EWL News

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  • Résumé des deux jours d’action européenne du LEF pour l’abolition de la prostitution

    Résumé des deux jours d'action européenne du LEF pour l'abolition de la prostitution

    [Bruxelles, le 30 octobre 2013] Ceci est un résumé en français des actions qui ont eu lieu les 30 septembre et 1ert octobre à Bruxelles, et qui ont déjà été présentées en anglais sur ce site.
    Les 30 septembre et 1er octobre derniers, le Lobby européen des femmes a proposé deux jours d’action pour l’abolition de la prostitution en Europe et a invité plus de 70 associations abolitionnistes à participer à plusieurs actions à Bruxelles. Ces deux jours ont permis de relancer le débat sur la prostitution au (...) Read more

  • The EWL sends Open Letter to EC President Barroso on gender equality perspective in the Annual Growth Survey

    The EWL sends Open Letter to EC President Barroso on gender equality perspective in the Annual Growth Survey

    [Brussels, 25 October 2013] The EWL has sent a letter to European Commission President Barroso urging the Commission to include a gender equality perspective in the Annual Growth Survey. The Annual Growth Survey is a vital step in the European Semester Process that determines countries’ obligations and should feed into national economic and budgetary decisions. Member states take this on board while producing a Stability and Convergence Programmes and National Reform Programmes which later (...) Read more

  • Colloque CLEF le 18 novembre, premier événement du projet:« Agissez contre le viol! Utilisez la Convention d’Istanbul! »

    Colloque CLEF le 18 novembre, premier événement du projet:« Agissez contre le viol! Utilisez la Convention d'Istanbul! »

    [Paris, le 29 octobre 2013]
    La Coordination française pour le Lobby Européen des Femmes (CLEF) organise un colloque « Agissez contre le viol ! Utilisez la Convention d’Istanbul ! » le lundi 18 novembre à Paris.
    Ce colloque fait parti du projet conjoint entre le Conseil de l’Europe et le Lobby européen des femmes pour la promotion de la Convention d’Istanbul comme outil de changement pour l’éradication de la violence faites aux femmes et le viol.
    Le programme du colloque peut être trouvé en (...) Read more

  • Belgique : Portons un coquelicot blanc entre le 31 octobre et le 11 novembre !

    Belgique : Portons un coquelicot blanc entre le 31 octobre et le 11 novembre !

    [Bruxelles, le 30 octobre 2013] A l’occasion du douzième anniversaire de la Résolution 1325 qui traite du thème "Femmes, guerre et paix", le Conseil des Femmes Francophones de Belgique (CFFB), membre du LEF, vous invite à porter un coquelicot blanc, par solidarité avec les femmes qui vivent en zone de guerre et pour célébrer la force des femmes!
    Il y a 12 ans, le Conseil de sécurité des Nations Unies a adopté la Résolution 1325. Celle-ci réclamait davantage d’attention quant à l’impact des guerres sur (...) Read more

  • EWL publishes open letter to President of the European Council: Adopt the revised Maternity Leave Directive, now 3 years overdue!

    EWL publishes open letter to President of the European Council: Adopt the revised Maternity Leave Directive, now 3 years overdue!

    (Brussels, 25 October)
    The 3 year overdue Maternity Leave Directive is to be adopted through the co-decision procedure which requires two parties to negotiate and agree: namely the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union. European Parliament adopted its position on the directive 3 years ago and the Council is stalling the procedure. The EWL is deeply concerned that three years have now passed and no progress has been made on the matter, and calls for additional action by (...) Read more

  • EWL dismayed with European Parliament’s referral of sexual and reproductive rights report back to committee

    EWL dismayed with European Parliament's referral of sexual and reproductive rights report back to committee

    (Brussels, 22 October 2013) This week, the European Parliament has decided not to vote on a non-binding report on reproductive and sexual health rights, but to refer it back to committee.
    The vote scheduled the 22nd on the non-binding resolution on sexual and reproductive health and rights, drawn up by Edite Estrela (S&D, PT), did not take place as MEPs voted by a slim majority to refer it back to the Women’s Rights and Gender Equality committee for further deliberation.
    The EWL is (...) Read more

  • "Ad Watch" - Act on sexist advertising! Swedish Women’s Lobby launches an interactive campaign against sexist ads.

     "Ad Watch" - Act on sexist advertising! Swedish Women's Lobby launches an interactive campaign against sexist ads.

    (Stockholm, 21 October 2013) During the summer, the Swedish Women’s Lobby carried out a survey of how young people experience sexist and stereotypical advertising, and how it affects their well-being. 1000 young women and men between the ages of 13-30 participated. The results show that nine out of ten Swedish girls have at some point felt bad about their weight or looks because of advertising! 87 per cent claim that ads have made them want to change something about themselves and 98 per (...) Read more

  • Campaign to highlight the phenomenon of Feminicides in Europe and Latin America

    Campaign to highlight the phenomenon of Feminicides in Europe and Latin America

    (Brussels, 23 October 2013) The European Civil Society Networks CIFCA and Grupo Sur and the Heirinch Böll Foundation have launched a campaign, supported by the EWL, that aims to give visibility to the phenomenon of Feminicide in Europe and Latin America and to end impunity for this brutal and extreme form of violence against women.
    According to a recent report by the UN Special Rapporteur on violence against women, the prevalence of different manifestations of gender-related killings is (...) Read more

  • European Women’s Lobby awared European Citizens Prize

    (Brussels 16 October) This year, the European Women’s Lobby was delighted to be awarded the European Citizens Prize for our work to achieve gender equality in Europe. The presentation happened in the European Parliament on Wednesday of this week, and EWL President Viviane Teitelbaum and EWL Secretary General Cecile Greboval were in attendance. Read more

  • The European Parliament’s Committees want women on European boards

    The European Parliament's Committees want women on European boards

    (Brussels, 18 October 2013) At the beginning of this week, two Committees voted (40 for, 9 against and 2 abstentions) to back a proposal by the European Commission (EC) to address the gender imbalance on company boards in Europe. The proposed directive now needs to be put before a plenary session of the European Parliament (EP), and will than go to the European Council to be accepted or rejected. Furthermore as another EC report showed this week, the representation of women on boards, (...) Read more



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