EWL News

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  • Women’s voices are too loud and too many to be ignored any longer!

    Women's voices are too loud and too many to be ignored any longer!

    [Brussels, 13 December 2017] To mark the International Day of Human Rights (10th December) the European Women’s Lobby (EWL) held a high level conference event titled “Istanbul Convention: What policies transform commitments into reality?”, as the highlight of our project Loud and United to end violence against women and girls, in partnership with the Council of Europe. The event took place on the 6th December at the Permanent Representation of the Federal Republic of Germany to the European (...) Read more

  • LoudUnited European Campaign to end violence against women and girls

    LoudUnited European Campaign to end violence against women and girls

    [Brussels, 13 December 2017] During the 16 Days of activism to end violence against women in 2017, the European Women’s Lobby (EWL) and many of our members engaged in several campaigns and activities at national and European level to raise awareness and to call for action to end violence against women and girls.
    As part of our project Loud and United to end violence against women and girls, in partnership with the Council of Europe, the EWL conducted a very succesgul social media (...) Read more

  • EWL participates at Women’s Symposium as part of the High Level People to People Dialogue (HPPD) in Shanghai, China

    EWL participates at Women's Symposium as part of the High Level People to People Dialogue (HPPD) in Shanghai, China

    [Brussels, 11 December 2017] On the invitation of the All-China Women’s Federation, Annelies Pierrot Bults, EWL Executive member, Ludovica Bottarelli, Board member from Italy and Mary Collins, EWL Secretariat, attended the Second China-EU Symposium on Gender Equality under HPPD in Shanghai on 14-15 November 2017.
    Boosting Employment and Entrepreneurship of Young Women and Work Life Balance were the two themes around which Chinese experts and the EWL discussed similarities on both sides (...) Read more

  • Joint Statement: Call to support swift progress on Work-Life Balance Directive at EPSCO Council

    Joint Statement: Call to support swift progress on Work-Life Balance Directive at EPSCO Council

    [Brussels, 11 December 2017, Joint Statement with COFACE Families Europe] On 26 April 2017, the European Commission proposed a Directive to “support work-life balance for parents and carers”, a topic that will be on the agenda of the upcoming EPSCO Council of 7 December 2017. The Estonian Presidency has started the discussion, but is it of the utmost importance that the file progresses without being watered down and without any barriers slowing down its approval.
    The European Women’s Lobby (...) Read more

  • EWL at European Commission Colloquium on Fundamental Rights

    EWL at European Commission Colloquium on Fundamental Rights

    [Brussels, 9 December 2017] On 20 and 21 November 2017, the European Commission’s 2017 Annual Colloquium on Fundamental Rights took place in Brussels. This year’s focus was on "Women’s rights in turbulent times". Our press statement for the Colloquium is available on our website here.
    The European Women’s Lobby members organisations representatives, executive members, board members and former board members and staff were present at the Colloquium. You can check the event on twitter with the (...) Read more

  • Loud & United conference "Istanbul Convention: What policies transform commitment into reality?"

    Loud & United conference "Istanbul Convention: What policies transform commitment into reality?"

    [Brussels, 15 November 2017] The European Women’s Lobby has the pleasure to invite you to a Conference on “Istanbul Convention: what policies transform commitment into reality?” at the Permanent Representation of the Federal Republic of Germany on December 6th 2017, from 14h to 17h30.
    You can register to participate in the event here.
    Despite progress over the last decades on equality between women and men there is not a single country in the world where women and girls are free from male (...) Read more

  • The Women of Europe Awards: the WINNERS

    The Women of Europe Awards: the WINNERS

    [Brussels 4 December 2017] Last Wednesday, the European Women’s Lobby collaborated with European Movement International showed that women are still very much treated as second-class citizens in Europe. It is therefore imperative that we acknowledge these women, whilst also encouraging this work to continue – it is now the time for a reinvigorated political impetus to put women’s rights and gender equality at the centre of the EU project. It is time for urgent action: on European and member (...) Read more

  • Brussels can’t brush sexual harassment under the carpet

    Brussels can't brush sexual harassment under the carpet

    [Brussels 25 October 2017] Following the European Parliameny plenary debate today in the wake of the Harvey Weinstein scandal and press allegations regarding incidents in the Parliament itself, Politico Europe published an opinion piece by EWL Secretary General Joanna Maycock. The article has been published by Politico earlier this afternoon. Our President Edith Schratzberger-Vecsei also wrote an opinion piece for an Austrian newspaper Wiener Zeitung (in German). The outpouring of (...) Read more

  • The Art of Storytelling: Why are our stories important for social transformation?

    The Art of Storytelling: Why are our stories important for social transformation?

    [Brussels 15 November 2017] Stories are everywhere. It’s clear that stories entertain us, but how do stories contribute to social transformation? Stories can be transforming for the storytellers as well as their audience. Part of the strength of storytelling lies in its deeply feminist framing: that the ‘personal is also political’, and that stories can show us this.
    Yesterday, on November 14, 5:00 pm (Brussels Time) / 11:00 am (New York Time) we organised a webinar with New York writer and (...) Read more

  • 18 myths on prostitution - In English, Spanish, French, German, Italian, Norwegian, Hungarian and now Portuguese!

    18 myths on prostitution - In English, Spanish, French, German, Italian, Norwegian, Hungarian and now Portuguese!

    [Update October 2017] In 2014, in the framework of its campaign ‘Together for a Europe free from prostitution’, and at the eve of the vote of the EP resolution on gender equality and prostitution (Honeyball resolution), the European Women’s Lobby (EWL) has developed a leaflet answering to the most frequent assumptions on prostitution. 18 myths are therefore looked at from a gender equality and women’s rights perspective. From “It is the oldest profession in the world” to “We must combat (...) Read more


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EWL event "Progress towards a Europe free from all forms of male violence" to mark the 10th aniversary of the Istanbul Convention, 12 May 2021.

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