EWL News

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  • European Commission Vice-President Reding meets the EWL and signs the Joint Declaration of the 50/50 Campaign

    European Commission Vice-President Reding meets the EWL and signs the Joint Declaration of the 50/50 Campaign

    [Brussels, 16 January 2014] A delegation of the European Women’s Lobby (EWL), led by EWL President Viviane Teitelbaum, met with European Commission Vice-President Viviane Reding on Thursday 16 January 2014. On this occasion, Ms Reding signed the Joint Declaration “No Modern Democracy without Gender Equality”.
    During the meeting, Viviane Teitelbaum presented to Ms Reding the issues of interest and concerns for women’s organisations in Europe today. She started by thanking the EC Vice-President (...) Read more

  • European Week of action to support women in Spain and the abortion right in Europe

    European Week of action to support women in Spain and the abortion right in Europe

    [Brussels, 17 January 2014] The European Women’s Lobby is launching a European Week of Action on the week of the 27 of January to support the women in Spain and the abortion right in Europe. In Brussels, together with other European and Belgian NGOs, the EWL is co-organising a demonstration that will take place on the 29 January 2014, at 17h, in front of the Spanish Embassy. Many other actions will take place in Europe.
    On 20 December 2013, the Spanish Council of Ministers approved a draft (...) Read more

  • Stop Traffick!: Several EWL Members organise a Conference on the Demand for Trafficking, Dublin, 27 March 2014

     Stop Traffick!: Several EWL Members organise a Conference on the Demand for Trafficking, Dublin, 27 March 2014

    [Brussels, 13 January 2014] The European Women’s Lobby (EWL) will participate in the conference of the initiative Stop Traffick! on 27 March 2014 in Dublin, on "Tackling Demand for Sexual Services of Victims of Trafficking". The event is organised by several members of the EWL: Immigrant Council of Ireland (ICI), Bulgarian Gender Research Foundation (BGRF), Klaipeda Social and Psychological Services Centre (KSPC, Lithuania), Mediterranean Institute of Gender Studies(MIGS, Cyprus), MONICA – (...) Read more

  • Farewell Secretary General Cécile Gréboval

    Farewell Secretary General Cécile Gréboval

    [Brussels, January 10 2014] Yesterday, the European Women’s Lobby said goodbye to Cécile Gréboval, Secretary General and 17 years active at the Lobby. More than 50 (past and present) colleagues and partners from Brussels joined for a nice gathering in the EWL office. EWL President Viviane Teitelbaum praised Cécile’s work spirit, enthusiasm and persistent efforts for more gender equality in Europe.
    Cécile Gréboval started working at the EWL in 1996 and was Secretary General of the EWL since 2011. (...) Read more

  • France: Free Access to Abortion must be a fundamental right for European Women

    France: Free Access to Abortion must be a fundamental right for European Women

    [Press release of the French Coordination for the European Women’s Lobby and the League for International Law for Women, 8 January 2013] Under pressure from the most reactionary forces opposing the right of women to dispose of their own bodies, two major setbacks have taken place in Europe: The Spanish government’s approval of a law proposing to suppress freedom of abortion in a country heretofore considered exemplary in its struggle for equality and against violence done to women; The (...) Read more

  • Happy Holidays from the European Women’s Lobby

    Happy Holidays from the European Women's Lobby

    Dear friends,
    2013 is coming to an end and the European Women’s Lobby looks back to a year full of challenges and successes!
    As we move towards the EU elections in 2014, the EWL 50/50 Campaign for Democracy has been successful in putting gender equality at the top of the EU political agenda and in gaining more and more supporters in favour of parity democracy, including more than 100 MEP’s, Noble Peace Prize winners, Heads of States and of EU institutions. The 50/50 Campaign is accompanied (...) Read more

  • Successful mobilisation of EWL members across Europe: Act against rape! Promote the Istanbul Convention!

    Successful mobilisation of EWL members across Europe: Act against rape! Promote the Istanbul Convention!

    [Brussels, 20 December 2013] After several months of fruitful work and good cooperation, the joint project between the European Women’s Lobby and Council of Europe to has come to an end. During this time common our aim has been to raise awareness on the phenomenon of rape as a devastating form of violence against women and also to promote the Istanbul Convention.
    The European Women’s Lobby has coordinated this project in close cooperation with the EWL member organisations and the experts of (...) Read more

  • Distorted vote on the Estrela report: the European Parliament shows continuous support for sexual rights

    Distorted vote on the Estrela report: the European Parliament shows continuous support for sexual rights

    [Joint statement of 10 NGOs, Brussels, 19 December 2013] Following last week’s news that the European Parliament voted against an anti-choice position but also resolved not to endorse the progressive Estrela report on sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR), it has emerged that the voting results were seriously affected by several technical errors.
    Originally it was declared that the joint European People’s Party (EPP)/European Conservative and Reformists (ECR) alternative (...) Read more

  • This Is My Home Now Strasbourg Screening European Parliament

    This Is My Home Now Strasbourg Screening European Parliament

    [Brussels, 20 December 2013] As part of the International Human Rights Day activities in Strasbourg’s European Parliament, the European Women’s Lobby (EWL) and the European Network of Migrant Women (ENoMW) organised an evening screening of their joint 2012 documentary This Is My Home Now. We were grateful that this event was supported by MEP Claude Moraes, who gave a speech. As the Mentees of the EWL European Political Mentoring Programme (EPMN) were already in Strasbourg to experience (...) Read more

  • Malta - Prostitution is Never ’Safe’

    Malta - Prostitution is Never 'Safe'

    [Press Release, 20 December 2013] The Malta Confederation of Women’s Organisations (MCWO) strongly objects to the proposal made by the by the GU Clinic Consultant to legalise prostitution in order to make it ‘safe’. Whilst we can understand that the motive, as explained in the article published in the Sunday Times 15.12.2013, is to encourage women to come forward for treatment and monitoring of their health, prostitution can never be ‘safe’ since as is well known, involvement in the sex (...) Read more



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