EWL News

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  • International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women

    International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women

    [Brussels 25 November] Every year on November 25, under the lead of the United Nations, activists around the world join forces for the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women. They want to raise awareness and trigger action to end the global pandemic of violence against women and girls, which is unmistakably the most widespread violation of women’s human rights.
    For the European Women’s Lobby (EWL) this day also signifies a moment to look backwards and forwards in (...) Read more

  • Conclusions of #Poverty2020 side event

    Conclusions of #Poverty2020 side event

    [Brussels, 20 November 2014] In the framework of the European Platform Against Poverty Convention 2014, SOLIDAR, EWL, [AGE Platform Europe->http://www.age-platform.eu and the [European Network of Migrant Women->http://www.enomw.net organised an event aiming to identifying aspects and drivers of poverty, related to how to ensure that men and women in different stages of the life cycle can achieve an adequate income through decent jobs, income support and access to social protection.
    The (...) Read more

  • Sainte Nicolette 2014

    Sainte Nicolette 2014

    You are warmly invited to Sainte Nicolette 2014, the fourth edition of the European Women’s Lobby’s annual festive party!
    This friendly gathering will be an opportunity to toast to the end of another year of feminist action and activism all over Europe – and to bring in 2015, where we will celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Beijing Platform for Action as well as the 25th anniversary of the EWL.
    Join us for a light-hearted evening of live music and plenty of good cheer on 3 December 2014 (...) Read more

  • Join the wrap-up event of the EWL European Political Mentoring Network!

    Join the wrap-up event of the EWL European Political Mentoring Network!

    [Brussels, 21 November 2014] The European Women’s Lobby is delighted to invite you to the wrap-up event of its European Political Mentoring Network on Tuesday 2nd December from 18:30 to 20:30 at the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung EU Office (Rue du Taciturne, 38 – 1000 Brussels).
    One and a half year after the launch, it is time to celebrate the great achievements made by the European Political Mentoring Network!
    The wrap-up event will be an occasion to share the experience of participants of the (...) Read more

  • Join the event “Women’s rights, violence against women and prostitution: the Nordic model as an inspiration for gender equality”, 8 December 2014

    Join the event “Women's rights, violence against women and prostitution: the Nordic model as an inspiration for gender equality”, 8 December 2014

    [Brussels, 20 November 2014] The issue of violence against women, prostitution and women’s human rights has been high on the agenda this year in the broader Europe: the European Parliament has adopted a resolution qualifying prostitution as a violation of human rights and promoting the Nordic model in order to reach gender equality and protect women and girls. The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe has adopted a similar resolution acknowledging the links between prostitution and (...) Read more

  • Global Entrepreneurship Week - Introducing EWL WEstart project

    Global Entrepreneurship Week - Introducing EWL WEstart project

    [Brussels, 17 November 2014] The European Women’s Lobby is excited to be a part of Global Entrepreneurship Week, the world’s largest celebration of the innovators and job creators who launch startups that bring ideas to life, drive economic growth and expand human welfare. For one week in November, GEW inspires people everywhere through local, national and global activities designed to help them explore their potential as self-starters and innovators.
    On the first day of Global (...) Read more

  • Introducing WEstart: Mapping Women’s Social Entrepreneurship in Europe

    Introducing WEstart: Mapping Women's Social Entrepreneurship in Europe

    [Brussels, 17 November 2014] Can fostering women’s social entrepreneurship in Europe create jobs, solve social issues, and bring more women into the traditional entrepreneurship sector? The European Women’s Lobby is on a mission to find out.
    Everyone in the conference room at the EU workshop on social entrepreneurship is buzzing with anticipation. The crowd—a mix of older professionals in suits and twenty-somethings in jeans—is in good spirits, people smiling as they reach over each other to (...) Read more

  • Successful first international abolitionist congress sees launch of international mobilisation of parliamentarians

    Successful first international abolitionist congress sees launch of international mobilisation of parliamentarians

    [Paris, 13 novembre 2014] The French National Assembly hosted on 12 November the first International Abolitionist Congress, gathering decision-makers, activists, NGO representatives, trade unions, survivors and citizens committed to the abolition of the system of prostitution and the realisation of equality between women and men.
    Organised by CAP International". With the call, the parliamentarians launch an international network of decision-makers committed to a world of equality and (...) Read more

  • EWL//Catapult project - "Young women leaders are voices for girls & women"

    EWL//Catapult project - "Young women leaders are voices for girls & women"

    [Brussels, 14 November 2014] Three months after being fully funded, the EWL project "Young women leaders are voices for voices for girls and women" had a great start with the organisation of our first breakfast training for Members of the European Parliament. The 90-day report illustrating our progress is now online on the crowd-funding platform Catapult!
    On 21st October 2014, the European Women’s Lobby held its first breakfast training to Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) on (...) Read more

  • For a dignified life free of poverty - Brussels 20.11.14

    For a dignified life free of poverty - Brussels 20.11.14

    At the 4th Annual Convention of the European Platform against Poverty and Social Exclusion, a side event will be held discussing a life-cycle approach to achieve a life free from poverty, ensuring adequate income. Five NGO’s; SOLIDAR, European Network of Migrant Women (ENoMW), AGE Platform Europe, European Anti-Poverty Network (EAPN) and European Women’s Lobby (EWL) will be identifying aspects and drivers of poverty related to how to ensure men and women in different stages of the life cycle (...) Read more


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EWL event "Progress towards a Europe free from all forms of male violence" to mark the 10th aniversary of the Istanbul Convention, 12 May 2021.

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