EWL News

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  • Gloria Steinem in Brussels 8 June 2017

    Gloria Steinem in Brussels 8 June 2017

    The European Women’s Lobby is organising a public event followed by a demonstration “Loud and United" to end violence against women and girls” in the heart of Brussels, on 8 of June 2017.
    This year, the European Women’s Lobby is marking the 20th anniversary of the establishment of the EWL Observatory on violence against women and girls.
    The Observatory is a unique structure that brings together more than 30 experts, professionals, women’s rights defenders, and front-line NGOs activists, from (...) Read more

  • CSW61: EWL acts, shakes, gathers, mobilises and questions

    CSW61: EWL acts, shakes, gathers, mobilises and questions

    [Brussels, 16 May 2017] Once again this year, the EWL was very active during the annual meeting of the UN Commission of the Status of Women (CSW61). This UN body, established in 1946, gathers all member states in New York in March, to discuss the state of play of women’s human rights and agree on a set of commitments to reach greater gender equality. While the UN member states are supposed to negotiate CSW conclusions on the basis of their commitment to the Beijing Platform for Action, the (...) Read more

  • 20 years after the adoption of the Beijing Platform for Action, the EU commits to end to violence against women

    20 years after the adoption of the Beijing Platform for Action, the EU commits to end to violence against women

    [Brussels, 12 May 2017] Yesterday, the Council of the European Union has agreed on the EU’s signature of the Istanbul Convention, the Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and girls.
    The European Women’s Lobby (EWL), and the EWL Observatory on violence against women and girls warmly welcomes this major step in the EU’s action to combat all forms of violence against women.
    “We are very happy about this decision: it is indeed time for the EU to walk the (...) Read more

  • International campaigners in Spain to call for abolition of surrogacy

    International campaigners in Spain to call for abolition of surrogacy

    [Madrid, 26 April 2017] An international panel of #StopSurrogacyNow campaigners were in Madrid this April, to meet with decision-makers and NGOs, and raise awareness on the need for a global abolition of the practice of surrogacy. Through a public event featuring the screening of the documentary ‘Breeders’, they shared their experience, vision and recommendations with regards to this new form of commodification of women’s and children’s body. Together with EWL national coordination LEM, they (...) Read more

  • The European Women’s Lobby welcomes the Commission’s Work-Life-Balance but calls for strengthened maternity rights for women

    The European Women's Lobby welcomes the Commission's Work-Life-Balance but calls for strengthened maternity rights for women

    [Brussels, 26 April 2017] The European Women’s Lobby (EWL) welcomes the European Pillar of Social Rights initiative which puts the long-awaited social dimension back into the heart of Europe.
    Responding to the European Commission’s (EC) Work-Life-Balance Package published today, the European Women’s Lobby (EWL) is pleased to welcome this timely new package. In a joint statement by a Coalition of European networks of NGOs. Yet, the current package contains no legislative proposal to strengthen (...) Read more

  • Ad Venture Student Competition

    Ad Venture Student Competition

    [Brussels, 25 April 2017] Ad Venture is a Pan-European competition, organised by the European Association of Communications Agencies (EACA) which gives students the opportunity to experience what it is like to work in advertising by creating their own campaign in response to a brief from a real client.The student agencies work on an advertising campaign from October to March by incorporating everything they’ve learned in class and putting their skills to test.
    This year the European Women’s (...) Read more

  • AGORA 2017: applications are closed!

    AGORA 2017: applications are closed!

    [Brussels 18 April 2017] At the European Women’s Lobby, we are looking for candidates to participate in AGORA, EWL’s Feminist Summer School, taking place in Brussels from 7 to 11 September 2017. AGORA brings together young feminists from across Europe to empower them to act and lead in a changing world. Through a 5-day participatory summer school, we create a space where young self-identified women (18-30) will have a chance to reflect, exchange ideas and support each other to become (...) Read more

  • World Health Day 2017: Time to speak up about post-partum depression

    World Health Day 2017: Time to speak up about post-partum depression

    [Brussels, Friday 7 April 2017] This year’s World Health Day sheds a light on depression, one of the most common mental health problems in Europe. One in seven people may experience depression at some point in their lives and each of us may be affected.
    On World Health Day 2017 together with [Mental Health Europe (MHE->http://www.mhe-sme.org) and [Make Mothers Matter (MMM)->http://www.mmmeurope.org/en, the European Women’s Lobby (EWL) joins forces to break the silence around one specific (...) Read more

  • EWL delivers 60,000 signatures to Maltese Presidency calling the EU to Rise up against violence!

    EWL delivers 60,000 signatures to Maltese Presidency calling the EU to Rise up against violence!

    [Brussels, 31 March 2017] The European Women’s Lobby delivered over 60,000 signatures under our petition with WeMove.EU “Rise up against violence!” to Ms Angele Sears-Debono chair of the FREMP working group
    You can read more here about the demands regarding the EU accession to the Istanbul Convention of the European Coalition to End violence against women and girls, convened by the European Women’s Lobby.Find here a factsheet with more information on our demands. The European Coalition is a (...) Read more

  • "Violence against women is a political issue" - EWL speaks at EU event during #CSW61

    "Violence against women is a political issue" - EWL speaks at EU event during #CSW61

    [New York, 15 March 2017] Amongst many side events related to the theme of CSW61, the European Commission decided to organise a high-level panel on "A year of focused actions to combat violence against women and girls", on 15 March, in the UN Headquarters. The EWL was invited to present its work and vision, and we were delighted to have Ana Sofia Fernandes, EWL Portuguese Board Member, Secretary-General of the Portuguese Platform for Women’s Rights, to represent us.
    "On the occasion of the (...) Read more


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EWL event "Progress towards a Europe free from all forms of male violence" to mark the 10th aniversary of the Istanbul Convention, 12 May 2021.

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