EWL News

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  • Croatian President Ivo Josipović becomes Friend of the European Women’s Lobby

    Croatian President Ivo Josipović becomes Friend of the European Women's Lobby

    [Brussels, 21 November, 2013] The EWL is very honoured to announce the support of Ivo Josipović, President of the Republic of Croatia, for the EWL’s 50/50 campaign, work and ideals. Together, with the support of all our Friends, the EWL is commited to continue to promote women’s rights in relation to violence, equal pay, parity and many more areas! Find the letter of support of Mr. Ivo Josipović here.
    Dear ladies of the European Women’s Lobby,
    Since 1 July 2013, Croatia has been part of the (...) Read more

  • EWL promoting its 50/50 Campaign and Political Mentoring Network in Oslo

    EWL promoting its 50/50 Campaign and Political Mentoring Network in Oslo

    [Brussels, 21 November 2013] On 14 and 15 November 2013, EWL staff members Gina Horst and Karima Zahi participated in the conference “Women, Power and Politics” in Oslo. The international conference, organised by FOKUS (Forum for Women and Development), the National Centenary Committee and PRIO (The Peace Research Institute Oslo) aimed at celebrating one Century of Women’s Right to vote in Norway, by discussing what has been achieved during the past 100 years and by looking at what still needs (...) Read more

  • European Women’s Lobby publishes feminist overview of women’s rights and gender equality in 30 European countries

    European Women's Lobby publishes feminist overview of women's rights and gender equality in 30 European countries

    [Brussels, 15 November 2013] The European Women’s Lobby is pleased to introduce its latest publication Women’s Watch 2012-2013, a feminist overview of women’s rights and gender equality in 30 European countries.
    This publication, available in English and French, is the first of its kind – a genuinely feminist appraisal of the situation on the ground in 30 European countries with regards to women’s rights and gender equality, judged by the yardstick of the European Women’s Lobby’s ideals. The (...) Read more

  • EWL Joint Action with the Council of Europe: "Act Against Rape! Use the Istanbul Convention!"

    EWL Joint Action with the Council of Europe: "Act Against Rape! Use the Istanbul Convention!"

    [Brussels, 13 November 2013] The European Women’s Lobby (EWL) is happy to share with you the Action Kit for the project “Act against rape! Use the Istanbul Convention!”, a joint project with the Council of Europe (CoE). The aim of the project is to promote the Istanbul Convention by raising awareness on the positive changes it can bring with a special focus on sexual violence, including rape.
    This Action Kit aims at helping the EWL members organisations to coordinate the events at country (...) Read more

  • EWL issues a joint Statement with partners for the 58th Session of the UN Commission on the Status of Women (10-21 March 2014)

    EWL issues a joint Statement with partners for the 58th Session of the UN Commission on the Status of Women (10-21 March 2014)

    [Brussels, 14 November 2013] The European Women’s Lobby (EWL), together with partner NGOs, has issued a statement for the 58th session of the UN Commission on the Status of Women (CSW), which will take place in New York on 10-21 March 2014. The priority theme is “Challenges and achievements in the implementation of the Millennium Development Goals for women and girls”.
    As this session will take place at a crucial time of the global discussion on the new development agenda which will take over (...) Read more

  • EWL European Political Mentoring Network: first webdocumentary online

    EWL European Political Mentoring Network: first webdocumentary online

    [Brussels, 7 November 2013] The EWL European Political Mentoring Network aims to empower women from ethnic minorities ahead of the May 2014 European elections and, ideally, to increase their representation in the European Parliament (EP). The Network addresses the lack of gender parity and ethnic diversity in political decision-making at European level. It was officially launched on 09 April 2013 at the EP in Brussels. The mentoring network is the first of its kind at European level and it (...) Read more

  • EWL delivers training to NGOs at the second edition of the Freja Academy

    EWL delivers training to NGOs at the second edition of the Freja Academy

    [Brussels, 14 November 2013] The European Women’s Lobby (EWL) has been invited for the second time to deliver a training during the Freja Academy. The Freja Academy, launched in 2012, is a unique project with the objective to promote the NGOs in Western Balkan, Turkey and EU to strengthen their role and work to be an important and efficient actor in the civil society, based on values of democracy and equal opportunities. One of the tasks of the Freja Academy, besides the networking, is to (...) Read more

  • Malta: EWL members call for Gentlemen’s Clubs ban

    Malta: EWL members call for Gentlemen's Clubs ban

    [Press release of the Malta Confederation of Women’s Organisations (MCWO), 25 October 2013] The Malta Confederation of Women’s Organisations (MCWO) is against ’gentlemen’s clubs’ and said that these should be banned and not regulated.
    Referring to the recent debate on the regulation of Gentlemen’s Clubs in Malta, the Confederation said that these types of businesses, which glamorise the exploitation and objectification of women for money, should be banned not regulated.
    MCWO Chairperson (...) Read more

  • Cyprus: Links between prostitution and trafficking acknowledged by official report

    Cyprus: Links between prostitution and trafficking acknowledged by official report

    [Nicosia, 7 November 2013] The European Women’s Lobby is pleased to see progress in the discussion on prostitution and trafficking for sexual exploitation in Cyprus. The Ombudsman has indeed delivered a report on trafficking, where she acknowledges that “Trafficking in persons can not be effectively addressed while the system of prostitution allows men to buy women”.
    Last year, the Cyprus Women’s Lobby had been instrumental in launching the debate on prostitution and trafficking in women and (...) Read more

  • Greece: EWL Greek Coordination speaks out against the devastating effects of austerity on women

    Greece: EWL Greek Coordination speaks out against the devastating effects of austerity on women

    [Brussels, 6 November 2013] The EWL’s Greek Coordination met with the Women’s Rights and Gender Equality Committee (FEMM Committee) chaired by M. Gustafsson on the effects of crisis on women and gender equality in Greece. The head of the Coordination Mika Ioannidou stressed the need for urgent action as the austerity measures created what she called an ’explosive situation’ across the country. The unemployment rate among young women has risen to 65% and the gendered pay gap is up to 22%. (...) Read more



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