Press releases

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    Friday 04.04.2014 - 15:00 pm - Public action to defend abortion right in Europe Place du Luxembourg in front of the European Parliament Brussels
    [4 April 2014] Women’s futures under threat: public action to defend abortion right in Europe
    WHO On Friday 4 April 2014, more than 50 national women’s rights organisations, members of the European Women’s Lobby (EWL) representing a total of more than 2000 organisations from all over Europe will be in Brussels to stand up together for the right to (...) Read more

  • Threats to withdraw the Maternity Leave Directive: Measures to protect women’s rights are not red tape

    [Brussels, 4 July 2014] The European Women’s Lobby cries scandal as the rhetoric on women’s rights and gender equality takes a blow.
    The European Women’s Lobby (EWL), has learned with dismay about the European Commission’s proposal to withdraw the proposed Maternity Leave Directive, as a gesture of ‘legislative management’ before the new Commission is installed. “This is a classic example of the backlash against women’s rights and gender equality in Europe. It sends a very bad signal to women and (...) Read more

  • Europe’s small steps towards 50/50

    Europe's small steps towards 50/50

    [Brussels, 4 June 2014] Europe’s small steps towards 50/50 Number of women in the European Parliament increases by 1,75%: at this pace it will take half a century until we reach gender parity
    One week after the European Parliament elections, the European Women’s Lobby (EWL) and its members has been analysing the election results with regards to the representation of elected women elected to the European Parliament. The percentage of women in the EP, the only directly elected institution of (...) Read more

  • MEPs and NGOs sound the alarm on anti-choice threat to maternal health

    MEPs and NGOs sound the alarm on anti-choice threat to maternal health

    [Brussels, 09 April 2014, Joint Press Release] European politicians and the undersigned civil society organisations called today for the European Commission to stand firm in the face of a European Citizen’s Initiative campaign that could have catastrophic consequences for maternal health in the developing world. The “One of Us” campaign, spearheaded by ultra-conservative, anti-choice movements, is the subject of a hearing at the European Parliament on Thursday, April 10th. The Commission must (...) Read more

  • European Women’s Lobby launches a video-clip on the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women

    International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women The European Women’s Lobby launches a video-clip “Europe Mobilizes against Rape”
    [Brussels, 25 November 2013] Rape continues to be one of the most devastating forms of violence against women, yet it is too often a taboo subject and thus remains shrouded in silence. Research at European level indicates that only between 2% and 10% of rapes are reported. A great majority of sex crimes against women are undisclosed and sexual (...) Read more

  • European conference in Milan to debate prostitution and human rights / Conferenza europea a Milano per discutere su prostituzione e diritti

    European conference in Milan to debate prostitution and human rights
    [Brussels and Milan, 21 March 2014] LEF Italia (Il Coordinamento Italiano della Lobby Europea delle Donne) and the European Women’s Lobby (EWL), the largest coalition of women’s NGOs in Europe, will on 21 March host a European conference on “Prostitution and human rights: ending violence against women in Europe” in Milan. The conference aims at bringing the issues of prostitution and trafficking in women and girls on the (...) Read more

  • International Day of Women: Mind the Gender Pension gap! - Attention à la discrimination entre les femmes et les hommes

    [Brussels, 7 March 2014]
    International Day of Women: Mind the Gender Pension gap!
    Gender inequalities will further increase unless national governments take active measures to combat gender discrimination at every stage of life.
    With the ongoing retreat of the welfare state, governments are looking to reduce further pressure on public budgets, including from social protection and pension systems. The current economic crisis has only aggravated the situation obliging governments to (...) Read more

  • The EWL unveils its Manifesto for the EP 2014 Elections: "Act now for her future, commit to gender equality!"

    The EWL unveils its Manifesto for the EP 2014 Elections: "Act now for her future, commit to gender equality!"

    [Brussels, 4 March 2014] On the week of the International Women’s Day (8 March), the European Women’s Lobby (EWL) is happy to unveil its Manifesto for the European Parliament elections 2014 "Act now for her future, commit to gender equality!".
    Women and girls are half of Europe’s population, and are entitled to the same rights as men and boys. Achieving substantive equality between women and men, promoting women’s rights and empowering women should be a priority of the European Union (EU) and (...) Read more

  • Vote of the European Parliament on Honeyball resolution - A historic step forward towards gender equality for women’s organisations

    For women’s organisations, a historic step forward towards gender equality with the vote of the European Parliament on the Honeyball resolution
    [Brussels, 26 February 2014] The European Women’s Lobby (EWL) warmly welcomes the vote of the European Parliament today which recognises that prostitution violates human dignity and human rights, and is an obstacle to equality between women and men. The resolution has been adopted with a strong majority (343 for, 139 against, 105 abstentions). (...) Read more

  • Tomorrow 18.02, 16h15 - My MEP is just like me?! - High Level Seminar European Parliament Brussels

    My MEP is just like me?! – High Level Seminar - European Parliament, Brussels
    Gender Equality and Diversity in European Political Life ahead of the European elections 2014
    18 February 2014, Room A3G2, 16h15- 18h15 Hosted by MEP Claude Moraes, Group of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats, UK
    This high level seminar, organised by the European Women’s Lobby(EWL), takes place within the framework of the 50/50 Campaign ‘No Modern European Democracy Without Gender Equality’ and (...) Read more



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