EWL press coverage

Press coverage newspapers icon Copies of some of the press coverage our work has received.

  • Female participation in society still facing great hurdles

    Complaints to the National Commission for the Promotion of Equality (NCPE) included allegations of dismissal from work due to pregnancy.
    The National Commission for the Promotion of Equality (NCPE) has highlighted the need for more women in decision-making positions, in its annual report on its activities for 2011.
    Although active women in the labour market has jumped from 33.5% in 2004 to 41.1% in 2011, discrimination against women in the workplace remains high, NCPE executive director (...) Read more

  • European Women’s Lobby calls on MEPs to take stand against prostitution

    The European Women’s Lobby (EWL) has today called on Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) to take a stand against prostitution at sporting events in 2012 in Europe.
    The organisation estimates that thousands of young girls and women are at risk of trafficking and sexual exploitation on the sidelines of the Olympic Games in London and the UEFA Euro 2012 football championship in Poland and Ukraine. So it has invited 19 MEPs who support their campaign to gather for a group photo with the (...) Read more

  • Danimarca, eguaglianza di genere oltre le ‘quote-rosa’

    In una conferenza stampa tenuta a Copenaghen lo scorso 3 maggio, il Governo danese ha rivelato un proprio piano per la promozione e la presenza di un maggior numero di donne nei board e nelle gestioni delle aziende.
    Come informa la EWL-European Women League, La proposta di un nuovo intervento legislativo prende in considerazione diversi target e si estende sia al settore privato che a quello pubblico. L’idea di base è che un nuovo modello danese deve essere messo in condizioni di funzionare: (...) Read more

  • The European Women’s Lobby brings a gender equality perspective to intergenerational solidarity

    The European Women’s Lobby (EWL) has launched the latest edition of its magazine, dedicated to discussing intergenerational solidarity from a gender equality perspective.
    Until now, gender equality has not been at the core of the European debate on active ageing and solidarity between generations. The new edition of the European Women’s Voice magazine, entitled “Her Future – Intergenerational solidarity from a gender equality perspective”, fills this gap and outlines a life-cycle approach to (...) Read more

  • Balancing act

    Binding legislation is the only way to increase female representation on company boards, argues Cécile Gréboval
    Commission vice-president for justice Viviane Reding’s announcement of possible EU action to address the women’s underrepresentation on company boards has created a lively debate about the pros and cons of quotas. The evidence shows, however, that there is only one way forward if the European commission wants to women and men to be equally represented on boards of European companies: (...) Read more

  • Entretien avec Mary Collins

    A l’occasion de la Journée internationale de la femme, le Parlement européen a organisé ce jeudi matin un séminaire sur les différences salariales entre hommes et femmes. En Europe, le salaire des femmes reste inférieur de 17% à celui des hommes. Ce taux de 17% est-il le même depuis plusieurs années ou finit-il quand même par diminuer ? Est-ce qu’il y a des pays en Europe où il n’y a pas d’écart salarial entre hommes et femmes (...) Read more

  • Can Mandatory Quotas Bring Gender Equality to Europe’s Boardrooms?

    By Leo Cendrowicz
    Belgian entrepreneur Isabella Lenarduzzi thought she had made it when her communications and events firm was bought by the U.K.-Netherlands publishing giant Reed Elsevier in the 1990s. The takeover allowed Lenarduzzi, then in her 30s, to sit on Reed’s board of directors. But she had a terrible time at the top. "The board was only filled with men, all about 20 years older than me," she says. "When they looked at me, they just saw a woman, not an entrepreneur. They never (...) Read more

  • A long way to go

    International women’s day provides an
    opportunity to put the need for a more
    equal society high on the agenda, writes
    Cécile Gréboval Read more

  • E.U. Considers Quotas for Women in Boardrooms

    BRUSSELS — Frustrated that her previous efforts to get more women into the top echelons of European business have not yielded stronger results, Viviane Reding, the senior justice official in the European Union, was to announce a new effort Monday that could result in legislation requiring that women occupy up to 60 percent of the seats on corporate boards. (...) Read more



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