EWL press coverage

Press coverage newspapers icon Copies of some of the press coverage our work has received.

  • Reding’s dilemma: To quota or not to quota?

    Commissioner Viviane Reding is keeping everyone wondering about whether she will propose quotas on Monday (5 March) to fulfil the pledge she made a year ago to redress gender imbalance in listed companies’ boards.
    Last March, the EU Justice chief told companies they had one year to increase the number of women on their boards, if not she would push for legislation. To date her ‘Women on the Board Pledge for Europe’ was signed by only 24 companies.
    Although Commission officials maintain an (...) Read more

  • Women on boards: Reding may choose to compromise

    By Elise Mertens | Friday 02 March 2012
    The percentage of women occupying powerful positions within European businesses has only increased by 2% between 2005 and 2010, according to a new study by the European Women’s Lobby (EWL) (1). It will take another 95 years to achieve total equality between male and female leaders of society, claims the report.
    Meanwhile, on 5 March, European Commission Vice-President Viviane Reding will present a report on the results of her charter, ‘Women on the (...) Read more

  • Reding ready to legislate on quotas for women directors

    By Ian Wishart
    Only 24 companies have signed up to Reding’s ‘Woman on the Board Pledge’ to increase the proportion of women on their boards. Viviane Reding, the European commissioner for justice, fundamental rights and citizenship, is moving towards legislation that would set quotas for the number of women on company boards.
    One year after she gave companies “a last chance” for self-regulation, Reding will next week present a report on what voluntary commitments have been made by Europe’s (...) Read more

  • EWL discusses prostitution in two Belgian TV shows

    EWL discusses prostitution in two Belgian TV shows

    [Brussels, 29 February 2012] The Belgian TV channel RTBF - La Une dedicated the evening of 29 February to the issue of prostitution. The EWL and its campaign ’Together for a Europe Free from Prostitution’ had a visible role in two TV shows that raised the issue of the system of prostitution and helped to create debate in Belgium.
    On n’est pas des pigeons: "For or against?"
    In the show ’On n’est pas des pigeons’, the EWL got the opportunity to express its position, complemented by extracts from (...) Read more

  • «Romper silêncios» sobre o tráfico de mulheres

    MDM promove Conferência Internacional em Lisboa.
    Integrado no projecto «Romper silêncios», do Movimento Democrático de Mulheres, realizou-se, sexta-feira, no Centro de Informação Urbana de Lisboa, uma Conferência Internacional sobre o tráfico de mulheres, de forma a envolver as mulheres portuguesas e cada vez mais agentes políticos e sociais nos caminhos que garantam a igualdade, a protecção de todas as pessoas sujeitas a este crime hediondo e a criação de condições que garantam o progresso social e a (...) Read more

  • Violence against women ’still a problem in Europe’

    [NewEurope, 01 February 2012] Female genital mutilation and violence against women remain widespread issues in Europe that the EU must address quickly, according to Amnesty International and the European Women’s Lobby.
    The two organisations have called on the EU to lay out its plans and finalise its commitment to ending female genital mutilation and domestic violence.
    Their request comes just days before the International Day of Zero Tolerance of female genital mutilation on 6 February, an (...) Read more

  • Tijd voor nieuw perspectief op prostitutie?

    door Marjolein Van Bavel
    Op donderdag 1 december organiseerde de European Women’s Lobby (EWL) te Brussel de studiedag ‘Geweld tegen vrouwen en prostitutie: welk beleid?’. De beweging hoopt zo bij te dragen tot het Belgische debat rond de aanpak van prostitutie. Het belang van een Europese dimensie wordt hierbij benadrukt.
    De dag kadert binnen het bredere project ‘Samen voor een Europa zonder prostitutie’ waarmee de lobbygroep de strijd aanbindt tegen prostitutie. Vertrekkende van de idee dat (...) Read more

  • PSA Gets Men to Look at Prostitution Differently

    Here’s a look at prostitution from a male perspective. It’s quite interesting. The whole prostitution thing when viewed from the eyes of men as the John is sometimes quite glamorous. Imagery of hot, young women in tight mini dresses at one’s beck and call to server one’s every sexual whim. But when that viewpoint comes from a man as prostitute, the viewpoint is very different. Not all paying "johns" are hot, young women in tight mini dresses. Far from it. Man or woman, Johns are just regular (...) Read more

  • What does prostitution feel like?

    Posted by Tom Megginson
    Seeking to deglamourize sex with prostitutes among European men, this PSA from the European Women’s Lobby tries to make them understand what it feels like to be a female prostitute. Interestingly, rather than having the man have intercourse with the diverse (and sometimes aged) female clients, the ad shows the man “servicing” them all orally. Perhaps it’s a commentary on the nature of sexuality for men that this seems more humiliating than if he detachedly used his (...) Read more

  • Diritti delle donne, “i più calpestati d’Europa” Contro le violenze un ‘national action plan’

    Diritti delle donne, “i più calpestati d'Europa” Contro le violenze un ‘national action plan'

    Solo la Svezia ha una legislazione all’avanguardia in termini di prevenzione. Male l’Italia, insieme a Romania e Ucraina. E la crisi economica di certo non aiuta. Tagliato il progetto europeo Daphne
    In Europa quasi tutte le donne sono vittime di violenza nel corso della loro vita. Una su cinque è vittima di abusi domestici. Una su dieci viene violentata o forzata a un atto sessuale. Secondo l’European women lobby (Ewl), network di associazioni che proteggono le donne in Europa, proprio quello (...) Read more



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