EWL News

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  • New President, Executive and Board for European Women’s Lobby

    New President, Executive and Board for European Women's Lobby

    [Brussels, 12 June 2018] From 8-10 June 2018, the European Women’s Lobby held its Annual General Assembly and Board meetings. It was an exciting few days in which we discussed how to progress in the implementation of our vision of a Feminist Europe. We reflected on the activities of the past year and were are once again reminded of the incredible breadth and depth of feminist activism in Europe today, in spite of the challenging backdrop of dramatic political change. We looked ahead to plan (...) Read more

  • European Women’s Lobby launches campaign to (RE)shape power in the European Union

    European Women's Lobby launches campaign to (RE)shape power in the European Union

    [Brussels, 8 June 2018] Yesterday, the European Women’s Lobby launched its campaign for the 2019 European Parliament elections. Even though achieving equality between women and men is an official goal of the European Union and enshrined in its Treaties as a fundamental principle, gender equality has not been realised and women are still seriously under-represented in power and decision-making.
    After the 2014 EU elections, only 37% of the MEPs were women and this number has since decreased. (...) Read more

  • OPEN LETTER Time for the EPSCO Council to adopt a position on the EU Work-Life Balance directive

    OPEN LETTER Time for the EPSCO Council to adopt a position on the EU Work-Life Balance directive

    [Brussels 20 June 2018] The European Women’s Lobby co-signed a letter to call on the Members States to approve the Work Life Balance directive tomorrow at the Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs Council Meeting (EPSCO) and to work towards making a more social Europe a reality. The Directive on family related leave, among others, covers legislative measures on parental leave, paternity leave, carer’s leave (first time such a form of leave is introduced into European law) and (...) Read more

  • European Coalition to end Violence against Women: Joint Statement

    European Coalition to end Violence against Women: Joint Statement

    [Brussels 13th June 2018] On the first anniversary of the signature of the Istanbul Convention by the European Union (EU), the European Coalition to end Violence against Women and Girls releases a statement calling on the EU and all member states to urgently ratify and implement the Istanbul Convention.
    The European Coalition to End Violence against Women and Girls is an extensive strategic alliance of more than 25 cross-European human rights and social justice civil society organisations (...) Read more

  • #Twittertakeover European Commission DG Economy and Finance

    #Twittertakeover European Commission DG Economy and Finance

    [Brussels, 30 May 2018] On Tuesday, 22 May from 14:00-16:00 CET we took over the Twitter account of the European Commission’s DG Economy and Finance in the run-up to this year’s Brussels Economic Forum, the flagship annual economic event of the European Commission. The conference brings together European and international policymakers, opinion leaders, academics, civil society and business leaders to debate hot economic topics and share new perspectives on Europe’s economic challenges.
    You (...) Read more

  • Women (RE)shaping Power

    Women (RE)shaping Power

    [Brussels, 15 May 2018] We are happy to announce that our second flagship Women’s Forum in Brussels is coming up with an opening event on 7 June 2018. This year’s edition, in recognition of the upcoming European Elections will address the theme of “Women ReShaping Power”. Over 100 leading women’s rights activists from the EWL membership across Europe will be in Brussels to participate. This will form an important part of our efforts to build momentum towards the 2019 European Election.
    We will (...) Read more

  • POLITICO Women’s Summit 21 June

    POLITICO Women's Summit 21 June

    [Brussels, 15 May 2018] World leaders and key influencers are making gender equality and women’s empowerment top priorities at this year’s G7 Summit in Canada. In 2018, gender equality is no longer a goal but a fundamental human right - with real financial, social and policy consequences for leaders and stakeholders.
    European Women’s Lobby is glad to support the first Women Rule Summit organised by POLITICO in Brussels on June 21. Join us as we debate women’s leadership and gender equality in (...) Read more

  • AGORA 2018: call for applications closed!

    AGORA 2018: call for applications closed!

    [Brussels, 18 April 2018] The AGORA is back! AGORA is an EWL programme that brings young feminists from all over Europe to Brussels for a 5-day gathering to discuss and explore feminism and learn from each other.
    Our next AGORA will take place from 29 August to 2 September 2018 and we are now looking for candidates to take part. The programme is open to any young self-identified women aged between 18 and 30 (at the time of the AGORA) who is keen to connect with other young feminists. (...) Read more

  • More than 3800 organisations in 49 countries in support of the Istanbul Convention

    More than 3800 organisations in 49 countries in support of the Istanbul Convention

    [Brussels, 4 May 2018] The European Coalition to End Violence against Women have sent a strong letter of support to the Council of Europe in support of the Convention on Preventing and Combatting Violence against Women and Domestic Violence, the Istanbul Convention.
    Convened by the European Women’s Lobby, the European Coalition to End violence against women and girls, is a strategic alliance of more than 27 human rights civil society networks and European NGO’s dedicated to social justice (...) Read more

  • Gender & Development civil society organisations: #EUbudget where is the money for gender equality?

    Gender & Development civil society organisations: #EUbudget where is the money for gender equality?

    [Brussels, 4 May 2018] This week the European Commission released its Communication on the Multiannual Financial Framework (2021-2027) which makes no reference to gender equality. Gender and development civil society organisations come together to call on the European Parliament and on Member States to safeguard the promotion and protection of gender equality and women’s and girls’ rights in the further development of the post-2020 EU budget. Joint statement: "On Wednesday, the European (...) Read more



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