EWL News

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  • Women on Boards - 2nd Progress Report - Country in Focus FRANCE

    Women on Boards - 2nd Progress Report - Country in Focus FRANCE

    What is this report about?
    As part of the European Women’s Lobby’s Beijing+20 focus month on ‘Women in Decision-Making’, February sees the launch of the EWL’s latest report on women on boards, entitled ‘Women on Boards in Europe: Second Progress Report. Cracks in the glass ceiling or just a trick of the light?’
    This Second Progress Report is part of the EWL’s ongoing work to ensure that parity at all levels of decision-making becomes reality. It tracks developments, progress, and stagnation (...) Read more

  • Women on Boards - 2nd Progress Report - Country in Focus FINLAND

    Women on Boards - 2nd Progress Report - Country in Focus FINLAND

    What is this report about? (Find this article in Finnish below)
    As part of the European Women’s Lobby’s Beijing+20 focus month on ‘Women in Decision-Making’, February sees the launch of the EWL’s latest report on women on boards, entitled ‘Women on Boards in Europe: Second Progress Report. Cracks in the glass ceiling or just a trick of the light?’
    This Second Progress Report is part of the EWL’s ongoing work to ensure that parity at all levels of decision-making becomes reality. It tracks (...) Read more

  • Women on Boards - 2nd Progress Report - Country in Focus AUSTRIA

    Women on Boards - 2nd Progress Report - Country in Focus AUSTRIA

    What is this report about?
    As part of the European Women’s Lobby’s Beijing+20 focus monthon ‘Women in Decision-Making’, February sees the launch of the EWL’s latest report on women on boards, entitled ‘Women on Boards in Europe: Second Progress Report. Cracks in the glass ceiling or just a trick of the light?’
    This Second Progress Report is part of the EWL’s ongoing work to ensure that parity at all levels of decision-making becomes reality. It tracks developments, progress, and stagnation (...) Read more

  • « Istanbul Convention : how is the process of the GREVIO nomination going?

    « Istanbul Convention : how is the process of the GREVIO nomination going?

    [Brussels, 9 February 2015] Update from Colette De Troy, Director of the Observatory on Violence against Women.
    The national selection procedure leading to the nomination of candidates for GREVIO is under way in the countries having ratified the Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence, known as the Istanbul Convention. Among these, only 8 EU countries (Austria, Denmark, France, Italy, Malta, Portugal, Spain and Sweden) and 2 (...) Read more

  • EWL Beijing+20 in February – Women in Power and Decision-Making : We demand parity at all levels

    EWL Beijing+20 in February – Women in Power and Decision-Making : We demand parity at all levels

    [Brussels, 2 February 2015] Did you know that only 27% of national parliamentarians in the EU are women? That only one in five board members in Europe’s largest publicly listed companies is a woman? That only 20% of top level academics are women and only one out of ten universities in the European Union has a female rector?
    In February, the European Women’s Lobby (EWL) focuses on Women in Power and Decision-Making, as part of its Beijing+20 campaign. Read and share EWL’s factsheet about Women (...) Read more

  • Happy 2015!

    Happy 2015!

    We are back with our bi-monthly newsletter!
    Stay further up to date via our website, facebook and twitter!
    The EWL Team Read more

  • 20 years of the Beijing Platform for Action - European Women’s Lobby officially opens year of activism

    20 years of the Beijing Platform for Action - European Women's Lobby officially opens year of activism

    [Brussels, 30 January 2015] On Wednesday 28 January, the European Women’s Lobby officially started its year of activities around 20 years of the Beijing Platform of Action at its offices in Brussels.
    Lots of attendees were moved by the inspiring testimonies of former head of the EU delegation Agnes Hubert, former Secretary General Barbara Hellferich, President of PES Women Zita Gurmai and former staff member Marie-Anne Leunis who were all in Beijing in 1995 at the World Conference for (...) Read more

  • EWL Beijing+20 in January - Women’s economic independence: the foundation of all rights

    EWL Beijing+20 in January - Women's economic independence: the foundation of all rights

    [Brussels, 5 January 2014] Did you know that at the current pace of progress, it will take 70 years to close the gender pay gap and 40 years to see equal share of housework in Europe? That women are 4 times more likely than men to work part-time? And that women bear a disproportionate share of tax burdens?
    In January, the European Women’s Lobby (EWL) focuses on Women and the Economy, as part of its Beijing+20 campaign. Read and share EWL’s factsheet about Women and the Economy, which is part (...) Read more

  • Save the date! Tuesday 24 February 2015 - launch event of ‘Women on Boards in Europe: Second Progress Report. Cracks in the glass ceiling or just a trick of the light?’

    Save the date! Tuesday 24 February 2015 - launch event of ‘Women on Boards in Europe: Second Progress Report. Cracks in the glass ceiling or just a trick of the light?'

    [Brussels, 30 January 2015] The European Women’s Lobby has the pleasure of inviting you to the launch event of ‘Women on Boards in Europe: Second Progress Report. Cracks in the glass ceiling or just a trick of the light?’, (Brussels, venue tba).
    As part of our Beijing+20 focus month on ‘Women in Decision-Making’, February sees the launch of the European Women’s Lobby’s latest report on women on boards. In the current period of momentum in which we find ourselves regarding the EU Directive on (...) Read more


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EWL event "Progress towards a Europe free from all forms of male violence" to mark the 10th aniversary of the Istanbul Convention, 12 May 2021.

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