European & International News

International news globe All the latest news from the European Union, its member states, and beyond.

  • Short film competition: "Europe at heart" - What does Europe mean to you?

    Short film competition: "Europe at heart" - What does Europe mean to you?

    (Brussels 23 August) , Helga Trüpel (German MEP for the Alliance ’90/The Greens) and Rui Tavares (Portugese independent member of the Greens) have launched a short film competition, where young people are invited to submit ideas about their stories about Europe. These ideas will be submitted to a jury, and if successful, applicants will be awarded the budget to produce their film. Jury members include film makers from all over Europe, the production company Independent Artists, and filmmaker (...) Read more

  • Convicted for political struggle: Kazakh Labour Union activist may die in prison

    Convicted for political struggle: Kazakh Labour Union activist may die in prison

    [Brussels 16 August, 2013] The life of the convicted Kazakh activist, Roza Tuletayeva is in grave danger. Despite the critical state of her health, the woman has been denied necessary medical treatment, an act that constitutes cruel and inhuman treatment.
    Roza Tuletayeva Aytbayevna is a convicted Kazakh activist who was engaged in the protection of the rights of oil workers, protesting against unfair working conditions in oil companies in Zhanaozen. Since 4 June, 2012, Roza Tuletayeva has (...) Read more

  • The Eurozone exits recession: At what cost?

    The Eurozone exits recession: At what cost?

    [Brussels 14 August, 2013] The Economic and Monetary Affairs Commissioner for the European Union, Finish politician, Ohli Rehn, has today released news that the Eurozone has left the recession.
    He stated in Brussels, "today’s figures, when combined with other recent positive survey data are encouraging and suggest the European economy is gradually gaining momentum. They support the European Commission’s 2013 spring forecast and its projections for a subdued, mild recovery in the second half (...) Read more

  • Commission on the Status of Women - 58th session to be held 10-12th March 2014

    Commission on the Status of Women - 58th session to be held 10-12th March 2014

    [Brussels 12 August, 2013] The fifty-eighth session of the Commission on the Status of Women will take place at United Nations Headquarters in New York from 10 - 21 March 2014 (tentative date).
    Representatives of Member States, UN entities, and ECOSOC-accredited non-governmental organizations (NGOs) from all regions of the world attend the session.
    The themes that will be given priority next year is ’Challenges and achievements in the implementation of the Millennium Development Goals for (...) Read more

  • Greece: UN reports that austerity hits women hardest

    Greece: UN reports that austerity hits women hardest

    [Brussels 12 August, 2013] "Austerity pushes the responsibility for, and cost of, social and public goods back onto households, and in effect, onto women." — John Hendra, UN Assistant Secretary-General, Policy and Programme Bureau at U.N. Women
    This interview, between IPS Bureau Chief and John Hendra of UN Women shows the impact of austerity politics and policies on society and women in particular.
    UNITED NATIONS, Jun 10 2013 (IPS) - The widespread financial crisis in Europe, and its (...) Read more

  • Italy to introduce emergency new laws to tackle violence against women

    Italy to introduce emergency new laws to tackle violence against women

    [Brussels 12 August, 2013] Stronger penalties are set to be introduced for perpetrators of domestic violence in Italy. Italy has also recently signed the Council of Europe convention on Violence against Women, known as the Istanbul Convention, after 16 year-old Fabiana Luzzi was burned to death by a jealous boyfriend in May, prompting a minute’s silence in the Senate and political action.
    Italy’s prime minister has vowed to crack down on violence against women, as the government passed a (...) Read more

  • Brazil: new treatment for victims of rape

    Brazil: new treatment for victims of rape

    [Brussels 12 August, 2013] In Latin America, as in Europe, victims of rape are beginning to receive better treatment. Our 2013 Barometer on Rape in Europe has highlighted the problem. In Brazil, an estimated 12 seconds pass between rapes - an astounding figure. Despite staunch opposition, a new protocol for treatment of victims of rape has been signed into law, standardising and improving the treatment that people will receive.
    Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff signed a law guaranteeing (...) Read more

  • Malta’s Refusal to Accept Boat with Alleged Refugees

    Malta's Refusal to Accept Boat with Alleged Refugees

    [Brussels 9 August, 2013] The Maltese government refused to allow a tanker that had rescued 102 African persons to dock in Malta.
    The story
    The passengers, thought to be asylum seekers from Ethiopia and Eritrea, were rescued by MT-Salamis, a Greek-operated, Liberian-flagged vessel, off the Libyan coast on Sunday, 4 of August. According to various sources, the passengers included four pregnant women, one injured woman, and a five-month old baby. After examining the passengers, the Maltese (...) Read more

  • The European Parliament’s report on the 2014 European Elections - A Missed Opportunity to Promote Gender Equality?

    The European Parliament's report on the 2014 European Elections - A Missed Opportunity to Promote Gender Equality?

    [Brussels 7 August, 2013] A resolution under the title "Improving the practical arrangements for the holding of the European elections in 2014" was adopted on the 4th of July, during the plenary session of the European Parliament (EP) in Strasbourg.
    The report, drafted by the Committee of Constitutional Affairs (AFCO) and whose rapporteur was Andrew Duff, is calling national and European political parties and member states of the European Union (EU) to contribute to the democratisation and (...) Read more

  • The European Commission’s Directive on Women on Boards

    The European Commission's Directive on Women on Boards

    [Brussels 2 August, 2013] The issue of gender quotas in Europe’s companies is, during the recent years, a highly politicised issue of heated debate. Since for the last years very small progress has been made regarding the representation of women on boards, the Commission made a proposal (14/11/2012) to create a legal basis to enhance the representation of women. The proposal was presented jointly by Vice-President Viviane Reding (Justice, Fundamental Rights and Citizenship), Vice-President (...) Read more



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