EWL press coverage

Press coverage newspapers icon Copies of some of the press coverage our work has received.

  • Socialist delight as Denmark elects first female premier

    Socialist delight as Denmark elects first female premier

    By Ruth Marsden, Brussels
    " I would like to congratulate Helle Thorning-Schmidt on her election victory and am pleased to hear that Denmark will have its first female prime minister" Jerzy Buzek
    The Party of European Socialists (PES) has sent its "heartfelt congratulations" to former MEP Helle Thorning-Schmidt following her election as Denmark’s first female prime minister.
    PES president and former Danish prime minister, Poul Nyrup Rasmussen, who vigorously campaigned alongside (...) Read more

  • Humanitarian Aid for Rape Victims

    The New York Times this week published an editorial on the joint NGO campaign to end restrictions of abortion in US Aid as regards women victims of rape in conflict. For more information on the EWL actions as regards this campaign, see: EWL writes to President Obama to urge action on the routine denial of abortions for girls and women impregnated by rape during armed conflict, 01 August 2011 President Obama urged to end US violation of the rights of rape survivors in armed conflict, 29 (...) Read more

  • Campagne tegen prostitutie (audio)

    Lea Van Hoeymissen
    On the occassion of the start of the EWL campaign against prostitution the Belgian VRT radio 1 invites Vivienne Teitelbaum, co-initiator of the campaign and a chairwoman of the French-speaking Women’s Council. Ms Teitelbaum presents the EWL initiative by pointing at recent data on prostitution, legislation accross Europe and research recommendations.
    Radio host, Lea Van Hoeymissen, gives also the word to Lynn, manager of an Eros Centre in Mol (Belgium). Lynn presents her (...) Read more

  • Vrouwenlobby wil prostitutie afschaffen

    Door Sjoukje Smedts
    BRUSSEL De European Women’s Lobby vindt prostitutie een vorm van geweld tegen vrouwen en wil het daarom helemaal uitbannen. Weinig realistisch, vindt Antwerps prostitutieambtenaar Hans Willems. Het illegaal circuit wordt volgens hem bovendien alleen maar groter en moeilijker te controleren bij de afschaffing van prostitutie.
    ’Samen voor een Europa zonder prostitutie’. Met die slagzin wil de European Women’s Lobby het einde van het aanbieden van seksuele diensten tegen (...) Read more

  • Campanha contra a prostituição com anúncio provocador (COM VÍDEO)

    Por: Lusa/JCM
    A campanha, intitulada ’Juntos por uma Europa livre de prostituição’, que tenciona chegar a todos os Estados-membros da União Europeia, exorta os cidadãos, governos nacionais e UE a tomarem acções concretas com vista a pôr fim ao que a LEM denuncia como "tolerância da sociedade" face à exploração sexual e económica das pessoas que caem na prostituição".
    "Do nosso ponto de vista, o sistema da prostituição espelha a desigualdade, é um local onde a violência e a opressão estão dissimuladas (...) Read more

  • En-gendering the European Asylum support office

    Issue: 940 Posted: June, 19 2011
    A judge in the United Kingdom presiding over an asylum case told a woman asylum seeker, “If you’d experienced that rape the way you describe [it] I don’t think you’d be looking as well as you are now.” (Stonewall)
    In the Czech Republic, men who sought asylum because they were persecuted for their homosexuality were reportedly subjected to humiliating ‘phallometric’ tests to ‘demonstrate’ their sexual orientation.
    Countless other examples of untrained questioning (...) Read more

  • Un clip vidéo choc pour mettre fin à la prostitution en Europe (vidéo)

    Le Lobby européen des femmes lance une campagne pour éradiquer la prostitution en Europe avec, comme outil principal, un clip vidéo réalisé en 21 langues. L’objectif est de sensibiliser les pays européens à cette problématique, que le lobby considère comme une "forme de violence et d’oppression" envers les femmes, a-t-il expliqué lors d’une conférence de presse. La campagne, intitulée "Together for a Europe free from prostitution" (Ensemble pour une Europe sans prostitution), appelle les individus, les (...) Read more

  • EU urged to abolish prostitution

    By Martha Moss
    Prostitution is a serious form of male violence against women and a key obstacle to gender equality in our society
    Alexandra Jachanova Dolezelova, member of the EWL executive committee
    Gender equality campaigners are calling on the EU to abolish prostitution and raise awareness of the practice as a form of violence against women.
    The European Women’s Lobby (EWL) launched its campaign to end prostitution at a press conference in Brussels on Friday.
    The launch came as the (...) Read more

  • Hungary’s Government to Launch Anti-Abortion Campaign

    Hungary's Government to Launch Anti-Abortion Campaign

    By Veronika Gulyas
    The advertisement says: “(I understand if you aren’t ready for me) …but rather put me up for adoption, LET ME LIVE!” The Hungarian government will start an ad campaign against abortion, hoping to reduce the numbers of legal abortions through persuasion rather than a ban.
    The Hungarian ad campaign, partly financed by the EU, will run for two months and show a picture of a fetus with the words, “I understand it if you aren’t ready for me, but rather put me up for adoption, let (...) Read more



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