European & International News

International news globe All the latest news from the European Union, its member states, and beyond.

  • Ireland: No redress scheme for Bethany Home Survivors

    Ireland: No redress scheme for Bethany Home Survivors

    [Brussels 24 July] Ireland is still struggling with past cases of sexual violence in catholic schools as the Bethany House case suggests. More specifically, the Irish government announced yesterday that a redress scheme is not to be created for the Protestant Bethany Home survivors, a decision consistent with the view expressed by Minister of Education Ruairi Quinn two years ago, that there is no basis to revisit the exclusion of the Bethany Home survivors from such a scheme.
    Even though (...) Read more

  • Women athletes under-represented in the media

    Women athletes under-represented in the media

    [Brussels 26 July, 2013] Sports, as all other spheres of social life, represent a domain in which women and men should face the same opportunities and choices. Unfortunately, the reality suggests a completely different picture.
    As Donna A. Lopiano from Sports Management Resources says through an article of their website “The media shapes the public’s perceptions of the accomplishments of women playing sports and whether women in general can be strong, confident and highly skilled. The media (...) Read more

  • Launch of an international network of survivors of prostitution and abuse - SPACE International

    Launch of an international network of survivors of prostitution and abuse - SPACE International

    [Brussels, 25 July 2013] The European Women’s Lobby is pleased to share the press release launching SPACE International, a network of Survivors of Prostitution-Abuse Calling for Enlightenment. The voice of SPACE International is instrumental in the current context of many policy developments being discussed in several EU countries, including Ireland.
    SPACE International states that: "We recognise that all systems of prostitution are interlinked, and that this remains so regardless who (...) Read more

  • Controversial new practices - discriminatory healthcare provision in Greece

    Controversial new practices - discriminatory healthcare provision in Greece

    [Brussels, 25 July 2013] A controversial legislative provision has been recently re-introduced in Greece by the newly appointed Minister of Health Adonis Georgiadis. The provision to address issues of public health, has been accused by the political opposition, International Organisations, NGOs, and other civil society actors as racist, highly discriminatory and against national, constitutional and international legislation related, among others, to discrimination and data protection. (...) Read more

  • Prostitution: men’s word

    Prostitution: men's word

    [Brussels, 18 July 2013] Bettina Flitner photographed for 10 days in the brothel «Paradise» in Stuttgart/ Germany. The men, between 21 and 73 answered – and posed for the photos on the beds. Here are their words...
    «Why I pay for sex? Women are often a pain in the ass. They stress me when I haven t got enough time for them. If I want to fuck I go here – and I leave. That s it. A girlfriend often bores me after a short time. And to pay for sex has that certain something. You own the woman. You (...) Read more

  • V-Day Stage two announced: One Billion Rising For Justice

    V-Day Stage two announced: One Billion Rising For Justice

    [V-Day, New York, 8 July 2013]
    Today, V-Day, the global movement to end violence against women and girls, and the One Billion Rising campaign announced the launch of ONE BILLION RISING FOR JUSTICE. The campaign will build upon the energy and momentum that was created in 2013 when one billion activists in 207 countries came together to strike, dance, and rise in order to end violence against women and girls.
    This year, the focus will be on the issue of justice for all survivors of gender (...) Read more

  • Ireland set to legalise abortion in restricted circumstances

    Ireland set to legalise abortion in restricted circumstances

    [Brussels 12 July] There were tumultuous scenes in Dublin around Leinster House and the Irish Houses of Parliament this week as the controversial Protection of Life During Pregnancy Bill 2013 was debated. The Bill introduces abortion in very restricted cases to Ireland and was passed after two days of debate (on one occasion until 5 in the morning). The Government won the final vote on the Protection of Life During Pregnancy Bill 2013 by 127 votes to 31. Some voted against because they (...) Read more

  • Malala Yousafasi addresses UN Assembly

    Malala Yousafasi addresses UN Assembly

    [New York, 12 July] Malala Yousafasi, the Pakistani teenager shot in the head by the Taliban last year on a bus from school in her home in the Swat valley, has today addressed the United Nations Youth Assembly and called for improved global education, and access for girls the world over to education.
    Malala, who first came to public attention at the age of 11 for speaking out against a ban on girls’ education, was shot in the neck and head by Taliban gunmen last October on her way home from (...) Read more

  • Official report from the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women

    Official report from the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women

    [Brussels 12 July] The Official report from the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women has been published. Cécile Gréboval, Pierrette Pape and Vivanne Teitelbaum attended the event in March and spoke at both side events, but also at the 10th meeting, where they delivered statements to the gathered Commission on behalf of the European Women’s Lobby.
    The full report is available for download (...) Read more

  • New Head of UN Women appointed

    New Head of UN Women appointed

    [Thursday 11 July] The European Women’s Lobby would like to congratulate the newly appointed South African Executive Director of UN Women, Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka.
    The Secretary General of the European Women’s Lobby, Cécile Gréboval, is a member of the global civil society advisory committee to UN Women and she today shared her congratulations with Ms. Mlambo-Ngcuka on her appointment. The advisory group represents many women’s rights organisations, women’s rights lobby groups and grass roots (...) Read more



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