EWL News

News typewritter Latest news from the European Women’s Lobby in Brussels

  • EWL Members Ruhama Supports Northern Ireland’s Bill on Trafficking and Exploitation

    EWL Members Ruhama Supports Northern Ireland's Bill on Trafficking and Exploitation

    (Dublin 23 September) Ruhama Supports Northern Ireland’s Bill on Trafficking and Exploitation
    Ruhama strongly welcomes the Human Trafficking and Exploitation (Further Provisions and Support for Victims) Bill which goes to second hearing at the Northern Ireland Assembly today.
    The Bill, which was introduced by Lord Maurice Morrow, sets out a range of robust measures to strengthen existing legislation and improve Northern Ireland’s efforts in combating human trafficking. In particular, Ruhama (...) Read more

  • EWL awarded European Citizens Prize

    EWL awarded European Citizens Prize

    (Brussels 19 September) The Belgian European Parliament Liaison office was the venue for the awarding of the European Citizens Prize to the European Women’s Lobby for our work in promoting a gender equal Europe.
    Launched by the Parliament in 2008 to recognise exceptional achievements by Europeans, this year the EWL is one of year 43 organisations selected for the prize in honour of their good work contributing to and promoting better mutual understanding and closer integration between (...) Read more

  • EWL interviewed by Belgian TV - the case of pimp Dodo La Saumure

    EWL interviewed by Belgian TV - the case of pimp Dodo La Saumure

    (Brussels 20 September 2013) The case of the pimp called ’Dodo la Saumure’ has gripped Belgium, with the man at the centre of the case somewhat curiously requesting that his human rights be respected. He was convicted of aggravated pimping five years ago, and the verdit for the appeal was delivered today. On Thursday 19 September, he was interviewed by the Belgian national broadcaster and continued to defend his case, providing the pretext that the absence of strong Belgian policy against (...) Read more

  • Stopping prostitution and trafficking: An event at the Permanent Representation of Sweden, with the EWL, 30 September 2013

    Stopping prostitution and trafficking: An event at the Permanent Representation of Sweden, with the EWL, 30 September 2013

    (Brussels, 19 September 2013) The Permanent Representation of Sweden will host an event on Monday 30 September 2013 on ’Stopping prostitution and trafficking’. Hosted by Permanent Representative Dag Hartelius, the event will be opened by Ms Ulrika Stuart Hamilton, State Secretary for Gender Equality of the Swedish Government, who will present experiences of the Swedish legislation that criminalizes the buyer of sexual services.
    Among the speakers we will have presentations from Mr Mikael (...) Read more

  • Join the Brussels’ Day of Action “Together for a Europe free from prostitution” – 1 October 2013

    Join the Brussels' Day of Action “Together for a Europe free from prostitution” – 1 October 2013

    (Brussels, 13 September 2013) The European Women’s Lobby is organising a Brussels’ Day of Action in the framework of its campaign “Together for a Europe free from prostitution”, thanks to the support of Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) Ms Mary Honeyball, Ms Nicole Kiil-Nielsen, Ms Emer Costello and Mr Mikael Gustafsson. Join us on Tuesday 1st October:
    From 9h to 12h: Working seminar on the reality of prostitution, European Parliament, ASP 1G2
    The aim of the working seminar is to (...) Read more

  • La Coordination francaise pour le LEF - Un geste de solidarité avec Amira

    La Coordination francaise pour le LEF - Un geste de solidarité avec Amira

    (Paris 19 septembre) Un geste de solidarité avec Amira le jour de l’ouverture de son procès.
    A l’initiative de la Ligue du Droit International des femmes, une délégation d’associations s’est rendue le 19 septembre à 11h à l’ambassade du Soudan à Paris et a remis un bouquet de fleurs et une lettre à l’intention de Ambassadeur Une démarche semblable a eu lieu à Bruxelles.
    Les associations ont ainsi tenu à témoigner de leur émotion et de leur solidarité avec la jeune Soudanaise qui risque la flagellation (...) Read more

  • Mirror, Mirror on the wall . . . . what’s your priority for us all?

    Mirror, Mirror on the wall . . . . what's your priority for us all?

    (Brussels, 19 September, 2013) The European Women’s Lobby, European Disability Forum, European Network against Racism, ILGA Europe and AGE Platform Europe call on the Council, European Parliament and the European Commission to increase the budget to 530 million euros for the Equality, Rights and Citizenship Programme 2014-2020
    In a joint letter from the European Women’s Lobby, the European Disability Forum, the European Network against Racism, ILGA Europe and AGE Platform Europe, deploring (...) Read more

  • Some questions for Mr. José Manuel Barroso from the EWL

    Some questions for Mr. José Manuel Barroso from the EWL

    (Brussels, 19 September, 2013) The EWL submitted some questions to be asked following the State of the Union Address by President of the European Commission, José Manuel Barroso. He delivered the fourth "State of the Union Address" on Wednesday, 11 September 2013 at the European Parliament. The speech was followed by a debate in plenary with the leaders of the political groups and other members of the European Parliament and questions could be submitted through social media.
    Though there (...) Read more

  • Swedish study on family policy: is the champion for gender equality diming?

    Swedish study on family policy: is the champion for gender equality diming?

    (Brussels, 19 September, 2013) A Swedish study presented at the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung in Brussels early this month discusses the past, present and future changes in Family Policy in Sweden. Long seen as a lighthouse for gender equality and care policies, the much praised earner- carer model is undergoing some changes and the longterm effects remain to be seen.
    The EWL’s Mary Collins, socio-economic policy officer, finds changes to this model alarming. The earner-carer model where both (...) Read more

  • "Act against rape! Use the Istanbul Convention!” – 25 November-10 December 2013

    "Act against rape! Use the Istanbul Convention!” – 25 November-10 December 2013

    [Brussels, 11.09.2013] A fruitful preparatory meeting was held in Brussels with representative of the Council of Europe (CoE) and the European Women´s Lobby (EWL) to prepare the joint project of actions to mobilise for the Istanbul Convention and based on the EWL Barometer on rape. Four Experts from the EWL Observatory on violence against women from France, Ireland, Portugal and Serbia attended the meeting, adding their expertise and knowledge.
    “Act against rape! Use the Istanbul (...) Read more



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