European & International News

International news globe All the latest news from the European Union, its member states, and beyond.

  • Decisions in Brussels

    (Brussels, 22 October) The European Women’s Lobby and other Brussels based advocacy and lobby groups have been mapped by the New York Times. In an article called ’Clustering Near the Seat of Power’ the newspaper maps the organisations that have signed the transparency register. More than 5,700 corporations, lobbying firms, law firms and nonprofit groups have joined a registry of institutions that lobby the European Union, of which about 2,000 have offices in Brussels.
    “As the European Union (...) Read more

  • Almost all abord for women on boards!

    Almost all abord for women on boards!

    (Brussels 14 October) From the European Commission’s Press Release
    The European Parliament’s Committees on Legal Affairs (JURI) and Women’s Rights & Gender Equality (FEMM) have today voted (40 for, 9 against and 2 abstentions) to support a proposal by the European Commission to address the gender imbalance on company boards in Europe. With this vote, the European Parliament (which decides with the Council of Ministers on an equal footing on this proposal), paves the way for further (...) Read more

  • Your health matters!

     Your health matters!

    (Brussels 11 October) One third of young women avoid doctor due to fear of not being treated well - NWCI’s The Y Factor launches "Your Health Matters" Campaign To celebrate International Day of the Girl, today, The Y Factor, National Women’s Council of Ireland’s youth initiative, will launch Your Health Matters, a health information campaign run by and for young women that aims to build positive attitudes to young women and their health.
    Deirdre McCaughey, 26 from Monaghan and volunteer with (...) Read more

  • International Day of the Girl 2013: Leyla Hussein shares her story

    International Day of the Girl 2013: Leyla Hussein shares her story

    (Brussels 11 October) Leyla Hussein is a survivor of FGM. She now lives in the UK, and shares her story with the Independentnewspaper. Leyla is an activist, co-founder of Daughters of Eve and an inspirational woman and here shares her story of how she experienced Female Genital Mutilation when she was a young girl, aged only six years of age, and how this particular formative event has stayed with her for the rest of her life. The END FGM Campaign is run by Amnesty International and Leyla (...) Read more

  • Nobel prize for peace awarded to chemical weapons watchdog

    Nobel prize for peace awarded to chemical weapons watchdog

    (Oslo 11 October) The Nobel Peace Prize for 2013 awarded to the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW)
    The Norwegian Nobel Committee has decided to award the Nobel Peace Prize for 2013 to the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) for its extensive efforts to eliminate chemical weapons. Among the short list for the prestigious award included Pakistani schoolgirl Malala Yousafzai shot by the Taliban in the Swat Valley for her vocal and international (...) Read more

  • Trafficking in Human Beings and Gender – the EU Perspective

    Trafficking in Human Beings and Gender – the EU Perspective

    (Brussels, 30 September 2013) EU Commissioner for Home Affairs, Cecilia Malmström delivered a statement at the Ministerial Round Table concluding the Inter-ministerial conference: "The New York Convention 65 years later: observations and new perspectives", co-organized by Deputy Prime Minister of Belgium and Minister for Home Affairs and Equal Opportunities, Joëlle Milquet and the Minister for Women’s Rights of France, Najat Vallaud Belkacem in Brussels on 30 September 2013. In her speech (...) Read more

  • Malala Yousafzai - winner of the Sakharov Prize 2013

    (European Parliament, 10 October 2013) Pakistani campaigner for girls’ education Malala Yousafzai is the laureate of the Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought 2013, following today’s decision of the Conference of Presidents (EP President and political group leaders). She will be invited to receive the award at a ceremony in Strasbourg on 20 November.
    "By awarding the Sakharov Prize to Malala Yousafzai, the European Parliament acknowledges the incredible strength of this young woman. Malala (...) Read more

  • When will abortion become legal for women in Northern Ireland?

    When will abortion become legal for women in Northern Ireland?

    Frances Perraudin writing for New Statesman asks when will abortion become legal for women in Northern Ireland?
    (Brussels 10 October) When will abortion become legal for women in Northern Ireland?
    Protestors gathering for the International Day for the Decriminalization of Abortion want better reproductive rights for women in developing countries, but few are aware of the problems faced by women in Northern Ireland. By Frances Perraudin Published 28 September 2013 10:00
    When Suzanne Lee, (...) Read more

  • 13 missed opportunities for intervention that may have saved Savita’slife

    13 missed opportunities for intervention that may have saved Savita'slife

    (Brussels 10 October) The Irish Health Information and Quality Authority (HIQA) has today published a report into the death of Savita Halappanavar in which it found significant deficiencies in the care of critically ill women in the State’s 19 maternity hospitals. The report also identified 13 separate incidences where alternative intervention may have saved the young woman’s life.
    The story, previously detailed on this website, led to a national and international debate and examination of (...) Read more

  • Ada Lovelace Day - women in science and technology - 15 October

    Ada Lovelace Day - women in science and technology - 15 October

    (Brussels 10 October) Help us celebrate the achievements of women in science, technology, engineering and maths around the world by sharing your photos and stories. Ada Lovelace, Analyst (& Metaphysician)
    In 1848, in her notes, Ada described how codes could be created for devices to handle letters and symbols along with numbers. She also theorized a method for the engine to repeat a series of instructions, a process known as looping that computer programs use today. For her work, Ada (...) Read more



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