWL) was very active during the first week of the 59th session of the UN Commission on the Status of Women (CSW59). This yearly meeting of UN governments to discuss women’s rights was dedicated to the celebration of the 20 years of the Beijing Platform for Action. You will find here a summary of the activities of the EWL during this CSW59.
    Women’s organisations disappointed by the UN governments’ weak commitment
    On the first day of CSW59, (...) Read more

  • Time to act now to end prostitution and sexual exploitation! Women’s organisations celebrate the first anniversary of the Honeyball resolution

    Time to act now to end prostitution and sexual exploitation! Women's organisations celebrate the first anniversary of the Honeyball resolution

    [Brussels, 26 February 2015] One year ago, Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) adopted a historic resolution on ‘Prostitution and sexual exploitation and its impact on gender equality’, also called the ‘Honeyball resolution’ . Supported by a large cross-party majority, the resolution sent a strong signal that urgent action is required at European level to end this pervasive violation of women’s and girls’ human rights.
    Several MEPs in this new term are calling on the European Commission (...) Read more

  • Violence against women and prostitution: the Nordic model as an inspiration for gender equality

    Violence against women and prostitution: the Nordic model as an inspiration for gender equality

    [Brussels, 10 December 2014] On Monday 8 December, more than 120 persons reached out to the welcoming meeting room of the Mission of Norway to the EU, to discuss the Nordic model as an inspiration for the realisation of gender equality.
    This event, co-organised by the European Women’s Lobby (EWL) and the Norway Mission, came 3 months after the evaluation of the Norwegian law on prostitution, and aimed at feeding into the European discussion on women’s rights, at the eve of the 20 years of (...) Read more

  • “The power of united action”: seminar on violence against women plants seeds for change in Cape Town, South Africa

    “The power of united action”: seminar on violence against women plants seeds for change in Cape Town, South Africa

    [Cape Town, South Africa, 24 November 2014] To celebrate the start of 16 days of activism to end violence against women, South African activists and NGO representatives met in Cape Town to discuss challenges and opportunities to ally and make a change towards a society free from male violence. The event has been proposed by Embrace Dignity, an organisation supporting victims of trafficking and prostitution, and with whom the European Women’s Lobby works.
    The South African Constitution, (...) Read more

  • International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women

    International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women

    [Brussels 25 November] Every year on November 25, under the lead of the United Nations, activists around the world join forces for the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women. They want to raise awareness and trigger action to end the global pandemic of violence against women and girls, which is unmistakably the most widespread violation of women’s human rights.
    For the European Women’s Lobby (EWL) this day also signifies a moment to look backwards and forwards in (...) Read more

  • Join the event “Women’s rights, violence against women and prostitution: the Nordic model as an inspiration for gender equality”, 8 December 2014

    [Brussels, 20 November 2014] The issue of violence against women, prostitution and women’s human rights has been high on the agenda this year in the broader Europe: the European Parliament has adopted a resolution qualifying prostitution as a violation of human rights and promoting the Nordic model in order to reach gender equality and protect women and girls. The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe has adopted a similar resolution acknowledging the links between prostitution and (...) Read more

  • Successful first international abolitionist congress sees launch of international mobilisation of parliamentarians

    Successful first international abolitionist congress sees launch of international mobilisation of parliamentarians

    [Paris, 13 novembre 2014] The French National Assembly hosted on 12 November the first International Abolitionist Congress, gathering decision-makers, activists, NGO representatives, trade unions, survivors and citizens committed to the abolition of the system of prostitution and the realisation of equality between women and men.
    Organised by CAP International (Coalition for the Abolition of Prostitution), a network of frontline organisations working at assisting and supporting persons in (...) Read more

  • EWL participates to International Congress ’Stop SexKauf’ in Munich, 5-7 December 2014

    [Brussels, 11 November 2014] From 5 to 7 December, the city of Munich will gather dozens of activists, decision-makers, survivors and artists, calling for a society free from prostitution. The international Congress for the Abolition of prostitution "Stop Sexkauf" is organised by the women’s organisations KOFRA, NetzwerkB, SPACE International and Abolition2014, and supported by more than 25 organisations from all over Europe and beyond.
    The Congress will gather speakers from different (...) Read more

  • MEPs call for a Europe free from prostitution and support the Brussels’ Call signed by 200 NGOs

    MEPs call for a Europe free from prostitution and support the Brussels' Call signed by 200 NGOs

    [Brussels, 1 October 2013] Today, Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) gathered for a joint press event in the European Parliament, to express their view that prostitution is an obstacle to equality between women and men and a violation of human rights. Coming from different countries and all major political groups in the European Parliament, 53 MEPs all have signed the Brussels’ Call ‘Together for a Europe free from prostitution’.
    Initiated by the European Women’s Lobby (EWL) and its (...) Read more



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