EWL News

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  • Women work for free from today! No more excuses we want equal pay NOW

     Women work for free from today! No more excuses we want equal pay NOW

    [Brussels, 2 November, 2015] From 2 November to 31 December women work for free! The European Women’s Lobby (EWL), marks the European Equal Pay Day - 2 November - by calling for more stringent measures to guarantee equal pay for women now. “60 years have lapsed since equal pay was guaranteed in the founding treaties of the European Union. Three generations of women since then continue to earn less than men. This is not good enough as women continue to be taken for granted” says Joanna (...) Read more

  • The female factor: empower women, eradicate poverty infographics

    The female factor: empower women, eradicate poverty infographics

    [Brussels, 30 October] In October the European Women’s Lobby focused on Women and the Economy, as part of its Beijing+20 campaign and published an article with interesting facts and figures at the beginning of the month.
    All throughout October we raised awareness about women in poverty and called for action on Poverty Eradication Day on October 17. Read more

  • Outcomes of EU Anti-Trafficking Day 2015: call for Nordic model by EU decision-makers and the EWL

    Outcomes of EU Anti-Trafficking Day 2015: call for Nordic model by EU decision-makers and the EWL

    [Brussels, 18 October 2015] To commemorate the EU Anti-Trafficking Day and bring a women’s rights perspective into the EU discussions and policies, the EWL produced three infographics based on its work and demands.
    Sex trafficking is gendered and linked to prostitution: 98% of victims of sex trafficking are women and girls Sex trafficking increases in countries where prostitution is legal "Prostitution is the place where sex trafficking happens, it is the reason why sex trafficking (...) Read more

  • EWL & PwC joint event on Gender Equality in Business at the European Parliament 21 October 2015

    EWL & PwC joint event on Gender Equality in Business at the European Parliament 21 October 2015

    [Brussels, 15 October 2015]
    The European Women’s Lobby ongoing work to ensure that parity at all levels of decision-making becomes reality recently saw the publication of their Second Progress Report on Women on Boards. The report: Women on Boards Cracks in the Glass Ceilling or Just a trick of the Light? tracks developments, progress, and stagnation regarding women on company boards in 11 European countries, including Italy, since the EWL’s first Progress Report on Women on Boards in 2012. (...) Read more

  • Prostitution : Le LEF se joint à 55 associations pour dénoncer le sexisme du Sénat français

    Prostitution : Le LEF se joint à 55 associations pour dénoncer le sexisme du Sénat français

    [Paris, le 12 octobre 2015] Depuis le vote de la proposition de loi d’abolition de la prostitution à l’Assemblée Nationale, le 4 décembre 2013, deux ans ont passé. Deux ans que le Sénat a mis à profit pour bloquer l’adoption définitive de la loi et notamment son volet de responsabilisation pénale des clients. Les 14 et 15 octobre prochains, les quatre piliers qui constituent ce projet de loi seront remis à l’ordre du jour du Sénat : renforcement de la lutte contre le proxénétisme, meilleur (...) Read more

  • Open letter to EU decision-makers in light of the European Council on migration

    Open letter to EU decision-makers in light of the European Council on migration

    [Brussels, 8 October 2015] Today, and in light of the European Council of 15-16 October, the European Women’s Lobby has written to the EU Commissioners in charge of fundamental rights, gender equality, migration and home affairs, to raise awareness on the situation of women and girls fleeing conflict, war and discrimination. EWL members are also sending this open letter to their Ministers. We want to see a clear EU response to women’s rights in the current ’refugee crisis’.
    Open letter to EU (...) Read more

  • EWL co-hosts anti-sex trafficking global-joint campaign: #NOtosextrafficking, #YEStohumanrights

    EWL co-hosts anti-sex trafficking global-joint campaign: #NOtosextrafficking, #YEStohumanrights

    [Seoul, 24 September 2015] The European Women’s Lobby (EWL) is very happy to be co-hosting a new global campaign against sex trafficking, initiated by the Women’s Human Rights Commission of Korea (WHRCK). The EWL member Ruhama (Ireland), the Coalition against Trafficking in Women Australia, ECPAT Philippines, the Cambodian Women’s Crisis Center, Global Centurion (USA) and Sanlaap (India) are the other co-hosts of this campaign, which therefore gathers civil society organisations from different (...) Read more

  • WEstart Conference: Women Social Entrepreneurs Changing Europe 11 September 2015

    WEstart Conference: Women Social Entrepreneurs Changing Europe 11 September 2015

    [Brussels, 22 September 2015]
    On 11 September 2015 The European Women’s Lobby delivered the Westart Conference: Women Social Entrepreneurs Changing Europe at the European and Economic Social Committee.
    The conference brought to a close the European Women’s Lobby 1-year pilot study that aimed to give visibility to women social entrepreneurship and map the state of women social entrepreneurship in 10 EU member-states. The results of this study were compiled into a report and presented at the (...) Read more

  • Asylum is not gender neutral: the refugee crisis in Europe from a feminist perspective

    Asylum is not gender neutral: the refugee crisis in Europe from a feminist perspective

    [Brussels, 21 September 2015] Today is International Day of Peace. However, the persistence of war and conflicts globally urges us to redefine sustainable peace as the presence of human security, justice and equality, rather than the absence of war. Europe has to face the consequences of war and conflicts in other parts of the world, and has a duty to act, not only in terms of addressing the situation of refugees and asylum seekers reaching European countries, but also to promote real peace (...) Read more

  • EWL Year of Action on Beijing+20 Webinar “Mobilising for a Feminist Approach to Peace and Security”

    EWL Year of Action on Beijing+20 Webinar “Mobilising for a Feminist Approach to Peace and Security”

    [Brussels, 10 August 2015] In the framework of its Beijing+20 Year of Action, in September the EWL focuses on Women and Armed Conflict.
    Today is the day for our webinar “Mobilising for a Feminist Approach to Peace and Security”
    Sign in at 3pm (CET) using this link: http://bit.ly/1P8bauH
    The absence of women and their perspectives in peace negotiations, post-conflict reconstruction, disarmament, humanitarian relief and peace building means the absence of sustainable peace and any chance of (...) Read more


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EWL event "Progress towards a Europe free from all forms of male violence" to mark the 10th aniversary of the Istanbul Convention, 12 May 2021.

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