EWL News

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  • Women’s organisations ask support of the European Parliament against the modification of the Spanish law on sexual and reproductive health and rights

    Women's organisations ask support of the European Parliament against the modification of the Spanish law on sexual and reproductive health and rights

    [EWL and CELEM, Brussels, 20 June 2013] President of the European Women’s Lobby (EWL) Viviane Teitelbaum and President of the Spanish Coordination for the European Women’s Lobby (CELEM) Rosa Escapa met this morning with Mikael Gustafsson, Chair of the EP Committee on Women’s Rights and Gender Equality, to convey their urgent appeal for solidarity and support to ensure that the Spanish legislation on abortion don’t experience a clear setback. The Spanish Minister of Justice, Sr.Gallardón, (...) Read more

  • Launch of 2013 EWL Barometer on Rape, 18 June 2013, European Parliament

    Launch of 2013 EWL Barometer on Rape, 18 June 2013, European Parliament

    [Brussels, 11 June 2013] The European Women’s Lobby is pleased to announce the forthcoming publication of the Observatory of Violence against Women’s 2013 Barometer publication, the 2013 Barometer on Rape.
    Following the 2011 Barometer on National Action Plans on Violence against Women in the EU, the EWL Centre on Violence against Women will present the findings from the 2013 Barometer focusing on rape.
    The EWL 2013 Barometer will be launched in the European Parliament in Brussels on (...) Read more

  • First ever Citizen’s Summit, Brussels 24-25 June

    First ever Citizen's Summit, Brussels 24-25 June

    [Brussels 14 June] The European Women’s Lobby is delighted to take part in the organisation of the first ever Citizen’s Summit to be held in Brussels in the BOZAR centre, on the 24th and 25th of June. The event, which aims to bring together actors from all across the realms of civil society activism, to create an alternate space where four hundred active citizens from across Europe will be brought together to discuss the future of the EU in a counter summit to the one that will gather (...) Read more

  • Prostitution and trafficking in women: what has Poland got to do with it?, 25 June 2013, Warsaw

    Prostitution and trafficking in women: what has Poland got to do with it?, 25 June 2013, Warsaw

    [Warsaw, 6 June 2013] The Polish Women’s Lobby is organising a European conference aiming at raising awareness and discussing the issue of trafficking in women and prostitution. The goal of the event is to bring the issues on the political agenda of Poland, and involve decision-makers in reflecting on possible ways forward to address the growing sex industry and exploitation of women and girls in Poland.
    The conference will be organised around two panels. Academics and activists will first (...) Read more

  • EWL General Assembly comes to a successful conclusion

    (Brussels 07 June) The EWLs annual general assembly came to a successful conclusion on Sunday last, following three very intense days of work.
    The delegates and observers and various board members spent three days working on adopting our new statutes, working through our work plan for the coming year, adopting our budget, passing emergency motions, taking part in an EWL cafe, working on several issue groups, and participating in a very fond farewell to a stalwart of the organisation who is (...) Read more

  • European Women’s Lobby awarded European Citizen’s Prize

    European Women's Lobby awarded European Citizen's Prize

    (Brussels 07 June) We are delighted to announce that the European Women’s Lobby has been awarded the European Citizen’s Prize. Launched by the Parliament in 2008 to recognise exceptional achievements by Europeans, this year the EWL is one of year 43 organisations selected for the prize in honour of their good work contributing to and promoting better mutual understanding and closer integration between citizens or facilitating cross-border or transnational cooperation within the EU.
    MEP (...) Read more

  • The newest member of the EWL: Serbian Network for the European Women’s Lobby

    The newest member of the EWL: Serbian Network for the European Women's Lobby

    (01 June 2013) At the EWL’s general assembly in Zagreb last week, the newest member of the EWL lobby group was welcomed with a unanimous vote from the delegates. This photo captures the precise moment when the members voted to bring our membership to 31 countries.
    About Mzreza za Evropski Zenski Lobi, Serbia:
    Founded in 2009 the Network for the European Women’s Lobby Serbia is a network of women’s organizations that brings 19 different organisations together, who represent the diversity of (...) Read more

  • Prostitution and trafficking in women: what has Poland got to do with it?, 25 June 2013, Warsaw

    Prostitution and trafficking in women: what has Poland got to do with it?, 25 June 2013, Warsaw

    [Warsaw, 6 June 2013] The Polish Women’s Lobby is organising a European conference aiming at raising awareness and discussing the issue of trafficking in women and prostitution. The goal of the event is to bring the issues on the political agenda of Poland, and involve decision-makers in reflecting on possible ways forward to address the growing sex industry and exploitation of women and girls in Poland.
    The conference will be organised around two panels. Academics and activists will first (...) Read more

  • ’Nothing for us without us’ – EWL Board Member addressses EP Public hearing on Women with disabilities

    'Nothing for us without us' – EWL Board Member addressses EP Public hearing on Women with disabilities

    (Brussels, 29 May 2013) On Thursday 29 May 2013, the European Parliament Committee on Women’s Rights and Gender Equality (FEMM) held a public hearing on difficulties faced by women with disabilities. High-level experts were invited to present the reality of women with disabilities and future possibilities for enhanced integration. A member of the EWL Board representing the European Disability Forum, Ana Peláez Narváez, director of International Relations at the Spanish National Organisation of (...) Read more

  • Citizens summit to be held in Brussels

    Citizens summit to be held in Brussels

    (Brussels 06 June) The Civil Society Contact Group, of which the European Women’s Lobby is a member, will host a Citizens’ Summit taking place in Brussels, at BOZAR, on June 24 and 25, 2013.
    Organised by a cross-sectoral coalition of NGO actors, the Summit aims to bring together for the first time professionals, practitioners and activists from across the different sectors – culture, development, education, environment, health, human rights, social affairs and women’s rights to discuss the (...) Read more



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