EWL News

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  • Delays in the EU’s maternity leave directive

    Delays in the EU's maternity leave directive

    [Brussels, 1 August 2014] The EWL Secretary General Joanna Maycock has been interviewed by [Euronews->http://www.euronews.com/2014/08/01/pregnant-pause-delays-in-the-eu-s-maternity-leave-directive on maternity leave rights in Europe.
    In fact, since the European parliament adopted in a first reading the draft maternity leave directive nearly four years ago, the text has been blocked in the Council by a number of member states.
    “In a nutshell what the European parliament proposed in 2010 (...) Read more

  • Citizens and civil society are driving force for alternatives towards rights, democracy and justice

    Citizens and civil society are driving force for alternatives towards rights, democracy and justice

    [Brussels, 25 September 2014] More than 200 citizens and members of civil society organisations gathered on 22 and 23 September in Brussels, in front of the European Parliament, to take part to the second edition of the European Citizens Summit. Entitled “Beyond Europe’s Growth Obsession: Rights, Justice and Democracy for All”, the European Citizens Summit aimed at channeling voices and concerns of citizens and NGOs, through an interactive and participative two-day event. The European Women’s (...) Read more

  • The potential new European Commission: back to the future?

    The potential new European Commission: back to the future?

    [Brussels, 28 August 2014] The composition of the new European Commission is going to be confirmed at the meeting of the EU Heads of States this weekend. Almost all Member States have however already proposed their candidates for Commisioner and at the moment only 4 women have been designated out of 28. This means that not even 15% of the Commission would be women, less than half as many as in the outgoing Commission Barroso.
    For the European Women’s Lobby (EWL) the question arises: is this (...) Read more

  • EWL awareness tool "18 myths on prostitution" now available in German!

    EWL awareness tool "18 myths on prostitution" now available in German!

    [Brussels, 2 September 2014] In the framework of its campaign ‘Together for a Europe free from prostitution, which has been signed by more than 200 organisations from all over Europe and beyond. 54 MEPs have already signed it, from different countries and political groups.
    You can download the leaflet in English, French, Spanish, Italian and German.
    Don’t hesitate to disseminate! (...) Read more

  • Vacancy: EWL Policy Officer, temporary full-time position, September 2014-January 2015 (deadline 18 August)

    Vacancy: EWL Policy Officer, temporary full-time position, September 2014-January 2015 (deadline 18 August)

    [Brussels, 25 July 2014] The EWL is seeking to recruit a temporary full-time Policy Officer to work as part of its Policy Team. The specific tasks, as described in the attached application form, will be carried out in the EWL Secretariat in Brussels under the supervision of the EWL Secretary General, and start as soon as possible from 1 September 2014. Job Title: Policy Officer Duration of contract: September 2014- January 2015 (4 months), full-time. Accountable to: EWL Secretary General (...) Read more

  • Vacancy: Consultant to support EWL Secretary General for EWL Strategy, August 2014-August 2015 (deadline 18 August 2014)

    Vacancy: Consultant to support EWL Secretary General for EWL Strategy, August 2014-August 2015 (deadline 18 August 2014)

    [Brussels, 25 July 2014] The European Women’s Lobby (EWL) is looking for a consultant to support the Secretary General in designing and implementing a process of developing the next Strategy over the next 12 months August 2014-August 2015.
    The current Strategic Plan of EWL (for the French version click here) operates from 2011-2015. EWL wishes to develop a new Strategy for the period 2016-2020 in a process that enhances and maximizes the participation and engagement of EWL member (...) Read more

  • Want to exchange on a renewed Europe? Join the 2nd Citizens Summit in Brussels, 23-24 September 2014

    Want to exchange on a renewed Europe? Join the 2nd Citizens Summit in Brussels, 23-24 September 2014

    [Brussels, 22 July 2014] Do you want to join other citizens and civil society organisations to exchange about a renewed Europe? to challenge Europe’s growth obsession and propose a more accountable, citizen-oriented, human rights and value based Europe? Then the Citizens Summit is the place for your voice to be heard. Join us on 23-24 September in Brussels !
    The European Citizens Summit is an annual conference organised by the EU Civil Society Contact Group, aiming to envision a Europe for (...) Read more

  • EWL project on Catapult fully funded - prepare for a new generation of leaders committed to women’s rights!

    EWL project on Catapult fully funded - prepare for a new generation of leaders committed to women's rights!

    [Brussels, 22 July 2014] We are happy to share with you the great news that the project "Young women leaders are voices for girls & women" proposed by the European Women’s Lobby (EWL) on the crowd-funding platform Catapult to find out more! And to support us, you can tweet the following message:
    Congrats to @EuropeanWomen for innovative training of young women leaders to be #EuropeanWomensVoice @WeCatapult (...) Read more

  • European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) and EWL publish joint letter to oppose European Commission withdrawal intent of Maternity Leave Directive

    European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) and EWL publish joint letter to oppose European Commission withdrawal intent of Maternity Leave Directive

    [Brussels, 14 July 2014] The European Women’s Lobby and ETUC, as part of its ‘REFIT’ agenda. In view of the Council and Commission statement to be presented at the European Parliament plenary on 15 July we urgently call on you to oppose this proposed withdrawal and to reiterate the Parliament’s support for better maternity rights and its full commitment to work towards a compromise with the Council so that the issue can proceed to a second reading.
    Pregnancy and maternity security are (...) Read more

  • No more excuses. Gender Equality after EU Elections, what’s next?

    No more excuses. Gender Equality after EU Elections, what's next?

    [Brussels, 14 July 2014] On 9 July the European Women’s Lobby (EWL) welcomed over 120 participants to an event at the European Parliament on women in politics. The event was organized to wrap up the European Women’s Lobby 50/50 campaign 2012-2014, run in collaboration with the Mediterranean Institute of Gender Studies’ campaign [Parity Democracy->http://paritydemocracy.eu and supported by a Campaign Core Group of MEP’s from different EU political groups (ALDE, Greens/EFA, GUE-NGL, EPP, (...) Read more


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EWL event "Progress towards a Europe free from all forms of male violence" to mark the 10th aniversary of the Istanbul Convention, 12 May 2021.

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