EWL News

News typewritter Latest news from the European Women’s Lobby in Brussels

  • Time to act now to end prostitution and sexual exploitation! Women’s organisations celebrate the first anniversary of the Honeyball resolution

    Time to act now to end prostitution and sexual exploitation! Women's organisations celebrate the first anniversary of the Honeyball resolution

    [Brussels, 26 February 2015] One year ago, Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) adopted a historic resolution on ‘Prostitution and sexual exploitation and its impact on gender equality’, also called the ‘Honeyball resolution’ . Supported by a large cross-party majority, the resolution sent a strong signal that urgent action is required at European level to end this pervasive violation of women’s and girls’ human rights.
    Several MEPs in this new term are calling on the European Commission (...) Read more

  • EWL meets with the French Secretary of State for women’s rights

    EWL meets with the French Secretary of State for women's rights

    [Brussels, 27 February 2015] Sexual rights, violence, prostitution, women on boards, maternity leave…: many crucial issues were addressed during the meeting that took place on Thursday 26 February in EWL office. Ms Pascale Boistard, French Secretary of State for women’s rights, met with EWL President Viviane Teitelbaum, EWL Secretary General Joanna Maycock, and EWL Policy Officer Pierrette Pape.
    Ms Boistard presented the priorities of the French government in terms of women’s rights: reduce (...) Read more

  • Women on Boards - 2nd Progress Report - Country in Focus UK

    Women on Boards - 2nd Progress Report - Country in Focus UK

    What is this report about?
    As part of the European Women’s Lobby’s Beijing+20 focus month on ‘Women in Decision-Making’, February sees the launch of the EWL’s latest report on women on boards, entitled ‘Women on Boards in Europe: Second Progress Report. Cracks in the glass ceiling or just a trick of the light?’ This Second Progress Report is part of the EWL’s ongoing work to ensure that parity at all levels of decision-making becomes reality. It tracks developments, progress, and stagnation (...) Read more

  • Women on Boards - 2nd Progress Report - Country in Focus SPAIN

    Women on Boards - 2nd Progress Report - Country in Focus SPAIN

    What is this report about?
    As part of the European Women’s Lobby’s Beijing+20 focus month on ‘Women in Decision-Making’, February sees the launch of the EWL’s latest report on women on boards, entitled ‘Women on Boards in Europe: Second Progress Report. Cracks in the glass ceiling or just a trick of the light?’ This Second Progress Report is part of the EWL’s ongoing work to ensure that parity at all levels of decision-making becomes reality. It tracks developments, progress, and stagnation (...) Read more

  • LAUNCH EVENT! Women on Boards in Europe: Second Progress Report. Cracks in the glass ceiling or just a trick of the light?

    LAUNCH EVENT! Women on Boards in Europe: Second Progress Report. Cracks in the glass ceiling or just a trick of the light?

    The European Women’s Lobby has the pleasure of inviting you to the launch event of ‘Women on Boards in Europe: Second Progress Report. Cracks in the glass ceiling or just a trick of the light?’, which will take place at 18:30 (arrival from 18:00) on Tuesday 24th February 2015 at Rond Point Schuman 14, 1000 Brussels. This event is supported by the Italian Permanent Representation to the EU and will be opened by Ambassador Marco Peronaci. As part of our Beijing+20 focus month on ‘Women in (...) Read more

  • Women on Boards - 2nd Progress Report - Country in Focus NORWAY

    Women on Boards - 2nd Progress Report - Country in Focus NORWAY

    What is this report about?
    As part of the European Women’s Lobby’s Beijing+20 focus month on ‘Women in Decision-Making’, February sees the launch of the EWL’s latest report on women on boards, entitled ‘Women on Boards in Europe: Second Progress Report. Cracks in the glass ceiling or just a trick of the light?’ This Second Progress Report is part of the EWL’s ongoing work to ensure that parity at all levels of decision-making becomes reality. It tracks developments, progress, and stagnation (...) Read more

  • Women on Boards - 2nd Progress Report - Country in Focus THE NETHERLANDS

    Women on Boards - 2nd Progress Report - Country in Focus THE NETHERLANDS

    What is this report about?
    As part of the European Women’s Lobby’s Beijing+20 focus month on ‘Women in Decision-Making’, February sees the launch of the EWL’s latest report on women on boards, entitled ‘Women on Boards in Europe: Second Progress Report. Cracks in the glass ceiling or just a trick of the light?’
    This Second Progress Report is part of the EWL’s ongoing work to ensure that parity at all levels of decision-making becomes reality. It tracks developments, progress, and stagnation (...) Read more

  • Women on Boards - 2nd Progress Report - Country in Focus LATVIA

    Women on Boards - 2nd Progress Report - Country in Focus LATVIA

    What is this report about?
    As part of the European Women’s Lobby’s Beijing+20 focus month on ‘Women in Decision-Making’, February sees the launch of the EWL’s latest report on women on boards, entitled ‘Women on Boards in Europe: Second Progress Report. Cracks in the glass ceiling or just a trick of the light?’ This Second Progress Report is part of the EWL’s ongoing work to ensure that parity at all levels of decision-making becomes reality. It tracks developments, progress, and stagnation (...) Read more

  • Women on Boards - 2nd Progress Report - Country in Focus ITALY

    Women on Boards - 2nd Progress Report - Country in Focus ITALY

    What is this report about?
    As part of the European Women’s Lobby’s Beijing+20 focus month on ‘Women in Decision-Making’, February sees the launch of the EWL’s latest report on women on boards, entitled ‘Women on Boards in Europe: Second Progress Report. Cracks in the glass ceiling or just a trick of the light?’ This Second Progress Report is part of the EWL’s ongoing work to ensure that parity at all levels of decision-making becomes reality. It tracks developments, progress, and stagnation (...) Read more

  • Women on Boards - 2nd Progress Report - Country in Focus GERMANY

    Women on Boards - 2nd Progress Report - Country in Focus GERMANY

    What is this report about?
    As part of the European Women’s Lobby’s Beijing+20 focus month on ‘Women in Decision-Making’, February sees the launch of the EWL’s latest report on women on boards, entitled ‘Women on Boards in Europe: Second Progress Report. Cracks in the glass ceiling or just a trick of the light?’ This Second Progress Report is part of the EWL’s ongoing work to ensure that parity at all levels of decision-making becomes reality. It tracks developments, progress, and stagnation (...) Read more



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