EWL News

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  • NEW video for EWL’s WEstart project

    NEW video for EWL's WEstart project

    [Brussels 6 April 2016] The European Women’s Lobby and partner foundation CHANEL will unveil a new short video on women-led social enterprise in Europe at high-level Impact2 event at the City Hall in Paris
    On Thursday April 7th, the European Women’s Lobby will be in Paris to present their groundbreaking study on women-led social enterprise WEstart: Mapping Women’s Social Entrepreneurship in Europe to the Mayor of Paris at the 5th annual Impact² Forum, held at the City Hall of Paris.
    Thanks to (...) Read more

  • Launch of abolitionist platform in Austria: welcome StoppSexkauf!

    Launch of abolitionist platform in Austria: welcome StoppSexkauf!

    [Brussels, 5 April 2016] On 18 February 2016, Vienna saw the birth of a new platform of associations dedicated to the abolition of the system of prostitution: Initiative Stopp Sexkauf, which gathers more than 200 organisations from all over Europe and beyond, and many MEPs, and aims at raising awareness on the reality of prostitution, learn from other countries’ experience and provoke public debate at European and national level. After the adoption of the European Parliament resolution on (...) Read more

  • Turkey: ’Women’s initiative for peace’ campaign #Room4Life

    Turkey: 'Women's initiative for peace' campaign #Room4Life

    [Istanbul, 23 March 2016] Our members in Turkey share this online campaign for peace: #Room4Life on INDIEGOGO. This online campaign, wants to provide support for the rebuilding of towns in the Kurdish region in Turkey, destroyed during recent curfews.
    "We are women from the Women’s Peace Initiative in Turkey. We are concerned about the fate of families who have been displaced as a result of the destruction caused by the Turkish Armed Forces in towns in the Kurdish region in their drive to (...) Read more

  • EWL and its members are ready for CSW60!

    EWL and its members are ready for CSW60!

    [New York, 8 March 2016] The 60th session of the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women (CSW60) will start on Monday 14 March, and the European Women’s Lobby and its members are getting ready to advance women’s rights one step further during this annual meeting of UN member states.
    The priority theme of this CSW is "Women’s empowerment and its link to sustainable development". The EWL and its members have issued a joint written statement to CSW, which highlights the human rights of (...) Read more

  • Women care for society, it’s time society cares for women - have you watched our video yet?

    Women care for society, it's time society cares for women - have you watched our video yet?

    [Brussels, 8 March 2016] On this International Women’s Day, the European Women’s Lobby (EWL) launches its Campaign ‘Together we can make it happen, Equal Pension Rights for Women Now!’ The campaign draws attention to the blatant discrimination that women face as they age. The accompanying video clip shows that the entrenched male bread-winner model requires robust measures to move towards an equal earner-equal carer model for the Europe of tomorrow while safeguarding women’s pension rights (...) Read more

  • Gender Pension Gap - Frequently Asked Questions

    Gender Pension Gap - Frequently Asked Questions

    Why this gap?
    • Women earn less during their working lives. Despite anti-discrimination laws the majority of women still earn substantially less than men and, as a direct result of this, their pension contributions and benefits are also substantially lower. In some Member States those people earning below a certain level do not make contributions to the state pension scheme and therefore also do not earn the benefits.
    • Women have a greater burden of work: as a rule women, in addition (...) Read more

  • EWL unveils a new factsheet on violence against women

    EWL unveils a new factsheet on violence against women

    [Brussels, 14 February 2016] To mark One Billion Rising 2016 on violence against women, highlighting our demands to the EU and the Member States.
    Violence against women is a very prevalent phenomenon in Europe, and a cause and consequence of the persistent inequality between women and men. The results of the Fundamental Rights Agency (FRA) European wide survey on violence against women published in March 2014 show how violence affects women everyday in every countries: one in three women (...) Read more

  • European Women’s Lobby’s priorities to the European Union 2016/2020

    European Women's Lobby's priorities to the European Union 2016/2020

    [Brussels, 11 February 2016] As we are heading towards the International Women’s Day, on 8th March, the European Women’s Lobby (EWL) has issued its priorities for the European Union (EU) for the next 5 years. Based on EWL Strategic Framework 2016-2020, “Together for a Feminist Europe”, our priorities highlight the key policy change we want to see in Europe by 2020 for all women and girls. They also give visibility to the work that EWL members will be carrying on over the next 5 years, in five (...) Read more

  • EWL and EU Commissioner Jourová share opportunities for women’s rights in Europe

    EWL and EU Commissioner Jourová share opportunities for women's rights in Europe

    [Brussels, 11 February 2016] This morning, the EWL had the unique opportunity to meet with Commissioner Věra Jourová and discuss challenges and opportunities for the advancement of women’s human rights in Europe. We exchanged several concrete and positive ideas to achieve equality between women and men in Europe, with a focus on ending violence against women and the situation of women and girls refugees.
    The EWL Executive Committee welcomed Ms Jourová in Amazone, a women’s house in the center (...) Read more

  • Prostitution et commerce du sexe en discussion au Luxembourg

    Prostitution et commerce du sexe en discussion au Luxembourg

    [Luxembourg, 13 janvier 2016] C’est une salle comble qui est venue assister à la conférence « Prostitution et commerce du sexe : de la réalité à l’action » ce mercredi 13 janvier au Luxembourg. Organisée par le Conseil National des Femmes du Luxembourg (@CNFL_LUX) et le Lobby européen des femmes (LEF - @EuropeanWomen), l’évènement s’inscrit dans la campagne « Ensemble pour une Europe libérée de la prostitution » et vise à apporter des éléments nouveaux dans le débat sur la prostitution au Luxembourg. Pour la (...) Read more


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EWL event "Progress towards a Europe free from all forms of male violence" to mark the 10th aniversary of the Istanbul Convention, 12 May 2021.

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