EWL News

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  • CSW 2013: Where we stand - 06 March 2013

    CSW 2013: Where we stand - 06 March 2013

    [Brussels, 06 March 2013] The EWL express its views on some of the issues discussed during the negotiations of the CSW draft agreed conclusions on violence against women and calls to reaffirm international commitments on women’s rights. The EWL asks all Member States to strongly reaffirm their commitment to all existing international and regional instruments (including documents related to the Beijing process, the ICPD programme of action, CEDAW and its protocol, Conventions on the rights of (...) Read more

  • France: EWL members take part in 57th Commission on the Status of Women in the UN in New York

    France: EWL members take part in 57th Commission on the Status of Women in the UN in New York

    [CLEF, Paris, 04 March 2013] The French Coordination for the European Women’s Lobby (CLEF) and many of its association members will be presented at the 57th Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) in the UN in New York from March 4 through 15.
    The chosen theme for the work during this session of CSW is the elimination and prevention of all forms of violence against women and girls. CLEF is organizing on March 7, in the framework of parallel events, a workshop entitled: ‘Rape, a crime (...) Read more

  • WAGGGS: Online chatathon for International Women’s Day

    WAGGGS: Online chatathon for International Women's Day

    [Brussels, 04 March 2013] On 08 March, the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts is organising a 24 hour Chatathon to increase awareness on girls’ and young women’s rights, gather recommendations from around the world on how to make these rights a reality and contribute to the World We Want for Girls!
    Crossing eight time zones from the Philippines to Costa Rica, eight young women will moderate discussions on education for girls, violence against girls and young women, decent job (...) Read more

  • 50/50 Campaign Core Group to Hold High Level Event as 50/50 Campaign Gains Momentum

    50/50 Campaign Core Group to Hold High Level Event as 50/50 Campaign Gains Momentum

    [Brussels, 01 March 2013] On Wednesday 6 March the 50/50 Campaign coalition will host an event, with key note speaker Olli Rehn Vice-President of the European Commission, to discuss and highlight the need for gender parity within all EU institutions.
    The theme for the discussion is, "Europe back on top with 50/50"
    The event will provide an opportunity for MEP’s, Commissioners, NGO’s and party leaders to come together and hear practical experiences about the challenges, opportunities and (...) Read more

  • The EWL and its members at the UN Commission on the Status of Women

    The EWL and its members at the UN Commission on the Status of Women

    [Brussels, 01 March 2013] The European Women’s Lobby and a lot of its members will be attending the 57th session of the UN Commission on the Status of Women (CSW), in New York from 4 to 15 March. The priority theme will be the elimination and prevention of violence against women and girls. You will find here the latest news about our participation.
    EWL Statement for CSW 2013
    In a global context of economic and social crisis, where women and girls are at greater risk of experiencing male (...) Read more

  • 50/50 Campaign: No Modern European Democracy Without Gender Equality

    50/50 Campaign: No Modern European Democracy Without Gender Equality

    [Brussels, 01 March 2013] Following the success of the 50/50 campaign ahead of the European elections in 2009, which was endorsed by more than 300 prominent personalities across Europe including MEPs, EU Commissioners, Heads of States, National Ministers and collected a wide level of support from individuals and organisations, the European Women’s Lobby and a cross-party alliance of MEPs committed themselves to put gender parity on the European agenda ahead of the 2014 European Parliamentary (...) Read more

  • UK: prostitution policies on the agenda, from local to European level

    UK: prostitution policies on the agenda, from local to European level

    [London, 28 February 2013] Today, the National Alliance of Women’s Organisations (NAWO) organized their Annual General Meeting Conference on the issue of prostitution in the Europe House of London, and chaired by Julie Bindel, journalist, researcher and trustee of this EWL member organization.
    Entitled ‘A Europe free from prostitution’, the event directly follows up on the European Women’s Lobby’s European conference on prostitution, which took place on 4 December 2012 in the European (...) Read more

  • Belgium: Auwch Award for sexist journalist!

    Belgium: Auwch Award for sexist journalist!

    [NVR, Brussels, 28 February 2013] Two and a half years ago, the Dutch-speaking Council of Women of Belgium installed an award for the most sexist statement, attitude or measure of the year.
    Everybody can nominate a person, organization or institution. Just surf to www.auwchaward.be. Management and staff decide as to whether or not the nomination meets the conditions. During a period of two weeks people can vote for the nominee they prefer to see ‘rewarded’. The winner is paid a visit and is (...) Read more

  • The largest mobilisation ever to eradicate violence against women: thank you, Europe! (1)

    The largest mobilisation ever to eradicate violence against women: thank you, Europe! (1)

    [Brussels, 28 February 2013] On 14 February 2013 a unique succession of festive events took place everywhere, starting from Australia to RDC, to Mexico reaching Canada. From England to South Africa, we shook all five continents through dances and songs with a common aim: showing our refusal of violence against women, showing that we are fed up with it and we want it to STOP!
    Two weeks ago, the whole world took part in the largest mobilisation ever against violence against women. Europe was (...) Read more

  • Germany: Open letter from Der Deutsche Frauenrat EWL German coordination denouncing the TV show "Who wants to fuck my girlfriend?"

    Germany: Open letter from Der Deutsche Frauenrat EWL German coordination denouncing the TV show "Who wants to fuck my girlfriend?"

    [Brussels, 22 February 2013] The EWL welcomes and supports our national coordination in Germany, der Deutsche Frauenrat , that published an open letter concerning the so –called satirical gameshow ‘ Who wants to fuck my girlfriend?’ on the German channel Tele5. We provide you with a translation of the letter below.
    Dear Mr. Blasberg,
    Your show Who wants to Fuck my Girlfriend? was brought to our attention by our member associations as well as the European Women’s Lobby.
    Until now, we never (...) Read more



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