EWL News

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  • Sweden hosts event on Stopping prostitution and trafficking

    Sweden hosts event on Stopping prostitution and trafficking

    (Brussels, 30 September 2013) The Permanent representation of Sweden to the EU hosted an important event on 30 September, reiterating Sweden’s commitment to end prostitution and trafficking. The event gathered Swedish officials, MEPs and NGOs, demonstrating that the issue of prostitution is a shared concern in society.
    Ms Ulrika Stuart Hamilton, State Secretary for Gender Equality of the Swedish Government, presented the experience of the Swedish legislation that criminalizes the purchase (...) Read more

  • MEPs call for a Europe free from prostitution and support the Brussels’ Call signed by 200 NGOs

    MEPs call for a Europe free from prostitution and support the Brussels' Call signed by 200 NGOs

    (Brussels, 1 October 2013) Today, Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) gathered for a joint press event in the European Parliament, to express their view that prostitution is an obstacle to equality between women and men and a violation of human rights. Coming from different countries and all major political groups in the European Parliament, 53 MEPs have signed the Brussels’ Call ‘Together for a Europe free from prostitution’.
    Initiated by the European Women’s Lobby (EWL) and its (...) Read more

  • EWL seminar addresses the reality of prostitution

    EWL seminar addresses the reality of prostitution

    (Brussels, 1 October 2013) On Tuesday 1 October, the European Women’s Lobby (EWL) organized a seminar to feed into the discussion of the European Parliament (EP) on the issue of prostitution. As the EP Women’s Rights Committee is foreseen to vote on a report on “Prostitution, sexual exploitation and their impact on gender equality”, the EWL decided to propose a half-day working seminar gathering experts, professionals and survivors, to address specific of the reality of prostitution, in the (...) Read more

  • EWL Participates in 2013 European Health Forum

    EWL Participates in 2013 European Health Forum

    (Brussels 04 October) The European Women’s Lobby Secretary General Cécile Gréboval participated in the 2013 session of the European Health Forum in Gastein (EHFG), Austria. The EHFG is the leading health policy event in the EU and takes place annually. It provides a major platform for decision-makers in various fields of public health & health care.
    The EWL was invited to give input in a panel on health discrimination in the EU in the presence of EU Health Commissioner Tonio Borg and (...) Read more

  • Luxembourg: EWL members push for 50/50

    Luxembourg: EWL members push for 50/50

    (Brussels 02 October) The European Women’s Lobby’s Luxembourgish coordinators have launched two appeals to raise the issue of parity of representation to the electorate ahead of the upcoming national elections.
    The National Women’s Council of Luxembourg draws attention to the fact that there are currently only 13 female deputies, "and parity in the organs of power opens constructive debates".
    The vote fifty-fifty flyer shows exactly how many women versus how many men currently sit in the (...) Read more

  • Pour plus de parité femme/homme au niveau européen

    Pour plus de parité femme/homme au niveau européen

    (Mecredi 19 septembre) Le Lobby Européen des Femmes a reçu, ce mercredi 19 septembre, le Prix du Citoyen européen 2013 pour sa contribution significative à la création d’une citoyenneté européenne égalitaire pour les femmes et les hommes. C’est la députée européenne bulgare, Antonyia Parvanova, qui avait présenté la candidature du LEF, qui a remis à Viviane Teitelbaum la médaille représentant le Prix.
    Le Lobby Européen des Femmes avait organisé le même jour le lancement de sa campagne 50/50, qui a pour (...) Read more

  • Parity Democracy Launch: “Beyond the Brussels Bubble”

    Parity Democracy Launch: “Beyond the Brussels Bubble”

    [Brussels, 27 September] The European Women’s Lobby (EWL) and Parity Democracy campaign national partners were joined by MEP’s, the European Commission and an esteemed audience to launch the next phase of the 50/50 campaign and the Parity Democracy campaign, for greater women’s political representation and participation.
    The next phase, alongside ParityDemocracy.eu partners from Cyprus, Romania, Lithuania and the Czech Republic reaches “Beyond the Brussels Bubble” - to member states, (...) Read more

  • EWL joins call for gender perspective to be taken into account by UN

    EWL joins call for gender perspective to be taken into account by UN

    (Brussels 26 September) The Parliament magazine has recently published the EWLs joint call with MEPs and other NGOS for the UN to recognise gender, economy and ecology perspectives in the UN’s new sustainable development goals (SDGs).
    It is essential that the analysis and recommendations from the perspective of civil-society environmental and women’s rights organisations are taken into account when governments and UN agencies are preparing their priorities for a framework of goals and (...) Read more

  • Will abolishing the second house in the Irish Parliament increase or decrease womens voices in Irish politics?

    Will abolishing the second house in the Irish Parliament increase or decrease womens voices in Irish politics?

    (Dublin, 25 September) More spaces for women’s voices or a chance to abolish an inequality right now? At today’s debate, “Keep or Abolish the Seanad – What impact on Women?” organised by National Women’s Council of Ireland, key speakers proposed arguments for and against the abolition of the Seanad from a women’s perspective.
    Regina Doherty, TD, said, “As a female TD I wanted to be a representative of my people. The Seanad does not offer this platform. It does not have any real impact on people’s (...) Read more



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