EWL News

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  • Looking Backwards - Moving forwards: discussing the destiny of the Women on Company Boards

    Looking Backwards - Moving forwards: discussing the destiny of the Women on Company Boards

    [Brussels, 22 November 2018] On 6 November, the European Women’s Lobby and PwC organized the lunch-time event ‘Looking Backwards - Moving forwards: Women on Company Boards - what has been achieved and how to move forward in the future?’, hosted by Angelika Mlinar MEP from the ALDE Group.
    The aim of the event was to discuss women’s leadership, primarily in the business sector, where women are still underrepresented in top positions. In particular, as the end of the European institutional (...) Read more

  • The Sustainable Development Goals can shape the future of Europe

    The Sustainable Development Goals can shape the future of Europe

    The EWL joins SDG Watch Europe in the call for the EU to fully implement the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
    To the attention of: The President of the European Council The EU Heads of State and Government The President of the European Commission The Secretary-General of the European Commission The Members of the European Commission The Spitzenkandidaten The President of the European Parliament The European Parliament Political Groups Chairs
    Dear European Leaders , Over the coming (...) Read more

  • Call to put gender equality at the heart of the future budget of the EU

    Call to put gender equality at the heart of the future budget of the EU

    In view of the forthcoming European Council, the European Women’s Lobby together with Women in Development Europe (WIDE+), CARE International and COFACE Families Europe call on European leaders to put gender equality at the heart of the future budget of the EU. At a time where European societies are confronted with a severe backlash against women’s rights, it is of utmost importance that the EU does not take a step backwards.
    The European Women’s Lobby, Women in Development Europe (WIDE+), (...) Read more

  • Comments of Iceland MPs are unacceptable sexism and ableism

    Comments of Iceland MPs are unacceptable sexism and ableism

    They need to resign immediately.
    [Brussels, 11 December 2018] Six Members of the Icelandic Parliament were overheard making sexist and ableist comments about a number of prominent women in a bar. This is inexcusable hate speech and we call for their immediate resignation.
    We, the European Disability Forum (EDF),[[The European Disability Forum] the European Network on Independent Living (ENIL)[[The European Network on Independent Living] and the European Women’s Lobby (EWL) are outraged by (...) Read more

  • Regional forum on the implementation of the Istanbul Convention in the Western Balkans and Turkey

    Regional forum on the implementation of the Istanbul Convention in the Western Balkans and Turkey

    [Brussels, November 30 2018] On November 28-29th, the European Women’s Lobby (EWL) participated in the Regional Forum Integrated Polices, Inclusive Partnerships, in partnership with UN Women, the Council of Europe, the European Union and the government of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia in Skopje.
    The Regional Forum is part of the three-year UN Women Programme “Ending violence against women: Implementing norms, Changing minds” which aims to end gender-based discrimination and (...) Read more

  • The 2018 Women of Europe Awards: the WINNERS

    The 2018 Women of Europe Awards: the WINNERS

    [Brussels, 29 November 2018] Last night, the European Movement International, together with the European Women’s Lobby, hosted the 2018 edition of the Women of Europe Awards ceremony. The Awards, inspired the national awards of several National European Movement Councils, are handed out annually to honour women striving to advance the European project in their professional or private capacity.
    Members of the European Movement International and of the European Women’s Lobby nominate women who (...) Read more

  • Equal Pay Day: the European Women’s Lobby calls for improved gender equality in the workplace

    Equal Pay Day: the European Women's Lobby calls for improved gender equality in the workplace

    [Brussels, 31 October 2018] The European Women’s Lobby (EWL), marks the ninth European Equal Pay Day by calling for increased efforts to end the gender pay gap. Even though the principle of equal pay for equal work was enshrined in the 1957 founding Treaty of the EU, European women continue to face discrimination in the job market and to earn less than men. For this reason, more than sixty years later, the European Equal Pay Day was established to illustrate the persistent wage inequality (...) Read more

  • EWL calls on EU Member States and EU institutions to do MORE to protect women & girls’ victims of human trafficking

    EWL calls on EU Member States and EU institutions to do MORE to protect women & girls' victims of human trafficking

    [Brussels 18 October 2018] Trafficking in human beings (THB) is the world’s fastest growing crime. Though TBH is recognised in Europe by Directive 2011/36/EU of the European Parliament and Council of 5 April 2011 (on Preventing and Combating Trafficking in Human Beings and Protecting its Victims) as a serious human rights violation, European Union (EU) member states have failed to identify and adequately combat the evident trafficking crisis happening across Europe.
    Trafficking in human (...) Read more

  • Women on Company Boards: Looking Backwards - Moving forwards

    Women on Company Boards: Looking Backwards - Moving forwards

    [Brussels 12 October 2018] The European Women’s Lobby and PwC are delighted to invite you to join us at our event ‘Looking Backwards - Moving forwards’ that is being hosted by Angelika Mlinar MEP from the ALDE Group.
    Date and venue: Tuesday 6 November 2018 between 12:30 (following a sandwich lunch from 11:30) to 14:00 in room P5B001 in the European Parliament
    On the 20 November 2013 the European Parliament supported a proposal, from the European Commission, to address under representation (...) Read more

  • EWL joins the “Ageing Equal” campaign and calls for the empowerment of older women across Europe

    EWL joins the “Ageing Equal” campaign and calls for the empowerment of older women across Europe

    [Brussels, 8 October 2018] On 10 December, the international community celebrates the 70th anniversary of the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights by the UN General Assembly. This powerful instrument is as relevant as it was seventy years ago and remains an important reminder that human rights have no age. Ageism continues to be pervasive worldwide and has serious consequences for the health and well-being of old people, leading to marginalization, poverty and abuse. (...) Read more


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EWL event "Progress towards a Europe free from all forms of male violence" to mark the 10th aniversary of the Istanbul Convention, 12 May 2021.

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