European & International News

International news globe All the latest news from the European Union, its member states, and beyond.

  • Dublin City Council votes to honor Rosie Hackett

    Dublin City Council votes to honor Rosie Hackett

    (Brussels 04 September) Dublin City Council has voted to name the newest bridge across the Liffey after trade union activist Rosie Hackett.
    Dublin City Council voted on Monday to call the new bridge over the Liffey at Marlborough Street after Rosie Hackett, a trade unionist who co-founded the Irish Women Workers’ Union (IWWU) in 1911. This is an important step in recognising the contribution of women to the history of the city, and in the history of the country at large, where the (...) Read more

  • Peace one day celebration 2013 on Violence Against Women (The Hague, 21 September 2013)

    Peace one day celebration 2013 on Violence Against Women (The Hague, 21 September 2013)

    The Peace one Day celebration 2013 will take place the 21 September in the Peace Palace in The Hague (Netherlands), to mark the first hundred years of this historical building.
    The Live Global Moment in The Hague will focus on Violence against Women, including the Istanbul Convention. For this occasion, the Council of Europe, as part of the Coalition on Domestic Violence, and the No Hate Speech movement will bring together a panel of experts, high-level representatives and young people to (...) Read more

  • Sweden grants blanket asylum to Syrian refugees

    (Brussels 04 September) As the number of Syrian refugees now has surpassed two million people, with today’s figures at 2,001,599 people of concern, the Swedish government have changed their asylum and refugee policy to allow “all Syrian asylum seekers who apply for asylum in Sweden [will] to get it,” stated Annie Hoernblad, the spokesperson for Sweden’s migration agency, in a conversation with AFP. “The agency made this decision now because it believes the violence in Syria will not end in the (...) Read more

  • New Nordic Information on Gender Newsletter

    New Nordic Information on Gender Newsletter

    (23 August, 2013) The Nordic Information on Gender have recently launched their English language newsletter. A wealth of information on gender in the Nordic countries, it is hoped that by providing a newsletter in English a wider public can be reached. “Interested in news about gender equality in the Nordic Countries? NIKK; Nordic Information on Gender, recently launched a newsletter in English. “
    To sign up for the latest newsletter, please see here.
    Recent interesting articles relate to (...) Read more

  • UNESCO: Global Forum on Media and Gender (Bankock, 2 to 4 December 2013)

    (Brussels 29 August) UNESCO and partners call for all organizations working in the field of media, journalism, communication and gender and media to express interest in the Global Alliance on Gender and Media. If your organization is an NGO, CBO, association, network, training/academic institution, media organization, regulatory body (such as broadcasting commission) or media self-regulatory body, public or private entity, research institution, UN agencies, national regional and (...) Read more

  • Pay inequity and maternity discrimination: study finds 50,000 women a year don’t get jobs back, contributes to gender pay gap

    Pay inequity and maternity discrimination: study finds 50,000 women a year don't get jobs back, contributes to gender pay gap

    [Brussels, 28 August, 2013] On August 26th, 183,870 people joined in to thunderclap equal pay for women (thunderclap is a wave of twitter online support for an idea). Equal Pay Today! is the U.S. based campaign led by The American Civil Liberties Union, (ACLU) and works across federal and state levels to address the causes of pay inequity. Discrimination against pregnant workers and new mothers, lack of paid sick or family leave, pay secrecy and occupational segregation are some of the (...) Read more

  • US: Ending the backlog of rape kits, prosecuting crimes, protecting women

    US: Ending the backlog of rape kits, prosecuting crimes, protecting women

    (Brussels 27 August)
    Detroit’s reputation precedes it: its economic decline and apparent decay regarded as a warning sign for modern civilisation. But one Motor City native isn’t buying this narrative. "Detroit is a wonderful place," enthuses Kym Worthy. "Yes, it’s half the size it once was, and yes it has had its share of crime, but you visit downtown, midtown, many of the neighbourhoods in the city, and you would never believe that it’s the city you’ve heard about on the news," says the (...) Read more

  • No abortions available in Luxembourg

    (Brussels, 27 August) According to the journalist Thomas Holzer, in a report written in July about the reform of abortion legislation in Luxembourg, started in November 2012, a reform that was intended to simplify the procedures and access to the same, the putting in place of this reform has done anything but simplify the life of women who decide to have abortions in Luxembourg. According to him, one of the stipulations of the new legislation is that only a gynecologist or a certified (...) Read more

  • "A Bic for Her" - Bridget Christie wins International Comedy festival 2013

    "A Bic for Her" - Bridget Christie wins International Comedy festival 2013

    (Brussels 26 August) The Edinburgh international comedy festival prize for best act 2013 has been won by British comedian Bridget Christie. Her stand-up comedy show is called ’A Bic for Her’ has been described as an hour of feminist comedy which is "as full of imaginative jokes as it is of righteous anger"’ - in which she lampoons the pen manufacturer BICs attempt to produce separate pens for women. This is the starting point for an act in which she combines gags with observational comedy. (...) Read more

  • The real work of Rosa Parks

    The real work of Rosa Parks

    (Brussels 26 August) The 50th anniversary of Martin Luther King’s 1963 "I have a dream" speech will be celebrated on Wednesday of this week. The Civil Rights movement is still ongoing. As we reflect upon the dreams and hopes crystallized in this iconic speech, how much more is needed to realise them, it is opportune to acknowledge the women implicated in this struggle, and the interlocking oppressive forces that conspire to keep womens stories silent.
    Jasmine Burnett, of ’Reality Check’ has (...) Read more



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