European & International News

International news globe All the latest news from the European Union, its member states, and beyond.

  • Germany may roll back legalised prostitution amid exploitation fears

    Germany may roll back legalised prostitution amid exploitation fears

    Since legalising prostitution in 2002, Germany has experienced a significant increase in sex tourism.
    According to statistics, more than a million men now pay for sex with Germany’s approximately 400,000 prostitutes every day.
    But as the country’s sex trade continues to grow, the new coalition government has promised reforms to the current prostitution law in response to fears that it encourages sex trafficking, profiteering and exploitation.
    The number of sex tourists visiting Germany, as (...) Read more

  • UN Women launches first-ever database mapping gender provisions in constitutions worldwide

    UN Women launches first-ever database mapping gender provisions in constitutions worldwide

    [New York, December 2013, Press Release UN Women] UN Women launched a Constitutional Database which for the first time examines constitutions through a gender lens, mapping the principles and rules which guarantee, deny, or protect the rights of women and girls around the world.
    Constitutions have a tremendous impact on women. They are well-recognized markers for countries and their citizens, serving as the bill of rights and providing a framework for the rights and responsibilities of (...) Read more

  • Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme adopted by EU Parliament and Council

    Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme adopted by EU Parliament and Council

    [Vienna, 10 December 2013, Press Release from the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights]. The Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme has been adopted for the period 2014 – 2020, from which also civil society organisations will be able to benefit. The text of the Regulation will be soon available in the official journal of the EU (please find herewith the final version adopted by the Council) The Programme will have a budget of 439,473 million Euros aimed at financing actions to (...) Read more

  • We are 52% of society but far from being equally represented

    We are 52% of society but far from being equally represented

    [Brussels, 17 December 2013] The conference on Women in Politics and Public Life at EU level, hosted by the Maltese MEP Claudette Abela Baldacchino, pointed out that "a modern and genuine democracy requires gender equality” and that “there is an urgent need for all stakeholders to bring about concrete change.”
    This opinion of MEP Claudette Abela Baldacchino was shared by the distinguished panelists supporting gender equality in the European Union among whom were MEP Zita Gurmai, MEP Marc (...) Read more

  • European Parliament report on Human Rights calls for stand-alone goal on gender equality, respect for sexual and reproductive health and rights, and an end to violence against women

    European Parliament report on Human Rights calls for stand-alone goal on gender equality, respect for sexual and reproductive health and rights, and an end to violence against women

    [Brussels, 12 December 2013] On 11 December 2013, the European Parliament adopted its yearly report on the Annual Report on Human Rights in the World 2012 and the European Union’s policy on the matter. The EWL is pleased to see many recommendations in the report addressing women’s rights.
    In particular, MEPs call for for a stand-alone goal for women’s rights and gender equality to be included in the post-2015 Millennium Development Goals, with a strong emphasis on Sexual and Reproductive (...) Read more

  • Second meeting of the EU Civil Society Platform on Trafficking in Human Beings addresses demand reduction

    Second meeting of the EU Civil Society Platform on Trafficking in Human Beings addresses demand reduction

    [Brussels, 12 December 2013]The second meeting of the EU Civil Society Platform on Trafficking in Human beings took place on 9-10 December in Brussels, and gathered more than 100 NGOs from all over Europe. After a presentation of the Online Platform that will serve as a communication and networking tool, the participants were divided into three working groups, to discuss: The involvement of the civil society in the implementation of the Directive on trafficking in human beings The (...) Read more

  • The EWL welcomes the adoption of the European Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme 2014-2020 with an overall budget of 439,473 million Euros and a strong gender equality policy objective

    The EWL welcomes the adoption of the European Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme 2014-2020 with an overall budget of 439,473 million Euros and a strong gender equality policy objective

    [Brussels, 12 December 2013] After two years of negotiations, the European Parliament, Council and Commission, finally adopted the seven year programme Rights, Equality and Citizenship with a budget of almost 440 million Euros, close to what the European Commission had initially proposed in 2011 (439 million). While this budget did not undergo a cut compared to others, the increase is minimal, and falls short of the EWL and other European Networks : AGE Platform, European Network against (...) Read more

  • The European Parliament adopts a report on Women with disabilities

    The European Parliament adopts a report on Women with disabilities

    [Press release of the European Disability Forum (EDF), Brussels, 12 December 2013] The disability movement welcomes the adoption today of the European Parliament’s report on women with disabilities, which took on board all of its recommendations.
    During the last year, EDF was given the opportunity to present its views in the European Parliament on the draft report on ’women with disabilities’ of the Committee on Women’s rights and gender equality. EDF worked closely with the Committee Members (...) Read more

  • The European Commission - Report on the Implementation of the Recast directive 2006/54/EC – The persistent gender pay gap continues to be an obstacle to women’s equal rights in employment

    The European Commission - Report on the Implementation of the Recast directive 2006/54/EC – The persistent gender pay gap continues to be an obstacle to women's equal rights in employment

    [Brussels, 13 December 2013] The European Commission released a report last Friday (December 6th) assessing the implementation of the 2006 Directive on Equal opportunities and equal treatment of men and women in matters of employment and occupation, called the ‘Recast Directive’. The Directive, which is aimed at consolidating and modernising EU legislation and case law in the area of employment, merges already existing Directives but also contains some new provisions.
    This long awaited (...) Read more

  • The European Commission welcomes Parliament’s vote in favour of better European cooperation against disasters

    The European Commission welcomes Parliament's vote in favour of better European cooperation against disasters

    [Press Release European Commission, 10 December 2013] The European Parliament today adopted new legislation on EU civil protection which paves the way for a stronger European cooperation in responding to disasters.
    The revised legislation on the EU Civil Protection Mechanism is designed to better protect and respond to natural and man-made disasters. It will increase the safety of EU citizens and disaster victims worldwide with provisions that ensure closer cooperation on disaster (...) Read more



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