EWL News

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  • EWL//Catapult project - "Young women leaders are voices for girls & women"

    EWL//Catapult project - "Young women leaders are voices for girls & women"

    [Brussels, 14 November 2014] Three months after being fully funded, the EWL project "Young women leaders are voices for voices for girls and women" had a great start with the organisation of our first breakfast training for Members of the European Parliament. The 90-day report illustrating our progress is now online on the crowd-funding platform Catapult!
    On 21st October 2014, the European Women’s Lobby held its first breakfast training to Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) on (...) Read more

  • For a dignified life free of poverty - Brussels 20.11.14

    For a dignified life free of poverty - Brussels 20.11.14

    At the 4th Annual Convention of the European Platform against Poverty and Social Exclusion, a side event will be held discussing a life-cycle approach to achieve a life free from poverty, ensuring adequate income. Five NGO’s; SOLIDAR, European Network of Migrant Women (ENoMW), AGE Platform Europe, European Anti-Poverty Network (EAPN) and European Women’s Lobby (EWL) will be identifying aspects and drivers of poverty related to how to ensure men and women in different stages of the life cycle (...) Read more

  • Joint press statement: EU equal treatment law: we’ve been waiting too long!

    Joint press statement: EU equal treatment law: we've been waiting too long!

    [Brussels, 06 November 2014] ENAR, the European Network Againt Racism, together with AGE Platform Europe, European Disability Forum (EDF), European Women’s Lobby (EWL), the European Youth Forum, ILGA-Europe - the European Region of the International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association and the Social Platform, publishes a press statement calling on EU Member States to show a real commitment to equality by finally adopting an EU law on equal treatment.
    As high-level EU (...) Read more

  • Active participation of the EWL and its members to the Geneva NGO Forum Beijing+20

    Active participation of the EWL and its members to the Geneva NGO Forum Beijing+20

    [Brussels, 11 November 2014] Last week, from 3 to 5 November, the European Women’s Lobby (EWL) actively participated to the Geneva NGO Forum Beijing+20. The Forum was organised by the NGO CSW Committee Geneva, in order to bring together the women’s organisations from the UNECE region (56 countries from Europe and North America), discuss the implementation of the Beijing Platform for Action in the region, and deliver strong recommendations for the intergovernmental meeting taking place the (...) Read more

  • EWL participates to International Congress ’Stop SexKauf’ in Munich, 5-7 December 2014

    EWL participates to International Congress 'Stop SexKauf' in Munich, 5-7 December 2014

    [Brussels, 11 November 2014] From 5 to 7 December, the city of Munich will gather dozens of activists, decision-makers, survivors and artists, calling for a society free from prostitution. The international Congress for the Abolition of prostitution "Stop Sexkauf" is organised by the women’s organisations KOFRA, NetzwerkB, SPACE International and Abolition2014, and supported by more than 25 organisations from all over Europe and beyond.
    The Congress will gather speakers from different (...) Read more

  • Croatia : EWL in support of Women’s Network of Croatia - New quota proposals, but where is the zipper-system?

    Croatia : EWL in support of Women's Network of Croatia - New quota proposals, but where is the zipper-system?

    [Zagreb, 5 November 2014] Press Release by EWL Croatian Members. The Deputy Club of the Social Democratic Party placed into parliamentary procedure the Proposal of Changes to the Election of Members of Croatian Parliament Act. The proposal will be discussed in the Croatian Parliament next week, during the 15th session of the Parliament. The Women’s Network of Croatia welcomes introducing positive measures for gender equality that prescribe that at least 40% of candidates should be of one (...) Read more

  • France : contre les violences machistes dans le métro !

    France : contre les violences machistes dans le métro !

    [Communiqué de presse de Osez le féminisme !, Paris, 31 octobre 2014] Osez le féminisme ! lance aujourd’hui sa nouvelle campagne : Take back the métro !, L’objectif ? Dénoncer les violences machistes dont sont victimes les femmes dans les transports en commun et interpeller les transporteurs afin qu’ils réagissent.
    Selon une enquête réalisée par Osez le Féminisme dans le métro parisien, 94% des 150 femmes interrogées indiquent avoir déjà subi des comportements sexistes intimidants, du sifflement à (...) Read more

  • L’éternel combat : les droits sexuels et reproductifs des femmes en débat à l’Université des femmes

    L'éternel combat : les droits sexuels et reproductifs des femmes en débat à l'Université des femmes

    [Bruxelles, le 11 novembre 2014] Alors que la Belgique va s’apprêter à fêter les 25 ans de sa loi dépénalisant l’avortement, les associations de femmes continuer de se mobiliser pour cet "éternel combat" que sont les droits reproductifs et sexuels des femmes. Dans un contexte d’attaques répétées sur les droits des femmes, la journée d’étude organisée par l’Université des femmes a permis de réunir des chercheures et militantes de toute l’Europe, pour mieux comprendre la situation et développer des idées de (...) Read more

  • Women and girls can’t wait 20 more years to enjoy their full human rights!

    Women and girls can't wait 20 more years to enjoy their full human rights!

    [Joint statement to CSW59, 24 October 2014] Adopted two years after the Vienna World Conference on Human Rights, the Beijing Platform for Action (BPfA) brought to light the structural inequalities and human rights violations faced by all women and girls on the planet, and set the foundations for concrete action to realise de jure and de facto equality between women and men.
    20 years later, much has been achieved, but much remains to be done. The European Women’s Lobby (EWL) report “From (...) Read more

  • #EWLontheroad: overview of two days of activism in Strasbourg for a feminist Europe!

    #EWLontheroad: overview of two days of activism in Strasbourg for a feminist Europe!

    [Brussels, 30 October 2014] The European Women’s Lobby is back from two refreshing days of activism at the European Parliament in Strasbourg. In 48 hours, the EWL staff met with Members of the European Parliament (MEPs), EIGE representatives and Strasbourg-based feminist organisations, trained women MEPs to become spokespersons for women’s rights and demonstrated to keep the maternity leave directive high on the political agenda!
    On 20 and 21 October, 9 staff members of the European Women’s (...) Read more



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