EWL News

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  • More countries to adhere to the Istanbul Convention on the eve of its entry into force!

    More countries to adhere to the Istanbul Convention on the eve of its entry into force!

    [Brussels, 22 July 2014] With the recent ratification by Sweden (1/7/2014) and France (4/7/2014), the Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence (known as the Istanbul Convention) will entry into force on the 1rst of August in 13 countries of the Council of Europe, from which 7 countries of the EU (Austria, Denmark, France, Italy, Portugal, Spain and Sweden).
    The Istanbul Convention is based on the understanding that violence (...) Read more

  • No More Excuses. Gender Equality after the EU Elections – What’s next?

    No More Excuses. Gender Equality after the EU Elections – What's next?

    The final conference of the EWL 50/50 and Parity Democracy for Europe Campaign: No Modern European Democracy without Gender Equality!
    Hosted by MEP Ulrike Lunacek, with a video message from Gloria Steinem, American feminist, journalist, social and political activist.
    This event will address the outcomes of the 2014 European Parliament elections from a gender perspective and aims to evaluate the impact of the Parity Democracy and EWL 50/50 Campaign.
    Newly elected MEPs, governmental (...) Read more

  • Threats to withdraw the Maternity Leave Directive: Measures to protect women’s rights are not red tape

    Threats to withdraw the Maternity Leave Directive: Measures to protect women's rights are not red tape

    [Brussels, 4 July 2014] The European Women’s Lobby (EWL), has learned with dismay about the European Commission’s proposal to withdraw the proposed Maternity Leave Directive, as a gesture of ‘legislative management’ before the new Commission is installed. “This is a classic example of the backlash against women’s rights and gender equality in Europe. It sends a very bad signal to women and men in Europe about how much the EU can do to support real people’s rights and lives.” says Joanna Maycock, (...) Read more

  • Open Letter to newly designated EC President Mr Jean-Claude Juncker

    Open Letter to newly designated EC President Mr Jean-Claude Juncker

    European Women’s Lobby calls on the new Commission President to designate a Commissioner for women’s rights and gender equality to achieve gender equality in the next five years.
    [Brussels, 4 July 2014]
    Dear newly designated President of the European Commission, Dear Mr Juncker,
    The European Women’s Lobby (EWL), the largest coalition of women’s organisations in the European Union , comprising of members in all EU Member States and three accession countries, would like to congratulate you on (...) Read more

  • Now or never: PARITY in the topjobs of the European Union

    Now or never: PARITY in the topjobs of the European Union

    [Brussels, 30 June 2014] By the end of last week, the Council of Ministers finally decided to nominate Jean-Claude Juncker as President of the European Commission. Following the democratic decision taken by the European voters, giving the majority to the European People’s Party, it was a necessary step. But having now nominated a man as the President of the Commission one of the most influential positions at the EU institutions, we urge the Member States to use the opportunity to establish (...) Read more

  • EWL celebrates former FEMM Chair and welcomes new FEMM Committee!

    EWL celebrates former FEMM Chair and welcomes new FEMM Committee!

    [Brussels, 3 July 2014] On Thursday 26 June, the European Women’s Lobby invited partners, colleagues and friends to a farewell drink to thank Mikael Gustafsson, Chair of the European Parliament Committee for Women’s Rights and Gender Equality (FEMM) from 2011 to 2014. Under the leadership of Mr Gustafsson, the FEMM Committee has taken a strong role in promoting women’s rights and calling for gender equality at European and national level.
    The EWL, together with partners from NGOs, UN Women, (...) Read more

  • Gender Equality and Women’s Rights, the missing link in the Country Specific Recommendations

    Gender Equality and Women's Rights, the missing link in the Country Specific Recommendations

    [Brussels, 25 June 2014] The European Council meeting on the 26 and 27 July, will endorse the Country-Specific-Recommendations (CSRs) which were issued to 26 Member States (excluding the Troika countries: Greece and Cyprus) by the European Commission on 2nd of June. The CSRs are intended to guide Member States national structural reform policy. However, the dominance of macroeconomic priorities primarily focussing on austerity has serious repercussions for gender equality policies.
    CSRs (...) Read more

  • EWL part of webinar to launch 2nd Citizens Summit: "Beyond Europe’s Growth Obsession: Rights, Justice and Democracy for all" (10 July 2014)

    EWL part of webinar to launch 2nd Citizens Summit: "Beyond Europe's Growth Obsession: Rights, Justice and Democracy for all" (10 July 2014)

    [Brussels, 1 July 2014] On 10 July 2014, the European Women’s Lobby will take part to the webinar launching the 2nd Citizens Summit, to take place in Brussels on 23-24 September. The webinar is a great opportunity for civil society, citizens and other actors to get to know more about the Citizens Summit and prepare their participation!
    The European Civil Society Contact Group (CSCG) organised a first European Citizens’ Summit with 250 participants in June 2013 as a shadow discursive space to (...) Read more

  • Nordic Forum launches new action for women’s rights!

    Nordic Forum launches new action for women's rights!

    [Malmö, 15 June 2014] From 12 to 15 June 2014, almost 20 000 feminists met in Malmö (Sweden) during the Nordic Forum, to shape new strategies towards the realisation of equality between women and men, in the framework of the discussions on the 20 years of the Beijing Platform for Action.
    20 years after the first Nordic Forum "Women’s Life and Work - Joy and Freedom" in 1994 in Finland, and 10 years after the Nordic seminar "Equal opportunities - for WoMen", the event was initiated by several (...) Read more

  • Call for applications: EWL internships, Sept-Dec and Oct-Dec 2014

    Call for applications: EWL internships, Sept-Dec and Oct-Dec 2014

    [Brussels, 6 June 2014] The European Women’s Lobby is looking for two interns (paid) to join the team of EWL Secretariat in Brussels, one from September to December 2014, and one from 20 September to December 2014. Please read carefully the application form, the conditions and job description enclosed here, and send back your application by 22 June 2014. Thanks and good luck! Read more


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EWL event "Progress towards a Europe free from all forms of male violence" to mark the 10th aniversary of the Istanbul Convention, 12 May 2021.

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